Monday, March 1, 2010

Tukang Tahu (Tofu man)

Usually, once a week in the morning, a man with his motorcycle will stop by in front of my house to sell tofu.

It's just so nice to have fresh and warm tofu, unwrap from a wet cloth that can be eaten directly without cooking it first. Just give a pinch of salt and it's already perfect as a morning snack ;)

A piece of tofu costs Rp. 3.000 (30 US cents)


  1. delivered right to your house - how nice!

  2. It sounds so healthy to have tofu as morning snack!

  3. plus a dash of Soy sauce and deep fried shallots-delicious!

  4. According to our domestic helper, the tofu in Indonesia tastes much more better than what we have in Malaysia. Not sure if this is true?

  5. peachkins: It is indeed :)

    5 star foodie: Yes, no need to go to the market to buy tofu :)

    Food For Tots: Hehehe... I guess so!

    Tuty: Or a healthy snack ;)

    foodbin: Ah... yes, that's also a yummy way to eat tofu! :)

    Little Inbox: I don't think I've tried the tofu in Malaysia so I can't give my opinion on it but then even here in Jakarta, some tofu tasted good, some also tasted not really good, it depends on the quality ;)

  6. clean or not .. eat like dat? no need wash meh? btw, i love batagor .. hehe

  7. cumi & ciki: of course need to wash it first before you eat it, hahaha... I love batagor too! *hi5*

  8. Oh we had that in Korea too! Awesome!

  9. So nice, I wish we had them here. :)

  10. Selba darling I popped in to personally thank you for the sweet birthday wishes you left for Christopher. We are both ever so grateful for you kindness. And now I am off to see what is for lunch in your blog.

    Love & Hugs
