Friday, September 15, 2006


Nasi tumpeng is traditionally served to celebrate a special occasion, like a birthday, a marriage or even success at work. Is a type of food which is made of yellow rice (nasi kuning) and is shaped like a cone. The height of the cone symbolizes the greatness of Allah or God, and the food at the base of the cone symbolize nature’s abundance. The yellow tinge in the rice symbolize wealth and high morals.

Nasi kuning is cooked in lightly seasoned coconut milk and turmeric, then shape it into a conical pyramid and place it on a bed of decorated banana leaves. Around the base of the cone, arrange various foods in neat piles: ayam goreng (fried chicken), rendang (beef stew), sambal goreng tempe or kentang (fried tempe or potato), beef abon (shredded meat that has been boiled and fried), telur dadar (shredded egg omelette), cucumber, perkedel kentang (potato cakes), sambal goreng ati ampla (chicken liver and gizzard), and sambal (chili paste).

Normally the host cuts and savors the top of nasi kuning. The touch of oil in the coconut milk gives it a glistening appearance and keeps each grain separate, while turmeric use lends the yellow color to the dish.

Nasi Tumpeng and its side dishes are symbols which have good meanings in Javanese culture.

Source: Dreamcatcher - Yahoo.


  1. yeah, might be a little different from ours. Kelantanese people make the rice conical so they can take it out to the labourers in the padi fields. it's like a compact meal!

  2. I like sentiment and the meaning behind the dish and as the commentator above said, it looks like a complete meal; a feast in some respects.
