Monday, April 8, 2013

Tea Addict

If you are a tea lovers, you might know this place or want to try this tea lounge named Tea Addict.  It serves not just ordinary brewed tea, there are also unique and flavorful tea blends. 

Entering the lobby, you will feel a relaxing atmosphere.

The menu.

Beside the drink menu, there's also food menu.

The Tea Bar.

Ice tea.

There is also a corner for you where you can sit on a cozy sofa to chat with your friends or read books/magazines while enjoying your drink.

Tea Addict - a tea lounge
Jl. Gunawarman No. 9
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Tel: 725 4371

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Hmmm tea...
    39.000 seems quite steep for a tea, is it really nice?

    *kalo ngeliat ulasannya dikit, keliatannya ga sberapa* ^^

    1. albert: The truth, it's hard for me to tell because for me, it tasted just like ordinary tea ;)
