Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hello...... And welcome to Selby's Food Corner blog!

"Selamat Datang di Selby's Food Corner blog!"

Selba aka Selby is just an ordinary girl who loves food and lives in Jakarta, Indonesia.

She really enjoys taking pictures of food, especially on the streets although it can be quite challenging for her because some food vendors might not really cooperate. Some people/strangers might not feel secure with being captured; or her friends are annoyed because she is too busy snapping pictures of food.

A part of food blogging, she also has chances to meet some celebrity Chefs.

From left to right:
Selby with Chef Bobby Chinn (World Cafe Asia)
She contributed information and also showed around the food locations in Jakarta for the "World Cafe Asia" aired on Discovery Travel & Living.

Selby with Chef Laurent Bernard (Chocolatier)
She was invited to experience the creations made of Belgian Chocolate personally by Chef Laurent Bernard, a renowned chocolatier with more than 20 years of experience.

Selby with Chef Alvin Leung (The Maverick Chef - Li TV)
She participated in the filming of Food Show "The Maverick Chef", her role was to taste and give feedbacks on Chef Alvin Leung's deconstruction food for the Jakarta episode.

Selby with Isabella and Sofia Bliss (Junior MasterChef Australia 2010)

Selby was interviewed by Trans7 TV.

Selby with Chef William Wongso - the famous culinary expert in Indonesia.

Selby with Chef Bara Pattiradjawane.

Selby's baking and cooking class experiences:


  1. Great job with this blog. Very informative to those new to Indonesian food!! Keep up the good work.

  2. thanachai: Hi Thanachai, thanks a lot for dropping by and also your comment :)

  3. I really enjoy your blog, especially living so far away from Indonesia and missing the food so very much! :)

  4. Dear Selby,

    I'm including your blog in the list I build on Indonesian Food Bloggers here:
    + http://epicurina.blogspot.com/2010/07/indonesian-food-bloggers.html

    As the list is just starting, and I'm reviewing each one of them, you can see for yourself that the list is still quite short. Therefore, should you have any recommendations kindly please inform me and I would include it in my list along with some comments.

    The criteria is simple; it generally contains writings on Indonesian food, and is done in English.

    Best regards,

    Bayu Amus
    Epicurina - Epicurean Indonesia

  5. Hi Selby,

    I live in the UK...and your blog...just make me feel so huuuuungrrrrrrrrrrrryy !!

  6. Hi , I love your blog . i found it very informative about indonesian food So i am well prepared next time I visit your country ....which is scheduled on february 2011
    Anyway isn't it a bit like malaysian food ?
    Forgive my ignorance because I currently live in France .

  7. Thanks for your post Selby :) love your articles!

  8. lovely blog i think :)

  9. Love your blog! I've just moved back from the UK to North Jakarta (ok, it's been half a year) and needed some help exploring Indonesia's food scene, especially with international cuisines since it can be such a hit and miss here. Your blog is just perfect for it!

  10. Dear Selby,

    I just realize that you are the one who bring Chef Bobby Chin around Jakarta, including the market? I like that episodes, when he shop vegetables, etc for making Gado-gado. I love his sassy attitude, quite refreshing right?
    How was the story behind that project?


  11. Hi Selby, I just stumbled upon your blog today when I was searching for Pandan Bistro. I love love love your blog because it's very descriptive and thanks for always including photographs, addresses and phone numbers. This blog is an awesome resource for a foodie who just recently moved to Jakarta! Thanks so much! <3 -Yuni

  12. Hallo,

    I have nominated you/your informative/creative blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Congratulations!
    Pick up your badge and information/rules on how to pass the torch at http://norecipejuststory.com/2012/10/14/its-time-for-award-again-and-nrjs-is-nominated/

    cheers Mayang

  13. good work :) thumbs up for your amazing blog :) :)

  14. I love the blog so much, Selby. Very detailed information and I can feel that you really enjoy reviewing the food. I wish I can see more Indonesian blogs like this. thumbs up! :)


  15. Hai Selby, Nice blog to be seen and inspired us to do the same...

  16. Hi Selby, dropping off here from Epicurina..nice blog and very inspiring.
