Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tukang Gorengan Otak-otak Ikan (Fried Otak-otak)

Otak-otak is fish cake made from fish paste, sago flour, shallot, garlic and coconut milk. Usually here in Indonesia, otak-otak is grilled on charcoal and eaten with peanut sauce.

There's another version of Otak-otak which is being fried.

Fried Otak-otak

It tasted exactly like kerupuk ikan (fish crackers).

Chili sauce for dipping.

 1 plastic bag cost Rp. 5.000

Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.600


  1. Where I can find this? I've never seen abang otak-otak jualan begitu di gerobak.

    1. amanda wibisono: You can find it around Taman Fatahillah. There are a lot of tukang gorengan otak-otak! :)

  2. Replies
    1. ES: Of course! I bought a plastic bag of it.

  3. Boleh tau ga gan bahan-bahan,dan cara membuat otak-otak yang uenak

  4. dafi ferdiansah: maaf, saya juga tidak tahu bahan maupun bagaimana membuat otak-otak yang enak karena saya belum pernah membuatnya. Foto-foto di sini saya ambil dari tukang gorengan otak-otak yang sedang berjualan di jalanan.
