Sunday, September 8, 2013

BBQ at Marshall's House

I believe BBQ is an American tradition :) During my stay in America, I had BBQ at Marshall's house.

Marshall's house.

Inside the house.

A swimming pool in the backyard.

The grill.

Marshall was the one who took in-charge for the grilling. 
We had a lot of sausages, chicken and fish during that BBQ night.


I was pretty amazed with all the spices that he got in the kitchen's drawer.

Kristina and Ann were helping with the BBQ preparation.

The ingredients.

Kristian made the dipping.

It's so simple! You only need chives, corn from the can, jalapeno pickles and cheddar cheese. Mixed them altogether with sour cream and mayonnaise.

Perfect for dipping Fritos and Tositos.

So yummy! Couldn't stop eating it!

Ann made this salad. Not so sure what's the name. It was made with mozzarella cheese, cherry tomatoes, and basil leaves. Sprinkled with olive oil and salt plus pepper.


The drinks.

For dessert, Kristina baked chocolate chips cookies.

And, Marshall bought this delicious Reese's cake.


  1. Salad with a lot of mozzarella cheese? Sureee.. Salad..

    1. amanda: I love mozzarella cheese, do you? ;)
