Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tukang Soto Ayam Madura (Chicken Stew from Madura)

Soto Ayam Madura (chicken stew) is a well known dish from Madura - an island located northeastern coast near East Java. The topping on this chicken stew named "koya" powder is the signature. Koya powder is made from prawn crackers, fried garlic and dried shrimp.


The preparation to make Soto Ayam Madura:

A bowl of rice
Vermicelli and pieces of torn chicken on the top of rice.
Torn chicken.

Then add bean sprouts and fine chopped chinese celery.

Slices of white cabbage and boiled egg.

Slices of a tomato and salt.

Pour the chicken broth (chicken cooked with turmeric, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, bay leaves, ginger, pepper seeds, shallot, garlic, nutmeg).

It looks so colorful and delicious, isn't it? ;)

Sprinkle with koya powder and also a squeeze of lime juice .

Add chili sauce if you like hot and spicy :)

A bowl of Soto Ayam Madura costs Rp. 7.000 (USD 70 cents)


  1. Oh that looks really good. A lot of salt on it though. Great walkthrough pictures.

  2. Would love to try this but Rachel would never allowed.

    Food looks good!

  3. Wow I would love to try this! I don't think I would be able to get any koya powder here in the UK though sadly.
    Love the photos too!

  4. DA: Hehehe.. yeah, a lot of salt but it tasted perfect - not too salty at all :)

    W&R: Oh.. why Rachel wouldn't allow you to try this?

    jan: You can make your own koya powder, you just need the prawn crackers, fried garlic and dried shrimp then mix it altogether :)

  5. You said it looks so colorful and delicious.....yes, yes, yes I reply. But I think the tomato sort of surprised me. Of course it looks wonderful and you know I love tomatoes.

  6. MCK: Yes, I know you love tomatoes :) Eh.. why the tomato sort of surprised you?

  7. Ahhh, everything in this looks so good. The tomatoes really add to the dish! I love them, too!

  8. mica: hehehe... it's delicious! And yup with the tomatoes, this chicken stew becomes so yummy :)

  9. rice with vermicelli really special.....the sauce looks really appetizing!!!

  10. nampak interesting should be interesting..
    hopefully satu hari dapat cuba rasa this one...

  11. Ooo, this looks super delicious! I love the step by step of how the dish was assembled!

  12. aaahhhh I MISS soto ayam. That looks SOooooo good.

  13. super nice......
    same with here...
    but diffrent is rice.....

  14. My mom used to make this, I miss it so much!

  15. Wow! What a generous topping! Looks very inviting!

  16. This looks so warming and flavorful...perfect for a cold day like today!

  17. WOW Selby this looks great, an assortment of meats seasonings veges, noodles rice, come on, it's eating me alive! I love the new look of your page!

  18. This looks good to me with reasonable price.

  19. SG: the sauce is wonderful :)

    STL: Hopefully you can give it a try someday :)

    5SF: Glad that you like the step by step on how to assembled the chicken stew :)

    kacie: Ah.. maybe you can make it by your own ;)

    PG115: Oh really? Here in Indonesia we got so many kind of soto - maybe more than 50 types, hehehe..

  20. KT: *hands a bowl of soto ayam madura* With chilli? :D

    FLaB: Homemade soto is wonderful :)

    FFT: Yes, a lot of toppings which make it so yummy :)

    Faith: You are so right, a perfect dish for a cold day :)

    HW: Hehehe... Yeah, it's a wonderful chicken stew :) Glad to know that you like my new look!

  21. LI: It's street food, so the price is very reasonable, hehehe... :)

    helene: it is indeed :)

  22. war, torn chicken so easy hor.. no nid to chew.. haha;)

  23. This sounds so spicy and all the colorful ingredients! I love the new look of your blog, Selba.

  24. Interesting that rice and noodles are combined together in this dish! The chicken broth looks so flavorful and deep colored. Would fill me up easily:).

  25. arghh..looking at your post now is a very wrong thing at the moment. so hungrryyy...miss soto ayam..!!

  26. cumi & ciki: Hahaha... sounds like food for baby?

    lynda: thank you for your compliments on my new blog's look :)

    FwLT: It is :)

    ETE: Hehehe.. yeah, we do have several dishes that use rice and noodles together :)

    taufulou: Hahahaha.... you can find soto ayam easily in KL?

  27. I can imagine the broth. It makes the dish.

  28. This soto ayam version certainly looks very different from the soto ayam we get here in Singapore. Look at all the ingredients in it!

  29. worldwindows: Yes, you are so right :)

    jo: Here in Indonesia, we have a lot of Soto Ayam versions, it depends on the origins :)

  30. This sounds delicious. I love rice noodle dishes and this one looks outstanding.

  31. I really I'd like to have this street food here, the chicken with Koya powder is amazing drooling just reading!



  32. mary: Yes, it is delicious indeed :)

    gera: The koya powder makes the chicken stew authentic :)

  33. I miss good old fashioned street food in Indonesia like this... :(

  34. What a surprising dish & flavour! Never seen this over here in M'sia. It looks so delicious! & nice photos too. Thanks.

  35. I am not a fan of soto, but I like Soto Betawi...;-)

  36. that looks amazing! i love anything with hard boiled eggs in it!!

  37. This looks so mouth is just watering. I love that hardboiled egg in there....

  38. the mouthwatering broth made this dish

  39. LFB: come and visit Jakarta again! ;)

    MLS: thank you for your kind words :)

    C-G: Yummm... soto betawi is so delicious! :D

    heather: I like hard boiled eggs too :)

    catherine: it's yummy! ;)

    foodbin: hehehe.. true! :)

  40. how does koya powder taste like?
    there's a lot of ingredients in there!!!

  41. sophie: yup, it is ;)

    buzzingbee: Awww.. kinda difficult for me to describe the taste of koya powder because I've never really taste it directly, always after it's been mixed into the soto :)

  42. That is one loaded chicken stew! Looks amazing.

  43. I'm so hungryyyyyyy

    @ Bussingbee: there are two kinds of koya. This one is used a mixed of shrimp crackers and ground fried garlic, so the taste savoury, garlicky and shrmpy.

  44. how to make koya powder:
    one packet of shrimp crackers, 3 cloves of garlic (sliced n fried til golden brown), sugar/salt to taste. Mix all ingredients in food processor til turned into powder. easy!!! ;-).......i am a bit naughty though by putting some msg in it haha
