Friday, June 15, 2012

Häagen-Dazs - Sushi Ice Cream

This afternoon, Häagen-Dazs Indonesia together with invited some food bloggers to try the new creation "Sushi ice cream" from Häagen-Dazs at Plaza Indonesia.

It is served with four types of Sushi Ice Cream on a plate.

Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream Sushi - Rp. 88.000 plus tax
(from left to right: Manggo Salmon Sushi, Strawberry Gunkan, Raspberry Kani Sushi, Kiwi Gunkan)

During the gathering, each food blogger was served  only one piece of Sushi Ice Cream (Manggo Salmon Sushi or Raspberry Kani Sushi) thus to be able to taste the other Sushi Ice Cream, most of us, had to take a spoon from the other food blogger's plate who sat in front or beside us. 

Despite the unique appearance, the taste of Sushi Ice Cream is dominated by vanilla flavor. The manggo and raspberry flavors are hardly to be recognized except if you eat it separately.

Will I order this Sushi Ice Cream on my next visit to Häagen-Dazs? Nope... I prefer a single or double scoops of my own flavors' choice.

Current currency rate: 1 USD = Rp. 9.500

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