Friday, August 13, 2010

Transit in the Airports...

What do you usually do when you have a long transit in an airport?

On the way back to Jakarta, my delegation and I had to wait about 5 hours in one of airports in Ohio before flying to Chicago for a transit. So... what did we do? We chose Sbarro - the Italian Eatery restaurant, where we could kill the time by eating, chit chatting and playing game cards :)

The pizza
The pasta served with a homemade breadstick
Finally we were flying after a delay for 30 minutes inside the small domestic flight.

On the top of Chicago :)
Argh... another delay in Chicago airport for 2 hours :(

Since it was almost midnight when we arrived in Los Angeles from Chicago and we didn't get any food in the domestic flight so we decided to eat something at the food court in LAX airport although the choices of food wasn't many because most of the food counters were closed already. Luckily, Sushi Boy and McDonald's were still open.

Sushi Boy


Oops.. this is my McDonald's b'fast picture... :D
At Hong Kong airport, we didn't eat because we just had a quite nice breakfast and our transit time was less than 2 hours, thus as usual while waiting the departure time, my delegation played game cards and showed off their silly bandz which is a big trend for the children in America - well, that's what I think :)

Silly Bandz


  1. awww! sorry to hear that you had to eat at the LAX airport... it's usually so expensive and not very good!

  2. The pizza and pasta pictures look so yummy....!!

  3. Eating is definitely my favorite way of passing time in an airport. If only more airports had good food. I find that particular pizza vendor usually has very good pizza considering it's fast food.

  4. inanoyster: Well, with a hungry stomach, the food actually tasted quite good ;D

    cooking gallery: Not bad at all :)

    LFB: Are you also collecting silly bandz? ;)

    MCK: Yes, the pizza are good :)

  5. I agree, I feel sorry you had to eat at LAX! There's tons to eat in LA although there's probably a few interesting ones at LAX...probably all closed when you arrived. :( Sbarro for pizza is quite popular at malls and airports. I've seen one probably at almost every big mall I've been to.

    I've never heard of silly bandz before, but it's probably popular in another part of the US!

  6. ETE: Wait until my next post re: what food I had in Hollywood Boulevard, you might feel pity again, hahaha.

    Oh... Probably silly bandz are more popular in the mid west?

  7. I've never been to Sushi Boy before. I wish they had one in Chicago-O'hare!

    Harrison really likes Sbarro, but I think it's too greasy.

  8. I like the looks of the silly bandz and very colourful too.

  9. mica: Oops, the name is Sbarro, I thought Sharro, good that you mentioned it so I can make a revise, thanks Mica :) Sushi Boy tasted quite good, give a try if you see it someday.

    DG: There are a lot varieties of silly bandz, much more than the ones showing in here :)

  10. I love all of the pictures and the food looks yummy.

  11. I want US pizza! Just look at the size... sweat~

  12. I think most airports in Asia serve much better food :)

  13. i hate LAX. lousy food and service! but u looked like you had an awesome trip.. good 4u sweetie;)

  14. There are always delays in Chicago :) But at least there's plenty of good food!
