Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tukang Jagung Rebus (Corn on the cob)

It has been raining a lot these last two months in Jakarta. Warm snacks or drinks will be something comforting during a cloudy or a raining day. Don't you agree? ;)

I was quite happy when I saw a corn on the cob vendor on the street. 
Look the steam from the corns!

The vendor showed how the inside corn looks. 

A corn on the cob costs Rp. 3.000 (about USD 40 cents)


  1. aaaaa gw doyan bener sama jagung rebus....!!

    1. urukyu: iya.. gw jg doyan, even guguk2 di rumah pun doyan, hehehe.. Biasanya beli apa rebus sendiri di rumah? ;)

    2. rebus sendiri.....di rumah gw jarang yang lewat sih. pernah ada lewat agak malem tapi jagung bakar, selama berapa hari berturut2 gw selalu beli haha.. anjing2 gw ga doyan jagung..jadi gw aman :D

    3. urukyu: anjing2 elo ga doyan? waaahhh.. kalo di rumah gw, mereka doyan tapi jarang dikasih soalnya pencernaan anjing ga bisa mencerna jagung, hehehehe....

  2. Love love love fresh corn on the cob! Happy New Year, Selby!

  3. wow you've got an omnomnom dog there ^^

    Happy New Year Selby!

    btw it's FGF, they force me to change the account name.. google+ policy sucks #_#

    1. FGF or AC: Happy New Year too!!! :) Whoaaa.. seriously google forced you to change your account name? Why? What's wrong with your account name? Someone already owned it?

      Oh.. my dogs love to eat everything (food, of course! hehehe)

  4. Dunno, something about google+ account name can't be used other than for individuals. too much hassle
    the gmail account is still though

    Such a big appetite for a small dogs ^^
    I also have three dogs, a mixed german retriever, and two other smaller mutts.
    The smallest one is similar size to Vincent and actually eat much more than the other two combined.

    1. ac: Oh... too bad, but I guess it's also no harm to have your name as your google account name ;)

      Awww.. you got a german retriever? they are so cute when they are puppies. Well, actually all puppies are cute! hehehe... You've seen my dog Vincent?! Here in this blog? He is a mixed between dachshund and pomeranian ;)

  5. I miss indonesian food.. yum yum! and i miss u! Hope u had a great NY!

    1. ciki: Come to Indonesia and we can go food hunting! Miss you too, Ciki :)
