Monday, July 28, 2014

Mazel Tov at Puri Indah Mall

About a month ago, I met up with JenzCorner at Puri Indah Mall. I just finished my lunch at Sushi Kiosk when Jenz arrived, thus I accompanied Jenz to have her lunch. She chose this wine and lounge place called Mazel Tov to give it a try because of some good reviews about this place.

Outdoor area where customers can smoke.

In the inside, it has an elegant decor and nice ambiance, but the music background was so loud. I even had to ask the waitress to lower the music volume.

There are selections of wine, cocktails, mocktails and beers. 

I guess because there were no other customers beside us during that time so the waitresses had nothing really to do; they were talking and gossiping among them very loud. I had no problem with it as long as they kept their voices low. First was the very loud music then the very loud noise from the waitresses. Seriously, it was absolutely annoying!

Red Snapper Montpellier - Rp. 79.000
Pan fried fillet of red snapper on a bed of spaghetti pasta with cream spinach served with creamy sauce and sauted basillicum leaves. The sauce totally looked messy. Good thing that the taste was not as messy as the sauce.

Left: Loose Leaf Tea - Rp. 38.000
Right: Blended Cappuccino - Rp. 48.000
Jenz had a glass of loose leaf tea and I ordered the blended cappuccino that tasted only like sugar water with cream.
Current currency: 
1 USD = Rp. 11.600
All prices subjected to tax and service charge.

Mazel Tov
Puri Indah Mall Expansion,
Ground Floor Unit E-007
Jl. Puri Indah Raya
West Jakarta
Tel: 582 3207

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Probably to busy to make an epresso due to gosipping. Hence the sugar water called cappucino hehehe

  2. albert chandra: It really wasn't worth it at all to spend money about Rp. 50.000 (incld. tax & service charge) for a yucky drink. It's totally absurd :(

  3. Thanks for the review, I almost tried this restaurant couple days ago. Another ridiculous pricing for ridiculous food - I'm actually tired with this 'fancy restaurant' that over-charged customer with their 'so-so' quality.

    I love how Puri Indah Mall starts expanding with better stores, etc. But sometimes I do miss the old Puri Indah Mall where I could wear super lousy shirt only to eat Bakmi GM, Bakso Afung, or Bubur Wang - classic food without destroying my piggy bank ;)
