Saturday, March 26, 2011

Seroja Baru - Kwetiau Sapi (Beef Rice Noodles)

Seroja Baru is my favorite place to eat Kwetiau because their kwetiau tasted really good. Although these days, the portions are not as much as in the old days but they still maintained the taste. There are many branches of Seroja Baru in Jakarta and most of them are in the malls.

Anyway, when you go to their main restaurant in Greenville area, as soon as you arrive in front of the restaurant, you can see directly "the kitchen".

You can watch how the Kwetiau is being cooked.

Kwetiau Sapi Goreng - Rp. 22.000
It's fried rice noodles with beef, innards, eggs, bean sprouts, and choy sum.

Kwetiau Sapi Bun - Rp. 22.000
It's fried beef noodles rice mixed with beef broth and eggs.
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 8.600

Note: Rice noodles or Char Kuay Teow is written as Kwetiau in Indonesia

Seroja Baru
Greenville Blok BG No. 5
Jakarta Barat
Tel: 5674712

The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Oh yum....! I miss Kwetiaw sapi or just all things kwetiaw, it's almost impossible to get here!

  2. CG: Oh... There's no kwetiau at all in the Chinese/Asian supermarket?

  3. Seroja Baru sekarang rasa-nya lebi plain menurutku, ak lebih suka Kwetiaw Mangga Besar 78 kalau untuk kwetiaw daerah Green Ville dan sekitarnya, yang di daan mogot, kalo yang dekat jl. mangga kadang enak kadang ngga, tergantung siapa yang masak :)

  4. niyaoke: Kwetiau Mangga Besar 78? Wah... blom pernah nyoba tuh... :)

  5. kwetiau seroja yang lada hitam sama bun enak tuh...

  6. aan: Kwetiau lada hitam? wah.. blom pernah coba, next time deh :)
