Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ta Wan at Taman Anggrek Mall

Celebrated mom's birthday with a simple delicious dinner at Ta Wan Restaurant last week. Ta Wan is one of my mom favorite restaurants.

Red Snapper with Black Bean Sauce - Rp. 41.000

Ta Wan Special Crispy Fried Chicken - Rp. 40.500

Plain Porridge - Rp. 17.500

Hot Plate Seafood - Rp. 43.000

Braised Poh Cai with One Thousand Year Egg - Rp. 37.500
All prices are subjected to 10% tax and 7.5% service charge

Current Currency:
1 USD = Rp. 12.985

Ta Wan
Taman Anggrek Mall
Basement Floor P2-04
Jl. S. Parman
West Jakarta
Phone: 56999075

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.

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