Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ready, Get Set, Go... Yummy!

Last January, I bought an oven because mom got some orders to bake cakes for Chinese New Year in the beginning of February, and besides our Ariston oven is already very old... so, it's already time to replace it :)

The new gas oven.

My mom's newest creation "Grated Apple Cake".
This how the grated apple cake looks in the box.
Ready to be delivered :)

This is my mom baking the layer cake called Kue Lapis or Lapis Legit or also known as Spekkoek which is a Dutch Indonesian cake since it was invented during the Dutch colonial time in Indonesia.

It takes about almost 2 hours to sit in front of the oven. It really need a lot of patience and also labor to make this cake because of the baking method is to make one thin layer until it's baked first then follow with more other thin layers in order to reach the top of the baking pan. My mom always makes at least 25 layers or more for a cake.

The main ingredients are 35 egg yolks, butter, flour, sugar, rum and also with spices like cardamom, cinnamon, clove buds, etc.

In my humble opinion this Kue Lapis is one of the most delectable cakes in this world :)
A close up picture of Kue Lapis.

Another cake which is commonly being ordered during Chinese New Year is Lapis Surabaya which is a 3 layers cake (2 butter cakes and 1 chocolate cake in the middle, in between is strawberry jam). This cake has total of 45 egg yolks in it! Scary, huh? But it tasted so delicious ;)

Oh.. By the way, Cumi and Ciki (bloggers from Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia) were in Jakarta yesterday. I had a chance to meet them up and brought them around to see a few places in the Central of Jakarta. It's really great and fun to meet you two! :)


  1. yum yum yum, the cakes are looking great!!! especially the kuih lapis, it's very time consuming. i wish to have a tryyyy...

  2. Yummy, love all the cakes that your mom's baked. They look delicious. Btw, how does your mom usually do with the left over egg white?

  3. Your mom really is an expert baker Selby, and in a few years time, you will be too! :D Kidding! You are quite the expert yourself. Those are some heavy duty, complicated cakes your mum makes. Wow!

  4. Selby,
    Your mom's lapis legit & lapis Surabaya look awesome. I'll just be drooling from afar because if they're in front of me I'll hog them. I could imagine the fragrance emanating from your kitchen.

  5. WOW, these cake are amazing. 2 hours in front of the oven?? Amazing!

  6. Wow, your mom is good in baking. Yummy kuih lapis!

  7. Most definitely the Kue Lapis is one of the best tasting cakes in the world :). So many layers and so much time and effort! I don't think I would be able to stand 2 hours in front of a oven (or is it 4, as I see two cakes).

  8. 45 egg yolks? Ack. I've been slowly killing myself!

    Happy CNY!

  9. congrats on the new oven. wow, your mum is really a superb baker, you're so lucky :)

  10. WOW!! Definitely a good buy!! Am drooling at the kuih lapis...yumyum!

  11. hi selba! thx for being such a terrific host! xoxo c&c

    (your cookies were delicious! i say "were" because ALL GONE:P)

  12. Look at that sosphisticated oven! No wonder all the bakes turn out awesome!

  13. All these cakes are beautiful! I'd love to taste that Grated Apple Cake!

  14. I like the idea of the grated apple cake and the Kue Lapis is amazing with all those layers!

  15. Congrats on the oven, selba. May yr mum's business prosper and may there be lotsa gigantic ovens coming yr way! :) and yes, kuih lapis is one of the best kuihs ever! :)

  16. That's what I call dedication! I can't believe how many layers and egg yolk there are. They all look so good though. yuM!

  17. I always love Kuih Lapis from Indonesia and I totally understand why they cost a bomb!

    With the new oven, may more orders coming your mom's way ;-)

  18. Mayb you can open a from home bakery!
    I cant wait to come down to meet u babe!
    All the cakes looks sooooooooooo good!

  19. Oh wow, I'm impressed, they look amazing! Yay for a new oven too :)

  20. Oh your mum is amazing to do such a wonderful cake. So!!

  21. heee, no wonder i look at the picture, then i suddenly stun for a while, how come they r in there..keke~

    i wan kuih lapis time go pasiar order from u ya?:p

  22. Such devotion to baking is beyond my imagination. I'm so impressed by your mother's patience and tenacity. Simply beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing, Selby. I do hope you have written the recipes down for future generations:)

  23. Hey! I still did not receive my kue lapis. Hmm... maybe I forgot to send you my address... LOL! Those are my favorite too! I can finish one whole cake per sitting.. haha!

  24. Oh what would i give to try some good kue lapis. The best I've tried were from Indonesia. I miss them.

  25. Your mom's cakes look absolutely fantastic! Will she take order from me? Hehehe!

  26. Your Moms cake looks so amazing. What patience she has. That is wonderful.
