Saturday, August 27, 2011

Yoshinoya Jakarta

It's been more than 15 years ago when I had my first beef bowl at Yoshinoya restaurant. It was when my Japanese friend visited me and she really missed Japanese food. It's interesting how the Japanese are so much into their food even when they are traveling outside their country. They are always looking for their food.

Yoshinoya is the largest chain of beef bowl restaurant first opened in 1899 in Tokyo. It's claimed as the Japan's No. 1 Beef Bowl. Their first branch in Jakarta was opened in 1994 but it closed due to the economic crisis in Indonesia then they have opened it again since 2010. So far, there are already 8 branches around Jakarta.

Sparkling Lemonade
Green Tea (free flow)

Side Dish:
Egg Roll (3 pcs) - Rp. 10.000
Ebi Fry (3 pcs) - Rp. 20.000
Chicken Karaage (3 pcs) - Rp. 10.000
Original Beef Bowl
Regular size - Rp. 22.727
Large size - Rp. 27.273

Combo Bowl
Original /Yakiniku Beef + Teriyaki Chicken - Rp. 29.091

Price subject to 10% tax
Currency rate: 1 USD = Rp. 8.500

Yoshinoya Japanese Restaurant
Mal Ciputra
LG 1 Unit B (in front of the elevator)
Jl. S. Parman
Jakarta Barat
Tel: 021-5695 4814
Delivery: 500 566 (limited coverage area)

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. I was too young to remember yoshinoya... is it good? I miss my beef rice bowl too...

  2. PFx: Well, I prefer hoka-hoka bento ;)

  3. PFx: Ah.. you still remember how we Indonesian say "Hokben", hehehehe...

  4. Gorgeous pictures, Selba. I really enjoy when you "take us along" except, it makes me so darn hungry!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing...

  5. portions look a bit small though..

  6. louise: Thanks for the compliments, Louise :)

    cumi & ciki: The original beef bowl is a large size, hahaha... Actually, it's quite full-filling ;)

  7. My personal favorite at the Yoshinoya jakarta is the combo bowl. Yummy, yummy, yummy!


  8. Ha, I didn't realize it had such a history! I went to Yoshinoya when I went to Japan. I fell asleep due to jet lag and when I woke up at 11:00, it was the only thing still open!

  9. mica: I would love to eat at Yoshinoya in Japan someday :)

  10. I've never tried Yoshinoya but the food reminds me of Hoka Hoka Bento...;)!

  11. CG: Hoka Hoka Bento is much popular for us Indonesian ;)
