Friday, December 4, 2009

Tukang Nasi Goreng Tek-Tek (Fried Rice Man)

Last time, sometimes when I didn't bring lunch to the office, I would go to buy fried rice from a street vendor that always put his cart beside the office building. The vendor sells not only fried rice but also fried noodle but my favorite is always the fried rice :)

I think there are more than 101 ways of fried rice, you can named from chicken fried rice, seafood fried rice, shrimp paste chili fried rice, and all those kind of fusion fried rices.

The fried rice street vendors are known as Tukang Nasi Goreng Tek - Tek (Tek - Tek Fried Rice man) because when they are selling around the neighborhood with their carts, instead of shouting, they always make a sound... "tek - tek - tek - tek" by tapping a wood :)

Inside the cart:
Fried rice

MSG, salt, oil and sweet soy sauce in bottles
Fried rice

1. a bowl to whisk egg
2. chili sauce for frying
3. blended spices: nutmeg, shallot, garlic, salt, oil
Fried rice

The way of making Tek - Tek Fried Rice:
Fried rice
A. Chop spring onions
B. Cut Chinese cabbage (choy sum)
C. Heat the oil in a wok, add spring onions
D. Add whisked egg with a pinch of salt, make like scramble egg

Fried rice
E. Add Chinese cabbage and blended spices no. 3
(like hot and spicy, add chili sauce no. 2)
F. Add white rice.
G. Cut some fried chicken.
H. Drizzle some sweet soy sauce and salt.

Fried rice
I. Stir altogether
J. Cucumber, bird's eye chili and carrot pickles

And not forgetting tapioca crackers plus fried shallot for final touch.
A plate of Tek-tek fried rice is so full filling... yum... yum... yum... :)
Fried rice,Nasi goreng

1 portion Rp. 6.000 (about 60 cents USD)


  1. I love all versions of fried rice! I wish I could pick this up outside my office :)

  2. it's so sad, we hardly have street vendors going round the neighbourhood these days :(

  3. better than those fast food home delivery-good looking fried rice with so much extras and cheap.

  4. Almost any kind of fried rice if my favorite!

  5. looka really delicious!!!perfect fried rice esp with the cracker n extra veg!!!

  6. Beautiful! I love fried rice. It looks so tasty and not gummy and slimy like most of the junk here!

  7. wow, there's nutmeg in the spices! very interesting. definitely different from ours in malaysia. now i'm really curious about the taste. delish!

  8. This looks so delicious! I love fried rice and I'm actually making it for dinner tonight! :)

  9. This looks so wonderful. Is your header new? I really love that as well.

  10. I lOVE fried rice, and Indonesian fried rice is absolutely the BEST:)!! I have tried many other types of fried rice and so far the Indo version is still the most aromatic, spicy and delicious in my humble opinions;). My favourite is not the tek-tek one though, Do you know "Solaria" restaurant? I tried their fried rice and it's just so scrumptious....!

  11. Rice stir-fry has always been a favourite of mine! This looks just mouthwatering!

  12. Fried rice is one of my favorites too. Tek - tek - tek - I love it.

  13. My daughter really loves fried rice. This looks really great!

  14. Fried rice is our family favorite, we love all kinds, and this one looks awesome!

  15. Good stuff from the wok. Fried rice can be eaten throughout Asia.

  16. wow, he let u take his step by step photos hehe ... great lunch to have :)

  17. Selby,
    I noticed that the kecap manis he used aren't typically found in the supermarket or traditional market. Do you agree?

  18. I totally envy u for indo has all these stalls goin ard sellin food!

    But i realize a lot of the indo food has MSG ..
    I think oyur tastebuds must be used to it by now?

    I dont think I can stomach all that MSG..

  19. Thanks everyone for your nicely comments in here! :)

    mary: The header is already been there for a couple of months ;)

    C-G: Yes, I know Solaris, ah.. next time, I'll give a try for its nasi goreng :)

    tuty: You are so right, the vendor is not using the typical Kecap "Bango" or "ABC", I even hardly know this brand "Nasional" that he is using, but it doesn't taste bad at all :)

    TNG: Oh no... MSG? I loath MSG!!! Can't stand it.. it always makes me so thirsty and my lips sometimes feel like swollen! kekeke....

  20. Wrong reason to visit your blog in the middle of the night.

    Now, all I feel and hear my tummy is growling

  21. fried rice vendors? wow. cool and convenient!

  22. Here in Malaysia we have Surabaya restaurant that serves Ayam Penyet or Indonesian smashed chicken. However the tek tek fried rice here is marvelous, perhaps it's the "sambal tomat" they used. I must say tek tek fried rice by far is one of the very best among others.
