Monday, April 26, 2010

Crystal Jade La Mian, Jakarta

Crystal Jade is established for almost 20 years in Singapore and so far, it also has opened restaurants in many countries like China, Hongkong, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan. I have been dining in Crystal Jade since 1994 when it firstly opened in Jakarta.
Crystal Jade

The restaurant has a nice ambiance and I think the service is good, nice and friendly waiters. As for the food, I prefer the taste in the old days ;)

Crystal Jade

Dan Dan Noodle in Sichuan style - Rp. 36.000
(Sup La Mian ala Sichuan)
Crystal Jade

Soup Noodle with Beijing Dumpling - Rp. 40.000
(Sup La Mian dengan Pangsit Isi Sawi Putih & Ayam ala Beijing)
Crystal Jade

The waiter helps to cut the long noodle.
Crystal Jade

Noodle with Seafood in Spicy and Sour Soup - Rp. 46.000
(Sup La Mian Asam Pedas dengan Seafood)
Crystal Jade

Soup Noodle with Seafood - Rp. 46.000
(Sup La Mian dengan Seafood)
Crystal Jade

Lei Sha Ball with black sesame
Crystal Jade

Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao.
Grand Indonesia West Mall Unit #WM-LG-01.
MH. Thamrin No. 1. Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62- 21) 2358 0748

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. I like Crystal Jade mostly because they are consistent with their food quality. :)

  2. In the first picture, what is in the bottom lefthand quadrant? (It looks like a bowl of little brown beans? Peanuts?)

    I still can't get over cutting food with scissors. It always makes me giggle!

  3. The noodle dish looks so yummy! I wish I could have a bowl right now. :)

  4. life for beginners: ah.. I wonder why I don't feel the food quality is consistent here ;)

    mica: yes, it's braised peanuts (salt and anise), yummy :)

    sook: it's nice to have a bowl of la mian especially on a cold day :)

  5. Mmm... the noodle soups sound especially good right now!

  6. I fthat noodles serve to me
    I don't want to cut it......
    I love to slurp that noodles in original way.

  7. pisang goreng: slurping long noodle can be pretty fun, I do it when I'm at home, not in a restaurant ;D

  8. Crystal Jade is a very nice restaurant. Had it in Hong Kong (same type, Xiao Long Bao and La Mian) and it was very good! Very tasty. It always seems to be like old food tastes better than the new food as people keep adding items we don't need to eat like food coloring or such.

  9. eattraveleat: totally agreed with you :)

  10. O I have been here with my relatives, but don't really remember what I ate, just that the ambience was good.

  11. That's a really nice restaurant. love Dan Dan noodles. mmm!

  12. I have also tried the Crystal Jade in Singapore.

    Errr....I thought we are not supposed to cut Chinese noodles? Having said that, sometimes I do so at home *guilty*

  13. laveena: Yes.. The ambiance in this restaurant is nice :)

    monica h: The Dan Dan noodles is very hot :)

    tigerfish: Oh... I didn't know that Chinese noodles supposedly not be cut. Learn something new today :)

  14. Now i'm craving for noodles! So u prefer the food baack then (hw many yrs ago)?

  15. Selba,

    Are the old mom & pop noodle houses still in operation? I'm talking about Bakmi Gang Klinci, Mie Krekot etc...

    Tuty @Scentofspice

  16. I love crystal jade! it's been a while since I had their la mien.

  17. TNG: How many years? *counting with hand fingers* Uhmmm... *adding with feet fingers* Oh... more than 15 years??? hehehe..

    tuty: Yes.. yes... But their taste are not as nice as the old days, except for Bakmi Gajah Mada which is still the top bakmi and got a lot of branches in Jakarta ;)

    noobcook: so.. it''s time to visit Crystal Jade then ;)

  18. email2me: next time, I'll make sure not to get my noodles cut :D

  19. huhu...I had a not so pleasant experience there.

    I just had lunch somewhere else and I came there to meet up with my parents who were already eating there. I wasn't going to eat again, I just went to sit & talk w my parents. of course, I had iced coffee with me that I've bought earlier.

    So I went inside with my cup of iced coffee.
    A waiter asked me if I wanted to order anything, I said no.
    Then he told me "not to bring food/drinks inside" I said I wasn't gonna eat, I'm here to meet with my parents. and I saw a supervisor/manager and I lifted my cup and smiled at her to let her know "I've got coffee it's fine right?" she nodded and smiled back.
    then after a while another waiter approached me and said "no outside food/drinks allowed"
    oh man....
    So a total of 3 waiters came up to me.
    almost 4, the fourth one was saying "next time, don't..." but was told not to by his manager.

    I know restaurants have rules.... but that totally made us feel so uncomfortable.
    oh well....
    glad u enjoyed ur food there, tho :)

  20. healthyrainbow: Ah.. sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience in this restaurant. I bet it's pretty annoying to be reminded not to bring food/drink for many times.

  21. selby - your photos are fantastic!

  22. pearl: thank you for your compliments, Pearl :)

  23. The Soup Noodle with Beijing Dumplings looks really nice, sounds like a nice resturant.
    xxx DJ

  24. DJ: It is a nice restaurant indeed ;)

  25. It would be better if the black sesame filling is more :P

  26. mimid3vils: hehehe... absolutely!!! More filling.. more yummy :D

  27. i think crystal jade is one of my favourite la mian restaurants because the food is refined. i like the dan dan mian as well. lovely peanut taste! i usually add a dash of black vinegar for that extra flavour. ;)

  28. hairyberry: black vinegar? me too.. me too.. love it with black vinegar :D

  29. Hi Selba! So long never dropped by. I have yet to taste Malaysia's Crystal Jade outlets even. :)

  30. j2kfm: Yeah.. long time!!! Hehehe... Oh, give it a try then :)

  31. One of the best noodle dishes I've ever had: The Sichuan Style La Mian.

  32. karen kawilarang: thanks for dropping by :) I also love the La Mian from Crystal Jade.
