Monday, September 15, 2008

Snack in Bandung

Sek Ba alias 肉 骨
(Pork's innard and blood with tofu and salty veggie - sayur asin)

Ambo-kueh - called also Ngoh Hiang
(fried glutinous rice, sausage, tofu, pork's ear, brown egg, cucumber)
Rp. 10.000

Cireng = Aci digoreng (fried starch) filled with spicy peanut.

Rp. 750 per piece

Liang Tea with cincau/xian cao (仙草)
Lumpia Basah ala Bandung - Rp. 16.000

Tahu Gejrot (stinky tofu) from Cirebon

Kue Bolu Ketan Item (Black glutinous rice cake) - Rp. 32.500


  1. Can.. can.. can.. as long as we could work as a partnership :D

  2. Pork blood!?! Whoa!!!

    Fried starch with peanuts inside, how do people eat food like that and still stay so thin? :)

    The tea and cake look interesting, what does it taste like?

    Did you have a good time in Bandung? :)

  3. Pork blood:
    Yup... it's yummy!

    Fried starch with peanuts inside:
    People still can manage their weights coz it's only snacks and not being consumed daily :)

    Liang tea and cake:
    The liang tea tasted sweet, it's good for cough and phlegm and soothes the lungs.

    Yes, I had a good time in Bandung though it's tiring. I departed around 5 am from Jakarta and went back at 9 pm.

  4. you got special chocolate recipe right? open stall pour your chocolate on whatever and sell!

    ok ok don't take me too seriously.
    though i think it'll work real good too. people like novelty food.
    but rental here is a killer.
    good location, tiny space of about 200 sq ft for finger food stall, may cost about S$3,000 at least.

  5. Selling food is one the best business to do but too bad, I'm not really a business person. Beside, to open a business, need a lot of money as for the working capital which I don't have. Don't think, I dare to ask for bank loan because of the high interest (above 15% per year).

    Here in Jakarta, rental fee is also quite high especially in the golden triangle business area (they use USD currency for rental fee).

    Are you going to find a new location for your shop?

  6. not sure. when the time comes i will decide. because contract still on on, cannot move without heavy penalty.
    what is rental like in US$ in prime area your side? approximate.

  7. If I'm not mistaken, it cost USD 100 for each m2 per month.

  8. Thanks for the interesting article. I wonder how to make ambokueh (I want to make it myself).. that food is divine!!

  9. Hi Diaspora Republick, thanks for stopping by my blog. Ambokueh is a yummy dish, not so sure how to make it :)

  10. Neng Selby

    wah good banget bikin blog aneka kuiner yang khas in, semoga bisa meningkatkan wisata bandungjai income daera khususnya dan Nusantara
