Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Pho24 is a chain restaurant of Vietnamese rice noodle soup with location in Vietnam, Indonesia (as the first established overseas), Cambodia, the Philippines, Hongkong, Sydney and I think more other countries. I've seen some Pho24 restaurants in Jakarta but I didn't have the chance to give it a try until today.

My friend was going to pick me up at a meeting point in TIS - Tebet Indrayana Square which is a place with some well known restaurants. When I got to that place, my friend was still on his way thus since it's lunch time, I thought of having something to eat, walked around and the restaurant of Pho24 was just in front of my eyes :)

Vietnamese Iced Coffee (Rp. 16.000 + 10% tax)
An aromatic Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk.

Pho Chin (Rp. 31.000 + 10% tax)
I just love the taste of the rich flavor and taste of the beef broth with tender slices of beef.

Mixed with bean sprouts, red chili, mint leaves, basil leaves, fresh onions slices and lime juice.

Exactly when I finished my delicious bowl of Pho, my friend's car was already in front of the restaurant :)

Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 9 Tebet
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Tel: 8306467

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Oh what a great picture! I love those noodle soups.

  2. The commercialized Pho ... I wish they're here though, in Malaysia.

  3. I like Viet coffee but prefer it warm than cold cos the ice will dilute the strength of the coffee. When I have pho in California, they don't have red chili :O

  4. I have had Pho Chin locally at a place in Princeton, and I love it!

    You know I gave you a shout out on my Momofuku-gasmic post, since you always show such great food on here, and I finally had Steamed Pork Buns!

  5. sook: Thanks for the compliment :)

    peachkins: it's a wonderful dish :)

    j2kfm: Hopefully, it will open soon in Malaysia :)

    tigerfish: Oh... I've never tried the warm Viet Coffee, must give a try someday :) No red chili? ah.. too bad.

    chef E: Isn't it a lovely dish? :) Thanks a lot for linking to my blog, Chef E!

  6. The soup is quite clear, dense in flavor?

  7. oh i love this shop. 1st time i ate it was in Ho Chi Minh!

  8. a reminder i havent had pho in ages..come to think about it i think i have been reading too many blogs and reminding myself that i havent been eating alot of things!

  9. mimid3vils: light but rich in flavor :)

    cumi & ciki: Guess what? Me too! :D

    joe: Hahaha... well, then you need to start eating out more then ;)

  10. Ah .... Vietnamese flat noodle with a medium done beef brisket. My favorite!

  11. how nice to have a nice pho restaurant in your area. The bowl looks delicious :)~

  12. ahhh, i remember having a grand bowl of pho24 in ho chi minh city. i like the fact that they pour boiling hot soup on the raw beef, give it a good texture that is not overcooked. missing it already!

  13. noobcook: Yes, it's easy to find this restaurant chain here in Jakarta :)

    hairyberry: I had it too on my last day in Ho Chi Minh city. It was like a must eat although I just had a wonderful dinner before it :)

  14. My sweet Selba you make life so delicious my darling. Love your posts, always interesting, delicious and lovely.

    Have a sunny rest of the week.
    Love & Hugs

  15. A delicious bowl of Pho!

  16. I do think KL has a sore lack of solid Vietnamnese chains... so jealous of Jakarta right now!

  17. hmm.... make me craving a nice ad delicious pho. ^-^

  18. eh, looks like one of the viet restaurant we hve in kl...

    looks good though~

  19. I freaking love vietnamese beef noodle!

    That's how much I love the magical clear beef broth.

  20. duchess of tea: thank you for your kind words for my blog, Duchess :) Have a nice week too!

    5 star foodie: it is indeed :)

    food paradise: hope you managed to get a delicious bowl for lunch :)

    minchow: ah too bad, hopefully it will open a lot soon ;)

    taufulou: really? what's the name of the restaurant? not the same, right? ;)

    gus: ah.. what a perfect way to say... "magical clear beef broth" :)

  21. I love pho too! Such a pity that it's so hard to get some here...:(

  22. i love pho to the max! had the best pho ever during our visit to Hanoi :)miss it so much

  23. cooking-gallery: Oh.. it's hard to find Vietnamese food in Germany?

    christine-leng: Ah.. I didn't get the chance to try out pho when I visited Hanoi. Do you still remember the place?

  24. Your photos are wonderful, Selba. Pho is one of my favorite foods and I could eat it at least once a day. The bowl you assembled for us is scrumptious looking. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  25. Mmm, I love pho! Though sometimes, I have a hard time eating it and drip the broth on myself. Then I smell like pho later, which kind of grosses me out.

    I wish we had Pho24 here!

  26. GREAT photos and timing, Selba. Now that's the coffee I want to try. Gee, I wonder if this place is in the states?

    Thanks for sharing...

  27. mary: thanks you for your kind compliments, Mary. Have you ever tried to cook pho by your own? Maybe can see it on your blog :)

    mica: Hehehe... same with me! Sometimes, I also drip the broth of pho to myself.

    louise: thanks for the compliments, Louise :) Oh.. this Vietnamese coffee is really good! I'll recommend it. As far as I know, there's no Pho24 in the US but they are planning to open there.

  28. i love vietnamese tea!
    was just craving for it earlier today.
    but ive ran out of viet coffee beans! :(
    that place looks really good!

  29. muffinsareuglycupcakes: So you like Vietnamese tea and Vietnamese coffee, ya? :)
