Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sushi Tei, Jakarta

My friend invited me to celebrate her birthday at Sushi Tei yesterday.

So glad with her choice of place because it's also my favorite place for having sushi.


This Sushi Tei restaurant that we went is located in Plaza Indonesia. It's very crowded as usual although this month is a fasting month for the Muslim.


We chose to sit beside the Kaiten Sushi (sushi train where a stream of plates winding through in the middle of the restaurant). We had total of 8 plates and pleased with the taste.

Shoyu (Japanese soy sauce), wasabi (green paste), gari (sweet pickled ginger) and ocha (green tea) as condiments.

A bowl of Tempura Soba for me.... so comforting with the crispy tempura.

My other friend ordered Tsukimi Udon with raw egg on the top.

No one ordered for dessert because.... there's no more space in everyone's stomach :)

Sushi Tei
Plaza Indonesia 1st Floor # 102 A&C
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 - 30
Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: (021) 39835108/09

Related post: Revisit Sushi Tei, Jakarta

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. wah so nice template and gorgeous Selby's Food Jourmal! :)

  2. BBO: Thanks :) But it's still the same template, hehehe...

  3. Mmm, the soba looks awesome. I love a big bowl of noodles!

  4. mica: Never can't get enough with a small or medium bowl of noodles, right? Same with me! hehehe...

  5. It all looks so yummy, hope you all had fun. Fasting for a whole month, gosh!

  6. DA: Yes, they are fasting the whole month, here in Indonesia is from 4 AM until 6 PM - no food or drink at all.

  7. looks very good! similar to what is available here too ya :)

  8. I have always preferred soba to udon, so GOOD CHOICE! ;)

  9. buzzingbee: I guess the menu is the same everywhere :)

  10. Japanese food is one my favourite. I will go to Sushi Tei tomorrow..haha....

  11. I luv Sushi Tei as compared to Sakae Sushi. We can never get bored eating Japanese food. They are so delicious yet healthy (minus the tempura). ;)

  12. Sushi Tei is also my favourite Sushi restaurant in Jakarta, I always go there everytime I visit Indo. Sushi Sei is also good, but I think Sushi Tei is better and cheaper...

  13. Everything looks really amazing...especially those bowls of noodles...yum!

  14. anncoo: That sounds great! :)

    angie's recipes: Udon noodle soup sounds wonderful :)

    FFT: My humble opinion, the shoyu (Japanese soy sauce) in Sakae Sushi is very salty compared to Sushi Tei. Oh... tempura... hahaha... yeah, fried stuff... not really healthy :)

    C-G: *hi5* I guess Sushi Tei is much better than other Sushi places :)

    faith: *nods* And... everything is yummy :)

  15. Ohhhh, I looooooove sushi so much! You only had 8 plates? I could eat double that amount myself. ;-)

  16. i am also a sushi lover, always cannot resists!!! the sushi u ordered look very good!!

  17. the food looks great and I love the look of your blog, Rebecca

  18. What a great time you must had. Love the pictures.

  19. love sushi with lots of pickled ginger.

  20. That's a ton of food, and it all looks so good!

  21. looks decent..haha although i can prob wallop 8 sushi plates on my own..

  22. Like the new header and the new link/search bar, as well as the larger photos! So much food here:). The salmon looks so interesting as it almost seems like every layer between the fat and meat is separate from each other.

  23. I always enjoy a good Japanese meal once a while though not a big fan. The baby octopuses will be my favourite.

  24. palidor: The stomach got full coz' of the soba soup! hehehe...

    doggybloggy: It is indeed :)

    simplegirl: Me too...Never can resist sushi! :D

    chow and charter: thank you for you compliments on my blog, Rebecca :)

    helene: thank you for you kind words, Helene :)

  25. foodbin: Love all the condiments in a sushi restaurant :)

    monica: yes.. yes... it's really good! :D

    joe: woohoo...I probably shouldn't ordered the tempura soba, if there'd be more space in my stomach for sushi, hehehe...

    ETE: thank you.. thank you... :) I wasn't really paying attention how interesting the salmon looks until you mentioned it, hehehe..

    worldwindows: Baby octopuses is also one of my favorite sushi dish :)

  26. Wow, I can see why it is your favorite place to eat. The photos are so vibrant, they make the food look like it can be eaten right off the screen! Sounds like a wonderful meal and a good time. Happy Birthday to your friend!

  27. nice header! and Sushi Tei! they have an outlet in Tropiana City Mall, PJ if I'm not mistaken. Would want to drop by! have you tried? :) food looks yummy.Craving for Jap now!

  28. glo: Thank you for your compliments on my photos :) I will pass your wishes to my friend :)

    CL: Thank you! :) I've never been to Tropiana City Mall, hehehe...

  29. The sushi looks so great. I'm especially intrigued by the Udon. I've seen noodle dishes with an egg on them before, but haven't had the opportunity to try them. It sounds good to me! A lovely place and looks to be a great celebration!

  30. Happy birthday to your friend. The sushi looks wonderful.

  31. lori: You know, Lori? I always add an egg when I make instant noodle and seriously, it tasted much better with egg :) Give it a try!

    MCK: Thanks, Sam. I will pass your wishes to my friend :)

  32. thanks Selba, for updating my link.
    nice layout you have as well.

  33. j2kfm: Your new blog is also very nice :)

  34. A delicious outing! The sushi and the soba noodles look terrific! I'm now in a mood for sushi!

  35. Very neat and nice layout...very pleasant for the eyes :)

  36. What a wonderful meal to have in the company of friends. I hope she had a great birthday.

  37. I love unagi so much! I was surprised by how absent it was from most restaurants in Japan. When I asked a chef, he said its a delicacy. It's much more common in Canada!
    This looks like a brilliant Japanese place, no wonder it's your favourite :)

  38. Sushi is my favorite. Just about any kind is fine with me! I would like to try the egg over my noodles sometime. ;0)

  39. sushi tei is definitely my favourite sushi chain. the ingredients are fresh and the dishes are very delicious. the cha soba and hokkaido specials are my fave!

    hey, very nice layout, Selba! :)

  40. In KL Sushi King is king with families packing them in at the Malls. Seems very popular with youngsters too.

    For many this the first exposure to delicate pretty raw Jap cuisine , a stunning experience for the Big Bowl Chinamen

  41. Wow! Jakarta also got Sushi Tei!

    Nice one Selba!

  42. Oh wow, it all looks so delicious! I can see why no one had room for dessert!

  43. Another delightful review Selba. I'm almost afraid to say, I've never tried sushi. As for those noodles, I could dive in right now!!!

  44. 5 star foodie: I'm always have mood for sushi :)

    ck lam: Glad that you like my new layout :)

    mary: I believe my friend had a wonderful birthday :)

    marta: Unagi is one of the best dishes in Japanese restaurant :) It's easier to find in Canada? Wow! I didn't know that...

  45. the ungourmet: I recommend the egg over your noodle, just mix it together with the hot noodle :)

    nic: I will try the hokkaido specials next time, thanks for the recommendation and also compliments :)

    BSG: I don't think there's King Sushi here in Jakarta :)

    wilson & rachel: Yes, there are several places of Sushi Tei in Jakarta :)

  46. debbie: Hehehe.. yeah, very fulfill :)

    louise: Whoaaa... never tried sushi before? Give it a try someday, Louise! It might be an adventure experience for you since mostly sushi are raw fish and the wasabi (green paste) can give an interesting sensation to your nose ;)

  47. It all looks so delicious. Looks like you had a blast.

  48. Why no one invited me there? I have never step in any of that restaurant outlet yet. Sweat.. Nice layout NN. :)

  49. donna: Yes, I did indeed :)

    criz: No need to be invited lah... go by your own, hehehe ;) Thanks, Criz!

  50. wahh..i just miss this shop.
    all my friends keep promoting this restaurant when iwas in medan or in jakarta

  51. taufulou: I thought there's Sushi Tei restaurant in Malaysia, no?

  52. Yes, its yummy! :p

    best of all, the price is even yummier (in a good direction).

    Rp. 250.000 for 5 person is a good price in a sense of the classy restaurant.

    I really miss the fresh salmon and wasabi.

    yummy *piggy mode on*
