Monday, July 29, 2013

The Food at the Camp in Mississippi, USA

Last Saturday evening, after 30 hours long-journey from America to Indonesia, finally I'm back!

Right now, I'm feeling very exhausted because of the trip and also I've been sick since a week ago. Supposedly today, I already must get back to work but I really need a rest. My boss called me this afternoon and asked me to come to work tomorrow because there is a lot of things that need to be done. Yeah.... that's for sure :(

Anyway, below are the pictures of the food during my 28 days camp in Mississippi, USA.

The first day breakfast: 
Krispy kreme, yogurt, juice/milk.

The first lunch:
Ham & cheese with bun, fries, pears.

The first dinner:
Green beans and shrimp Grits.

B'fast: Grits, biscuit, sausages, strawberry, yogurt.

Olive garden salad & bread sticks, Bww boneless wings,carrots.

B'fast: bread, yogurt, banana, milk

Lunch: Jelly sandwich, chips, grapes, lemonade.

Jambalaya, bread, corn, salad, chocolate chip cookies, milk

B'fast: banana and oats 'n honey, juice/milk.

Grilled cheese sandwich, chips, carrots, cookie, koolaid.

Dinner: Hamburger, baked beans, fruit, salad, milk

B'fast: Yogurt, bread/jam, banana, milk/juice.

Lunch: Mac&cheese w/ham, bread, green beans, apple.

Dinner: Cheese pizza, raw veggies/dressing, pudding, milk.

Lunch: Hotdogs w/buns, chips, watermelon, soda.

During the 4th of July, we had dinner at a lodge.

Grilled chicken, baked beans with meat, corn/cob.

A cupcake for dessert.

B'fast: Yogurt, Lefser (Norwegian bread), banana, milk.

Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich, oranges, snack bar.

hamburger w/ buns, cantaloupe, sweet potato cassarole, milk.

B'fast: Cereal, bread, coffee.

Lunch: Corndogs,  mac&cheese, peas, apple.

Dinner: Canes chicken, sauce, corn, rice, coleslaw. 

B'fast in the hallway because we couldn't use the Cafeteria.

B'fast: Yogurt, coffee, bread.

Lunch: Newks sandwich, salad, brownies, fruits.

Dinner: Shrimp salad, crackers, tomato, oranges, jello.

B'fast: Sausage biscuit, cereal, bread n cheese, apple juice.

Lunch: Papa roni pizza, fries, steamed carrots, apple sauce.

Dinner: Sweden salad, red beans & rice, bread.

B'fast: Grits, sausage biscuit, yogurt, milk.

Lunch bag:
Ham-cheese sandwich, chips, cookies, orange, apple juice.

Dinner: Chicken bread.

B'fast: sausage biscuit, cereal, apple juice.

Lunch: lasagna, salad, olive, bread, apple juice.

Nachos grande, corn, pear, banana, milk, apple juice.

sausage biscuit, cereal, oatmeal, banana, apple juice.

cheese sandwich, fries, green beans, cookie, apple juice.

salad, pizza, apple juice.

Spaghetti & tomato sauce, bread, salad, pineapple, apple juice.

oatmeal with raisin & brown sugar, chocolate milk, apple juice.

Lunch: hamburger, fries, veggie, pears.

Dinner: baked beans w/ rice.

B'fast: biscuit n jam, yogurt, banana, milk.

chicken nuggets, baked beans, fries, cookie, apple.

Dinner: salad, shrimp pasta carbonara, apple juice.

B'fast: oatmeal, biscuit, yogurt, banana, chocolate milk.

Lunch: hotdogs, fries, baked beans, cookie.

Nachos grande, refried beans, 

B'fast: bread cheese, yogurt, banana.

Lunch: hamburger, fries, corn, pineapple, watermelon

bread, salad, roast beef w/ gravy n carrot, grapes, brownies.

Bfast: cereal, bread n cheese, biscuit, apple juice.

Lunch: nachos, fries, green beans, oranges.

B'fast: oatmeal, biscuit, yogurt, bread n cheese, apple juice.

scrambled egg, rice n roast beef, veggie, jello, corn n bread

Thai fried rice, fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potato w/ gravy.

B'fast: cereal, yogurt, chocolate milk.

Lunch: Taco, raw veggie, strawberry.

Look how big the strawberries! Very fresh and sweet.

B'fast: oranges, yogurt, orange juice.

Lunch: fried chicken, baked beans, thai fried noodle.

Dinner: white bean, meatballs, coleslaw/salad, bread.

B'fast: sausage biscuit, cheese, oranges, yogurt, apple juice.

Lunch: turkey-chesse w/bun, fries, carrots, pears.

Last dinner: Newks sides, salad, chocolate milk.

Last b'fast: sausage, cheese toast, yogurt, oranges juice.

Last lunch: chicken burger, fries, cookies, oranges.

The line to get the food.

 The Cafeteria.

After done eating, we also need to wash the dishes.


  1. Replies
    1. lily zhen: Found out from someone, applied it, followed the procedures i.e: interviewed and training.

  2. Welcome back Selba! I'm sure you are thrilled to be home after such a long journey.

    I'm not quite sure as to what to say about this selection of "Camp Food." I think it's best if I say, thanks for sharing your experience. Now, get some rest:)

    1. louise: thanks, Louise! Too bad, no time to get some rest. I already must work starting today although I'm still sick. Btw, the "camp food" put me on some weight!

  3. Replies
    1. albert chandra: It's a children camp :)

    2. oic, so you're being sort of a counselor there? or just posing as a kid? :D

      BTw, 28 days and I only see one cup of coffee, I'd gone berserk there :p

    3. albert chandra: Not counselor but as the leader for the Indonesian delegation :) I almost drank coffee every morning but I just didn't really capture it in the pics ;)

  4. That tray is kinda like prison's. Lol.

    1. amanda: hahaha... Actually, those trays are used in the cafeteria for students and teachers.

  5. Kenyang ga sih, Sel, kalo cuma makan nachos gitu buat makan siang? Kalo gw abis camp gini, pulang" lgsng makan nasi uduk lengkap hehehe

    1. irene: minggu pertama, makanannya boleh dibilang bener2 ancur abis, kebayang donk masa makan siang cuma bread w/ peanut butter & jam. Anak2 pada kelaparan, untung aja pada bawa pop mie. Jadinya kalo sore, mereka bisa nyeduh dan makan pop mie. Untungnya sih begitu masuk ke minggu ke 2 dan seterusnya, makanannya lumayan. Trus, guess what? Gw tuh cuma makan makanan ini lho, hardly yg namanya ngemil but then, berat badan gw nambah dan baju2 jadi sempit :(

  6. Oh dear, I feel like this is a really bad representation of American food (though pretty accurate for camp and school meals, how sad)! Also, Mississippi in the summer?!? AHHH! Though I guess it's not that different from Indonesia....

    1. mica: Believe it or not, the first week, I experienced constipation because of the food :( I hardly ate any snack or other stuff beside the food being served for b'fast/lunch/dinner but you know what? I gained 8 pounds from all this kind of food!!! I guess it's all because of the hidden calories in the fried food, mayonnaise or salad dressing or sodium & sugar.

  7. sel, those camp food looks pathetic but things got better the in the end? Newk's sandwich looks appetizing, also the mac and cheese. Seriously u survived on peanut butter and jelly bread + banana??

    1. aris munandar: Looking at the pictures again... and yes, I agreed that most of the food at the camp look pathetic.

      The Newk's sandwiches are delicious. In fact, I had a chance to eat at their restaurant during my day off, here's the link:

      Yup, believe it or not, I survived by only eating peanut butter & jelly bread plus banana for lunch, no snacks nor other food at all until the dinner time. The Indonesian kids didn't survived, they got starved and had to eat instant pop mie in the afternoon.
