Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tukang Bubur Kacang Hijau dan Ketan Hitam (Mung Bean and Black Glutinous Rice Porridge man)

Saturday morning, I was rushing for a meeting in the central of Jakarta. When I got off from a public bus to change to another public transportation, I saw this Tukang Bubur Kacang Ijo (a street vendor who sells mung bean porridge and also black glutinous rice porridge). Well, I actually already had my breakfast - a cup of coffee with a slice of sponge cake, and the time was ticking, but still I could not resist to have a bowl of mung bean porridge and glutinous black rice porridge with coconut milk :)

Mung Bean is known as "Kacang Hijau" in Indonesia. It literally means "Green Bean". "Kacang" is bean and "Hijau" is green but for the word "Hijau", sometimes pronounces as "Ijo".

Sweet Mung Bean Porridge 

Sweet Black Glutinous Rice Porridge

Coconut milk cooked with Pandan leaves to give a nice fragrant 

Breads are also provided. A slice of bread cost Rp. 1.000 (about 10 cents US)

Mung Beans porridge and Black Glutinous Rice porridge with Coconut Milk.
Cost only Rp. 3.000 (33 cents US)

The vendor even provides water to drink.

A glass of water - free of charge :)


  1. this looks great and rich in protein

  2. rebecca: thanks for stopping by here :) The Mung Beans is a good source for vitamin E.

  3. I love this too! tapi ga pernah coba yg dijual di gerobak biasanya nyokap bikin hehe :)

  4. irene: Biasanya juga makan bubur kacang ijo buatan rumah, tapi kadang pengen makan buatan abang2, hehehe....

  5. i really LOVE this dessert! they do it chinese style too you know. rather addictive

  6. cumi & ciki: Chinese style? Is the mung beans also sweet? I've tried the black glutinous rice porridge in Beijing, it tasted salty.

  7. Bubur kacang ijo abang abang is don't have dead dead (engak ada mati matinya). :D Masak sendiri, although is more hygienic, but it will never be the same as the one from gerobak.

  8. idarmadi: Hahaha.. Yeah, isn't it interesting that the taste of the food from food vendor usually tasted better than the homemade?
