Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eating Marijuana leaves?

When my friend told me that she's going to bring me to eat at a restaurant that serves marijuana (cannabis) leaves as a condiment, it definitely really intrigued me! I was surprised that it's legal to eat marijuana leaves because for sure it's illegal to smoke it.
Medan Baru

When we arrived at the restaurant, I was like... Oh my, I've been passing this "Rumah Makan Medan Baru" so many times because it has been here since about 35 years ago, but all this time, I thought it's just an ordinary Padang restaurant which actually turned out that this restaurant is serving Aceh food (trans: rumah makan means restaurant).
Medan Baru

A little introduction about Aceh:
Aceh is a special territory of Indonesia, located at the northwestern Sumatra island. According to the history, Aceh was the first place where Islam established in Southeast Asia and so far, it's considered as the most religiously conservative area among places in Indonesia. In December 2004, Aceh was hit by the tsunami resulting about 230.000 people killed.

As soon as I stepped into the restaurant, I could see the same attraction like at those Padang restaurants where the waiters bring many food plates at one time on their forearms.
Medan Baru

Can you count how many plates are there on one forearm? ;)
Medan Baru

Inside the restaurant.
It's divided into non-air conditioned room and air conditioned room.
Medan Baru

Our table.... so full of food! :)
No... no.... no..., we didn't eat all the food on the table!
We just took the food that we wanted to eat on our plate and paid for it.
Medan Baru

The best way to eat this kind of food is with your fingers! ;)
eat with fingers

And you know what? I learned that this place is actually the best place in town for the Gulai Kepala Ikan (fish head curry) . The kind of fish that being served is ikan Kakap Putih or barramundi fish. It costed us Rp. 89.500 (it depends on the weight) plus 10% tax.

It tasted so delicious, the gravy was sweet, rich taste and creamy from the tick coconut milk. The fish meat was so soft like cotton and some parts of the meat tasted like jelly.
Medan Baru

The owner of the restaurant was so helpful. He came to our table and showed us that actually inside the fish bone, there's still meat. He opened it by using 2 forks, pretty interesting to see the trick to open it. Then, he poured the sauce of "asam ganja" on the fish bone.
Medan Baru

I had a chance to see how they prepared the fish head.
gulai ikan kakap putih

For me, the most interesting dish from all is the marijuana leaves which is the condiment of the fish head named "Asam Ganja".
(trans: Asam means sour; Ganja means marijuana)
Medan Baru

I asked the owner what's actually inside the asam ganja. He told me that the ingredients beside the marijuana leaves are shallot, belimbing buluh (it's a family of starfruit), dried shrimp, lemongrass. So, how did it taste? Yumm... A nice tanginess that definitely gave a zing :)

Fish eggs.
I wonder how many million eggs where there on the plate.
Medan Baru

Fried Pigeons
What a big surprise to see the inside of the pigeon's stomach!
It freaked me out at first but then I was able to take a pic of it :)
The meat of pigeon gives off a pungent, chicken-like aroma but then, I absolutely prefer chicken meat.
Medan Baru

The rest of the food on the table:
From left to right.
Sweet soy bean cake with chilli, anchovy and peanuts. Cassava leaves with long beans, bean sprout and grated old coconut.
Medan Baru
Boiled papaya leaves. Deep fried sliced beef with chili.

Potato with stinky beans and shrimps. Gizzards curry.
Medan Baru
Fried pineapple with red chilli. Pickles (cucumber, shallot and red chilli)

The lunch was ended with a glass of Tamarillo (Tree tomato) juice. Here in Indonesia, Tamarillo is known as Terong Belanda. If you are interested to see the Tamarillo fruit and how to make the juice, click here.
Medan Baru

Rumah Makan "Medan Baru"

(Medan Baru Restaurant)
Jl. Raya Krekot Bunder No. 65
Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat
Tel: 3844273, 3844922, 3858992

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. That waiter is pretty damn impressive - so many plates.

    They all look oh so tasty but would definitely like to try the fish head curry and the fried pigeons.

  2. Those fish eggs looks really sumptous...

  3. sean: Yup, it's very impressive. It's always become my favorite thing to see how those waiters bring food to the table at Padang restaurants :)

  4. peachkins: ah too bad, I didn't get the chance to try it. You like fish eggs?

  5. That's really interesting! In Canada, simply having possession of marijuana is a crime. The food looks good, especially the fish!

  6. Your reviews are always fascinating. The selection of food in these restaurants is so huge I wouldn't know where to begin. You are a wonderful food writer.

  7. Nice Marijuana leaves, did u get a little woozy? The food all looks so delicious! I counted 8 plates that the waiter carried out on one arm, am I right?

  8. Boy did that post title make a few of us come running! They bake them in brownies, so I imagine it would have found its way into other dishes...

    I brought home salmon roe and read about a dish using them in a mashed state, but I am not sure I am up to doing it...maybe...hmmm...thinking still...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What interesting dishes! The waiters ability with the plates was impressive.

  11. gulai kapala ikan really looks totally different from what we can get here in Malaysia...gravy is quite thick also ya!

  12. palidor: Hahaha, frankly speaking I got pretty suprissed too that it's legal to eat the marijuana leaves here :D

    mary: thank you so much for your compliments, Mary. It really makes my day :)

    houstonwok: I don't think that I got little woozy after eating the marijuana leaves or did I? Well, I did laugh a lot though, hahaha... Yup, 8 plates on the left arm and a few more on the right hand (no picture, too bad).

  13. ganja leaves with the fish head must be very addictive-they want to make sure you will keep going back for more, more and

  14. chef e: Wow! marijuana leaves in brownies? The salmon roe sounds yummy :)

    sarah: It's a lot of practice to bring a lot of plates on their arms :)

    SG: Oh.. how do people in Malaysia cook gulai kepala ikan?

  15. foodbin: hahaha... that's so true! :D

  16. Oh my goodness, so many interesting food finds in one place!

  17. The array of dishes were quite impressive. The fish head dish looked so good! Did you feel any after effects of eating marijuana leaves?

  18. when the 1st time iw as there, i was shock on how could they possible bring so many plates..but they just did.

    i thought you guys eat the whole table dish. scary~~~~~

    first time heard about using marijuana to cook ha. sure will drop by this place on my next trip to jakarta..:)

  19. The waiter can bring 8 plates at one time, amazing!
    Ganja leave? No bitter taste?

  20. yeah, we had tamarillo juice in bedugul, the colour exactly like strawberry!
    taste also somewhat same.

  21. I've tried Padang food before. Was surprise at how much the waiter can take at one go! And also the way on how we only touch and eat the dishes that we want so we only paid for those! It was a good experience :)

  22. What a clever waiter, gosh I'd have trouble with two!

    Great photo's and explainations. Beautiful colours to.

  23. Wow, that is an intense lunch! Fish-head curry looks like an adventure.

  24. Happy happy fish curry!

  25. This is a really pretty spread of food! Very interesting, I actually never knew marijuana leaves were cooked and eaten!

  26. I LOVE Padang Food...! Definitely something that I would eat again when I am in Indo. I especially like ayam bakar, gulai ayam and the stir fried beans and white cabbage. You make me drool with those pictures....Maybe I should make rendang in the next few days that I don't feel so 'Indo-Food-Sick ;-)

  27. I always learn something new visiting here. Its so interesting to learn of other foods this way. Wonderful writing and photos as always!

  28. i think if i live where you live, i will surely put on WEIGHT

  29. marijuana? wow! i wonder how it tastes like! this reminds me of a story about ganja cake!

  30. izzit ilegal or legal to serve canabis?

    if in here
    I'm sure 100% it's very Ilegal........
    just like daun ketum....

  31. does this means its legal to plant marijuana in Indonesia? :p

  32. monica: Hehehe.. yeah, many interesting food!

    FLaB: Well, I laughed a lot after eating those leaves but not so sure whether that's the effect LOL

    taufulou: hope that you'll have a chance to try the marijuana leaves ;)

    little inbox: the belimbing buluh really gives the tangy taste, so I'm not so sure what's the real taste of the marijuana leaves.

    j2kfm: yeah, like strawberry but also there's a taste of papaya too, rite? ;)

  33. buzzingbee: Did you eat Padang food in Indonesia? Very interesting, rite? :)

    DA: hehehe... thanks for the compliments!

    mica: you are so right! Eating the fish head is like an adventure :)

    thummythoz: yummy.. yummy... yummy fish head! :D

    faith: frankly speaking, neither do I until I was told by my friend :)

  34. C-G: Yummm... love rendang too! Can't wait to see your rendang post ;)

    donna-ffw: I'm so glad that I can share some interesting stuff to the readers :)

    cumi & ciki: Hahaha... you are so healthy and love to work out, no need to worry about gaining weight ;)

  35. nic: ganja cake? Now.. that's sounds also pretty interesting.. would you share the story?

    pisang goreng: It's legal here in Indonesia to serve cannabis :) Daun ketum? what's that?

    babe_kl: hahaha.. I guess so but only "privileged" places.

  36. I had tried Masakan Padang at Bali, but I didn't know that there is Marijuana leaves selling there. I think the owner sure will row some to smoke when they can't finished selling.... WEED!!

  37. steven goh: this is Aceh food, not Padang food ;) Doubt there's marijuana leaves at Padang restaurants, hehehe...

  38. Oh acheh and padang food taste different one meh??

    All that dishes really goes well w rice..and i'm a rice bin (can eat rice everyday!) ;)

  39. What a fascinating restaurant, would love to try these dishes here!

  40. impressive spread! and the fish looks really YELLOW! haha. They really used cannabis as condiments? oh my. I dare not try having this leaves during my visit to Amsterdam.

  41. TNG: It's actually similar food, I even though that this restaurant was a Padang restaurant but then later on when I spoke to the owner, he said that it's Aceh restaurant.

    5SF: it's very interesting to try everything :)

    CL: hahaha.. yeah, the fish head curry is very yellow. Did you see cannabis in Amsterdam? I remember that some houses were planting cannabis.

  42. Thats exactly it, marijuana does make one laugh alot although you seem like a very joyful person is already full of smiles. But any extra could possible be contributed to the Cannabis, what a brilliant concept, you walk in hungry, you leave full, happy and laughing. Makes it a memorable moment yeah.

  43. HW: Oh... so marijuana does make one laugh a lot?! Wow, now that you elaborated the concept, I couldn't more agree with you that the concept is brilliant! :D Hope that all restaurants are following this concept or if not, everyone who eats at a restaurant, will be laughing after eating and leaving a restaurant, LOL

  44. wow! exotic ingredient. Not chance to sample it here though. The rest of the dishes look yummy as well :)

  45. noobcook: If you come to Jakarta, don't forget to give it a try ;)

  46. Wow, you guys really can eat LOL! The table is almost covered by food only....he he. Btw, I have left something for you in my blog. Please feel free to drop by ya. Thanks & cheers.

  47. Your reviews are always so personable Selba. I feel like I was right there with you stuffing my face!!! How kind of the owner to show you a few tricks.

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  48. MLS: hahaha... yeah, a lot of food on the table, but it doesn't mean we ate all the food ;)
    Oh.. thanks a lot!

    louise: thank you, Louise :) Yes, it was so great that the owner is so friendly and informative.

  49. pass over some MJ please then.. since its legal :P

  50. cumi & ciki: Can't bring it to Msia, you gotta come to Jakarta, hehehe...

  51. alow kemarin baru aza mampir ke medan baru, cuman asam ganja nya abis T.T gue nulis juga tentang restaurant ini. link back ke blog Selby bole yahhh, thengkyu
