Monday, May 10, 2010

Chinatown, Jakarta

If you visit the Chinatown in Jakarta, don't compare it with other Chinatown because you will not really feel the Chinatown atmosphere :)

So... what can you find in the Chinatown beside Chinese medication stores, some stores of Chinese stuff?

Snacks and candies
Durian - King of fruits, and Dragon fruit (behind)
Watermelon, Melon, oranges that don't look orange enough...
and snake fruit.

If you are hungry, there's an alley with a lot of food vendors.

Almost at the end of the alley...
.... and this cart got my intention :)so many varieties!

Fried prawns in batter.
Fish egg with bird chili eyes, scallions, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and coconut milk

Fried peanuts with shallots, anchovies, red chili.

Squid with green chili, red chili and tomato.


  1. you're right of it not being very Chinese, the dishes looked like our Malay dishes :p

  2. babe_kl: hehehe.... well, actually there are a very few chinese dishes ;)

  3. Ooh, that fried fish egg looks yummy! (And there's always some durians in all the Chinatowns I've visited around the world. Yay.)

  4. LFB: There's always durians in all chinatowns??? Really??? Wow!!! :D

  5. I was once in a Chinatown Manila where it's loaded with local food and specialities...and this one looks so much alike.

  6. I've only been to too Chinatowns--in Boston and in New York. You're right, this one does look different!

    I hope some of those cool fruits are available in Korean markets when I visit!!

  7. Delicious eats here, I would love to try the Fish egg with bird chili eyes!

  8. Oh, surprisingly it doesn't look like a China town at all.

  9. peachkins: How do people in Philippine cook fish egg?

    angie's recipe: Ah... so probably the Chinatown in Jakarta is the same like in Manila :)

    mica: Hopefully you will find and try all the exotic fruits ;)

    5 star foodie: A good choice :)

    little inbox: hehehe... so don't be too surprised when you visit it someday ;)

  10. excellent.. you're making me miss indon food.. all over AGAIN! LOL

  11. cumi & ciki: good good good that you are missing Indo food, which means you must come again to Indo soon ;P

    noobcook: yup... good thing!

  12. really different ha~

    but sure that's lots of bon bon eh~

  13. taufulou: A lot of candies? Yes!!! :D

  14. the best part about a Chinatown is the array of good food available, be it Chinese-influenced or not. The dish for the nasi campur looks delicious! i should really not read food blogs at this hour. ok, sleeping now! haha!

  15. hairyberry: Hahaha... yeah, definitely wrong timing to see all the food! Hope that you had a good night sleep without a grumbling sound from your stomach ;P

  16. Wonderful array of scenes from Glodok :) My two favorite pix are the fish eggs and the fried prawn in batter (rempeyek udang bukan?)

    Tuty @Scentofspice

  17. tuty: Yes.. it's rempeyek udang ;) Do you know that a few months ago the Gloria building was on fire and it's closed down since.

  18. Oh my! Selby you're making me hungry. there are so many colors and varieties it's appealing.

  19. monica h: hehehe... yes, that's why the food got my attention.

  20. Although the foods looks simple but I am sure it tastes great. ^-^

  21. Nice pictures :)

  22. laveena: thanks for the compliments :)

  23. I just love all these pictures. I find Chinatowns interesting no matter where we go. Unfortunately I have to go to the far corners of the US for any around here and they aren't nearly as interesting as the ones I've seen abroad. This brings back lots of great memories!

  24. lori: Glad you love the pictures :) Oh... I actually believe that every Chinatown around the world is interesting.
