Monday, March 23, 2009

Warung Desa

warung desa
Warung Desa restaurant opens 24 hours from Mon - Sun, located at Jl. H. Agus Salim (more known as Jalan Sabang) No. 55, Jakarta Pusat. It has various menu (Western food, Arabian food, Chinese food, and Indonesian food).
Quite interesting to see the menu under the glass cover on the top of the table.

The view of Jalan Sabang (Sabang Street) from the Warung Desa's window.

I ordered Nasi Pepes Bakar Isi Ayam (Roasted steamed rice with sweet soysauce chicken filling) wrapped in banana leaves. It's really good!
My colleague had a yummy Kwetiauw Goreng Seafood (Fried seafood flat rice noodles/char kway teow).
Currency rate:
1 USD = Rp. 11.750
1 Euro = Rp. 16.100
1 MYR = Rp. 3.225

Warung = Small shop
Desa = Village


  1. The first dish looks exotic... :) As for char koey teow, it needs no introduction!

  2. kyh: Hahaha.. yeah, especially for those who are living in Penang, the best place for char koey teow :D

  3. The rice cooked/roasted with chicken filling in banana leaf?

  4. my goodness, the nasi pepes looks so so good....I must check this out if I visit Indonesia...

  5. worldwindows: the rice is cooked first (but it's half done) then wrapped in banana leaf together with the filling, steamed and then roasted on charcoal.

    simplegirl: Yes, you must, it's kinda authentic dish ;)

  6. Interesting rice dish. So you mix it up to eat?

  7. tummythoz: Hahaha... I guess, it reminds you to "pepper lunch", right? No, I didn't mix it up when I ate it :)

  8. The rice dish so interesting~~Bamboo shape~~

  9. mimid3vils: Hehehe, yup, looks like bamboo shape.

  10. this sure looks awesome delicious, I wonder if the char koey teow taste as the same as the chinsese vcersion?

  11. Nasi pepes - wrapped in banana leaf and roasted in charcoal? Must have been darn good! =D

  12. BBO: Uhmmm... I'm not so sure about it, probably it's already adjust a little bit to Indonesian taste. Ah... someday, visiting Penang for the char koey teow is a must! :D

  13. bangsar-babe: Beside the yummy taste, it also has a nice aroma :)

  14. What an elegant restaurant. I'm so glad you took us with us. The busy street outside is amazing with all of the different size cars.

    When we lived in the islands we had banana trees in our yard and I've seen people wrap food in them and put them on the grill to cook. Your chicken dish looked fabulous and I could eat the whole plate of the fried seafood flat rice noodles.

  15. Love these photos, the dish you chose looks delicious!! Nice view from the restaurant! Thanks for sharing, I love to see all this!

  16. Both of those dishes look so good. I literally love ANYTHING wrapped in banana leaves, and flat rice noodles are one of my favorite things!

  17. Wait a 24 hours a day, from Mon to Sun!!?? And so many variety of food they serve, that's amazing!;-)

  18. Wow, this restaurant looks great! The rice with chicken wrapped in banana leaves sounds just amazing!

  19. now that's not what we get here in Msia! pepes = paper?

  20. What a way to display the Nasi Pepes Bakar Isi Ayam. I like it.

  21. i like how you took the photos of the food, displayed out so that everyone could see the details :) thanks!

  22. Nasi Pepes Bakar Isi Ayam looks so yummy!! ^_^

  23. Both of the dishes look so delicious Selba.

  24. That roll of rice looks interesting and yummy!

  25. oh u guys call them kuey teow also? :)

    universal language i guess.

    but of course, Indon language ~ Malay, right?

  26. Selba the dishes look wonderful and the menu covers practically the world-cuisine :)
    An interesting place to enjoy!

  27. Saw you on Donna's blog. She was right, great blog... great picts!

  28. Looks like a unique and wonderful meal!

  29. i loved that first dish - rice in the banana leaf!! looks like you had a good time!

  30. Mmmmm, I am so hungry, everything looks good! I'd love to try the rice and chicken in the banana leaf, but then I love seafood noodles.

    Maybe it's time for my soup now :P

  31. the rice looks more like Pulut to me.

  32. We have places all over that have the menu under the table top...I love the view from the window, some of those cars area very tiny.

  33. my Carolina kitchen: I’m happy that you like this post. A lot of people here in Indonesia also have banana and papaya trees in their yard. Banana leaves give an extra aroma to the food :)

    Lesley: Yes, and the prices are quite reasonable too.

    donna-ffw: So glad that you like the photos :)

    mica: Food wrapped in banana leaves are yummy :)

    ah king and moon: Hello Ah King and Moon, thank you for dropping by my blog. Yup, it’s 24 hours and 7 days, so if hungry at anytime can go to this place :)

    5 star foodie: Yes, beside the yummy food in here, the view and prices are quite good too :)

  34. thenomadgourmand: Pepes is a term for steamed food that being wrapped in banana leaves :)
    Paper is kertas in bahasa Indonesia.

    ck lam: And it's yummy indeed :)

    pearl: Thank you for your nice compliments, Pearl :)

    ling239: Hi Ling, welcome to my blog, please come again :)

    Katherine aucoin: They are delicious indeed :)

  35. wmw: Hello Wmw, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    j2kfm: Yes, same… same… sama… sama… hehehe :)

    gera @ sweetsfoods: Hello Gera, thank you for stopping by my blog, hope to see you around :)

    pisang goreng: Yes, it is yummy indeed. I’m thinking if I revisit then I will order it again :)

    mommy gourmet: Hi Mommy Gourmet, thanks for dropping by my blog and also for your compliment, please feel free to come again :)

  36. yummy looking nasi pepes bakar there. i'll love to have mine with some really spicy sambal! ;D

  37. That nasi pepes bakar is really good. I've tried it before in Jakarta and the traffic jam still as bad shown in your picture. XD

  38. sara: For the rice, actually it’s not really unique but it’s more authentic ;)

    superchef: Yes, I think one of their best dishes is the roasted rice steamed :)

    livie: Hahaha… soup only? But hey, soup is also very nice and yummy especially with the mixed ingredients of care and love ;)

    foodbin: Pulut? What is that? Sounds interesting though…

  39. little inbox: Yes, it is because not only of the seasoning but also the banana leaves :)

    helene: Yes, the food in this restaurant is yummy :)

    Marybeth: Oh, that’s great! To avoid the menu from getting dirty and crumpled :)

  40. nic: You really love sambal, don’t you? ;)

    email2me: Hahaha… the traffic jam as in my pic wasn’t really bad, that’s still ok… gotta show the worse one someday :D

  41. Could you plse start a delicious Indon food chain here in KL so that we can also enjoy all these different delightful things,
    surely can succeed because got so many Xpatriate Indonesian working here as well !

  42. wa.. so many types of cuizine under one roof.. but is it cooked well or not?

  43. BSG: Hahaha.. the business idea sounds tempting. Need to find a capitalist then :D But is it easy to open a business aka restaurant in KL?

    cumi & ciki: So far, no complaint heard. And seriously, my nasi pepes was really yummy :)

    mara: Hi Mara, welcome to my blog.

  44. There are some Indon set ups here in KL already so should be a normal everseas kind of business undertaking though seriously you will need manpower (to work) not forgetting money. We know one young Indonesian Chinese sis/bro family here doing Lounges and Clubs

  45. BSG: Oh I see. Yeah, I might going to think about it seriously ;) I know that a lot of Indonesian restaurants in Netherlands are doing very good business because Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch before.

  46. This looks like a really cozy place to eat, and the nasi pepes bakar isi ayam looks delicious. I was intrigued by your photo of kwetiauw goreng seafood (also looks delicious!) and wanted to ask if the flavor is similar at all to pad thai. I want what you eat...every day!

  47. Hi there, Selba! I just wanted to let you know that we have a new widget at, I thought you might want to try it out. Check it out here! Let me know what you think of the new widget. Thanks!

  48. sapuche: Yes, the kwetiauw goreng is similiar to pad thai, except (if I'm not mistaken) that in pad thai it has crushed peanuts and lime juice for topping.
    Well, you gotta move to Jakarta if you want to eat the same thing like me ;)

    desmone007: thanks for the info.

  49. Your dish looks so good!

    I always come to this blog hungry :-)

  50. monica h: Thanks!!! That's really a big compliment for my blog :D

  51. Selba, which part of Indonesia do you stay? The food looks so delicious! who knows maybe one day i might go there for food hunting trip^^

  52. sakaigirl: I'm living in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. When you come to Jakarta, you can find a lot of authentic food from different places in Indonesia.

  53. sekarang warung desa dah buka cabang di TEBET?...

