Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tukang Kacang Rebus (Peanuts Man)

Twice a week, I see this 75 years old man selling braised peanuts and Bogor peanuts in front of my office building.

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3 hours of cooking in boiling water with a pinch of salt to make the peanut soft and tender.

These are Kacang Bogor (Bogor peanuts) named after a city "Bogor" which located 60 Km from Jakarta and well known as the Rainy city.

A cup of peanut costs Rp. 3.000


  1. Those peanuts look really delicious, I bet they're a fun snack!

  2. sara: Not only a fun snack but also healthy because they're boiled plus high fiber :)

  3. Selba, are the peanuts in your photo artificially colored or do they achieve the color as they cook?

  4. mary: No, there's no artificial color at all involved. That's the original color of the peanuts (purple and broken white).

  5. Whoa, purple! I was not expecting that from a peanut!

    I like the basket and green bowl which he puts the peanuts in. Very organic and beautiful :).

  6. yes.... I love those braised peanuts. I used to buy raw and steam it myself. ^o^

  7. I love peanuts! These look so cute (purple?!) and yummy!

  8. eattraveleat: Green bowl? No... it's not green bowls, those are banana leaves which are made like a bowl! :D

    food paradise: Oh.. you steamed the peanuts, not boiled them? Interesting...

    joe: Yup :D

  9. bangsar-babe: Yes, no need to worry of getting high-cholestrol, hehehe..

    mica: Hehehe... yup, they are purple ;)

  10. oh my gosh - how COOL. i love how they're purple! *sigh* i want to visit :)

  11. pearl: Sure.. sure... It would be great if you can come to visit Indonesia :)

  12. i loed those uts..used to be able to get them (back in pg) but they are now a extinct lot!

  13. thenomadgourmand: oh no... another "tukang" that is missing in Msia.

  14. Gorgeous photos, and an inexpensive and healthy snack. Also, I'm sure they go well with beer! ;) (I wonder what the story is behind the 75 year-old peanut vendor. Is he a peanut farmer?) Thanks for posting this!

  15. sapuche: About the 75 old year peanut vendor, uhmm, no, as far as I know he is not a peanut farmet, he buys them from someone else then boiled and sells them because he needs to make money for living. I know that he lives quite far from my office, so when he comes to my office, he has to leave his house in the dawn (before the sun shines) and must carry those 2 baskets of peanut on his shoulder. It's quite heartbreaking to learn more about him.
    Sorry, I should write more about him in this post but I just feel so difficult to describe it in more details.

  16. high in protein and plus point good for the heart too!

  17. That's awesome!!

    Is it weird to say that he's a cute old man? lol.

  18. I love this photo. I've had boiled peanuts once, while in Georgia (U.S.) a couple of years ago...such a different taste sensation!

  19. lesley: Hahaha... I agreed with you, he looks cute for an old man :D

    girlichef: Hi Girlichef, welcome to my blog. Boiled peanuts tasted like beans, ya? :)

  20. but y r they purple? that's different from the ones here.

    but like sweet potatoes, i guess they come in a myriad of diff colours. :)

  21. Selby you always share such fun and interesting things. Love peanuts. Great Colors.

  22. Wow, look at that unique purple color! My family would love these - we love all kinds of nuts!

  23. Bogor peanuts, I have never tried that before, really curious about the taste....any different from normal ground peanuts?

  24. My name is peanut! love them! I'd like to taste this purple variety :)

  25. What a great snack! Bet it fills you up with energy since peanuts are full of protein.

  26. oh my goodness! those peanuts are like purple? does that mean they've got antioxidants in them too? that's be awesome.

  27. I like these purple coloured nuts.

  28. Love your blog - I feel like I'm right there with you. Beautiful pictures!

  29. The purplish color of the 4-inside-one is perfect.
    Over a good drink ( like that thing...or coffee !) LOL !

  30. Incredible. The peanuts look like little jewels. I continue to be amazed by the beautiful food you introduce us to.

  31. i've never seen nuts like this before. they look yummy! you have the best food sellers come near you!

  32. I prefer the peanuts. A good snack. :)

  33. your pictures are very beautiful!! i especially like the first one. it speaks of stories. great stuff! ;D

  34. Those are some interesting looking peanuts. Do they tast the same?

  35. Ive actually had boiled peanuts in Key West Fl, they are a special treat. As always, Selba,,I love your photos, please dont ever stop sharing them!

  36. the last pictures
    is not a peanuts izzit?

    it lokks like soy bean

  37. Boiled peanuts have such a fun texture to chew on and are not as dry as roasted peanuts!

    I always like how you treat your photos - making the subject pop out by blurring the background, how did you do it?

  38. Selby, I am continually amazed by those peanuts.
    When you get a chance, stop by my kitchen. I have an award for you.

  39. j2kfm: Actually those peanuts would not turn to be real purple when they are roasted :)

    netts nook: Thank you for your kind words, Netts Nook :)

    5 star foodie: I believe you and your family would love these peanuts because they are really delicious :)

    ah king and moon: The boiled Bogor peanuts tasted like red/ kidney beans and it totally tasted different when they are roasted. It’s quite difficult for me to describe it but for sure it’s really yummy because a lot of people are fan of eating it :)Hopefully, you get a chance to try it someday.

  40. gera @ sweetsfoods: Your name is peanut? Hahaha.. Should try someday these peanuts :)

    Katherine aucoin: Yes, true… and also high of fiber :)

    burpandslurp: Hehehe… well, I’m not so sure whether they got antioxidants or not but for sure, eating them are very healthy :)

    worldwindows: It’s yummy, right? :)

    Kerstin: Hi Kerstin, welcome to my blog and thank you for your kind words :)

  41. BSG: Coffee? But pPeanuts are better with beer or tea, no? ;)

    my Carolina kitchen: Whoaa.. you are right, Sam! The more I look at the peanuts, the more it looks like jewels :)

    heather: Hehehe, I guess I should consider myself lucky because it’s so easy to find food sellers around me :)

    little inbox: Yup, definitely good snacks :) Sure… *hands some peanuts* :)

  42. nic: Wow… A compliment of my photos by Nic? Can’t say more except that I’m so flattered right now! *blushing* Thank you very much, Nic! It really means a lot to me, you really make my day :D

    monica h: No, they don’t taste the same. The kacang bogor tasted more like beans like red/ kidney beans :)

    donna-ffw: Thank you so much for your compliment, Donna. It really encouraged me more to blog and share the food here in Indonesia :)

  43. pisang goreng: All kind of beans and nuts are called kacang in Indonesia. So, if you asked me wheterer kacang bogor is bean or nut, me also got confused, hehehe. The size of kacang Bogor is bigger than soy bean.

    livie: Yes, boiled peanuts are not dry plus not too salty compared to the dry or roasted peanuts. I use the blur tool in photoshop for the background :)

    my Carolina kitchen: Thank you so much, Sam! I will collect the award :)

  44. Our tukang kacang at here is a bit different, they come in a mobile store and sells 2 types of kacang, one is the peanut and also the kacang putih. I still love the peanut compare to kacang putih.

  45. steven goh: Kacang putih? Is it the one which is wrapped with flour?

  46. The kacang bogor doesn't look like peanut that v normally had~~

  47. mimid3vils: So far, I'm not aware other countries that consume this Bogor peanuts :)

  48. he is making an honest living. bless him. :)

  49. PEANUTS!!!!!

    Is it normal for peanuts in Indonesia to have three or four nuts each??!? As if the color weren't amazing enough...

  50. Hi Selba, love your food shots!may i know which camera are u using? I'm surveying for 1. Thanx!

  51. I used to buy the kacang's known as ah moh tor tau in Penang.

  52. I love your blog so much! It's just so interesting - I love all your pictures!! Thank you for sharing.

  53. Never try these purplish peanuts before. Looks yummy!

  54. mistipurple: Yes, bless him :)

    MM: Hehehe… can’t believe that you are so excited about peanuts! Yes, that’s very common to find three or four nuts each :)

    sakaigirl: Thank you for your compliment, sakaigirl. I’m using Panasonic Lumix Fx-8 which I bought 5 years ago :)

    ck lam: Oh… that so interesting to know the name in Chinese. It must “mat salleh nuts” in malay, right? :D

    jan: Thank you for you kind words, Jan :)

    food for tots: It is yummy especially if you love beans :)

  55. Here in Malaysia, we have kacang putih instead... but yes, nothing like snacking on them! :)

  56. life for beginners: I just found the image of kacang putih (got curious because it's been mentioned). We also have it here in Indonesia but I'm not so sure what's the name :)

  57. Love your blog. Will return to visit often.

  58. Thanks for showing me something new :)

  59. just love your phots, not sure why they looks so 3D!

  60. A very interesting post Selby. I've never seen those varieties of peanuts.

    Thanks for your recent visit and your comment. I hope you will come back to visit again soon.

  61. The peanuts look great but the peanut guy is so darn cute.

  62. I love how those peanuts are naturally that shade of purple! Lovely to look at, even lovelier to eat by the bucket!

  63. Peanuts one of my favorite freaking snacks.

  64. penny: Hi Penny, welcome to my humble food blog and please come again :)

    maryann: I’m glad to show something different :)

    BBO: Thank you! Looks like 3D, really? Whoaaaa…. :D

    cathy: Hello Cathy, welcome to my blog. Sure, I’ll visit you again and hope to see you around :)

  65. cate: Hi Cate, thanks for stopping by my blog and also for the compliment :)

    pam: Hehehe… yup, he looks cute! Just met him this morning and bought some peanuts again for snack.

    550 jar of faith: Hahaha… you are not serious to eat by the bucket, right?

    jeff: Don’t we all love peanuts? ;)

    Marybeth: Thanks, Marybeth :)

  66. They look wonderful - there are some peanuts at Farmer's Market - the "regular" American ones - and believe it or not - I am never sure how to cook them. What a deprived life I have lead. But I bet your way would work.

  67. claudia: Oh, there's peanuts market around your place? That's great. You can try to boiled them. Make sure to boil it for 3 hours and don't forget to add a pinch of salt :)

  68. I like the photo of the peanut man, nice composition and colours :)

  69. noobcook: thank you so much for the compliment :D

  70. boiled peanuts are popular in the southern US, too :)

  71. tavolini: really? that's so cool! Because I think that boiled peanuts are much healthier :)

  72. This I like.. simple and original food.

    Unless u have peanut allergy, this is a great snack.

  73. robin: Yes, peanuts are definitely a great snack :)

  74. Greetings Selby, I'm Nahyun..
    Your picture about peanuts is nice, can I copy one of them to my blog? B'couse I made story about fried peanuts in my blog ( Thank's so Much Selby..

  75. nahyun: Hi Nahyun, thanks for stopping by my blog and also asking for my permission to use my picture of peanuts. Sure, definitely you can use it :)
