Thursday, September 14, 2006

Roti Tan Ek Tjoan and Sushi Tei

No diet today, but don't worry... I ate healthy food.

This morning, I saw a tukang roti from Tan Ek Tjoan bakery (an old bakery established in 1930s) across my office. Had a chocolate peanut bread with a cup of coffee for b'fast.

For lunch.... Yay, sushi!!!
A mixed atmosphere during lunch... silence, laughs, gossips, discussions, a harsh arguement (almost got into a fight? *wink*) but then at the end of the luch, a smile on the face and a fully stomach :)


1 comment:

  1. "chocolate peanut bread with a cup of coffee for b'fast" - So nice! And the lunch looks wonderful.
