Saturday, April 11, 2009

Courtyard Restaurant - Jakarta

My mom and I just came back from a birthday dinner of my mom’s close friend. The birthday dinner was held at a Chinese restaurant named Courtyard at Plaza Indonesia on the 3rd floor.

This restaurant has a very nice ambience and the food tasted really good. Too bad, I didn’t get a chance to see the menu because the food was already ordered, so I've no idea of the names and prices of the food from this restaurant. Well, I think I will come back again someday to try the other food.


  1. pictures no3
    section 1
    i think is long beans cook with dried prawns.....

    upper right
    is sweet sour meat.....

    BTW nice pictures......
    I hope not very costly when you visit next time.

  2. The ambience and food look good, wonder how is the pricing for the food?

    Btw, Happy Easter!

  3. That restaurant looks awesome! Mmmmm, I want to come visit and eat at Jakarta!

  4. This looks like a great restaurant but a bit pricey. I like the simple presentations of the food.

  5. Almost midnight here and this food post is making me very very hungry :O

  6. All the dishes look yummy - now I'm craving Chinese!

  7. Now I know where to eat when I get to Jakarta. Beautiful photos - as usual.

  8. Ooh, it all looks so yummy-Lovely presentations!

    Have a good weekend Selby!

  9. Looks like a delicious meal! Very colorful too :)

  10. pisang goring: Let me see how I can describe the name of food, hehehe

    Picture no. 2:
    sec. 1 is kong pao chicken,
    sec. 2 fried prawn with mayonnaise
    sec. 3 birthday fried noodle
    sec. 4 fried tofu mixed with meat and kaylan

    Picture no. 3:
    sec. 1 long beans with minced meat
    sec. 2 chicken with pineapple in sweet sour sauce
    sec. 3 beef with mushroom and green paprika
    sec. 4 toothpicks

    Do you think that I should wait until someone invited me again to eat in this restaurant? ;) hahaha….

  11. sugar bean: A big possibility that this is a pricey restaurant but I think it’s worth it :)
    Happy Easter to you too!

    mica: Yes, a very nice restaurant. Hey.. it would be so great if you can visit Jakarta for a gastronomic tour :)

    eattraveleat: Yup, I think this restaurant must be pricey, judging from the design/decoration inside the restaurant :)

    angele: Hahaha… same with me!!!

  12. kerstin: Never can resist of eating Chinese food :)

    mary: Thanks, Mary! Oh, there are a lot of nice and good restaurants in Jakarta :)

    monica h: And it tasted good also :) Have a nice weekend, Monica!

    sara: It’s a delicious meal indeed :)

  13. Wonderful, makes my mouth water, especially because the Chinese food situation in LA is BLEAK! I even crave take-out sesame noodles from nyc.

  14. Gorgeous photos of all that food! It looks like it was a real feast. Also, the table must have been full of very patient eaters since they let you take pictures before digging in! :) I hope you go back soon!

  15. Your making me hungry!! It's breakfast time here but I'm sure I could eat some of that right now!

  16. oh selby your photos always look so mm!

  17. aiks? stopped short of describing even the taste?

    hmm .. promising, Chinese food in Indon. hope you'll visit again!

  18. delicious! seems like there are quite many chinese restaurants in jakarta! ;)

    as for leaving comments on my blog, if not for one blogger who informed me about that, i wouldn't hv known the error for leaving comments. The error's fixed, you are welcomed to leave a comment. ;)

    kyh @

  19. The style of the dishes look very familiar ! right !Chinese food is quite the same worldwide...we think

  20. hmm..... the restuarant interior is very nice.

  21. the food at Courtyard look great, btw wat is the damage like after dining there? Now no more tukang-tukang already? I miss all your tukang posts. :)

  22. I wish I were there to taste all this food! :)

  23. From the photos, I know the food is good. :)

  24. Catherine: Chinese food in LA isn’t nice? Ah… too bad. I thought there’re a lot of good Chinese restaurants in LA… or is it in SF? ;)

    sapuche: Thanks, Sapuche! Hahaha… yeah, they were so nice and patient to let me taking the pictures….

    jan: Hehehe… it’s a big meal for a breakfast ;)

    pearl: Thank you for your compliment, Pearl :)

  25. j2kfm: I guess I need more practice to describe the taste of the food…
    Hold on, let me see my dictionary… Oops, there’s only yummy and delicious! LOL

    kyh: There are a lot of good Chinese restaurants here in Jakarta.
    Great to hear that your blog is back to normal, will visit and leave a comment there :)

    BSG: Yup, I believe it too… :)

    food paradise: Yes, you are right! Very nice interior :)

  26. steven goh: the damage? Uhmmm… the wallet got lighter? LOL
    Don’t worry, the tukang-tukang posts will still coming, just a little break to show that Jakarta isn’t just full with tukang-tukang, hehehe….

    MTC: should come to visit Jakarta and try the food here :)

    little inbox: hehehe… can tell directly, ya?

  27. Have not tried Chinese Restaurant food as yet. The food can be presented better I think. It should be quite expensive as standard of living is higher in Jakarta.

  28. Thanks for your recommendation and i WILL TRY IT IF I HAVE A CHANCE TO visit this place. You are welcome to my blog at and hear some of our stories. We are equally pleased to look forward hearing from you in return,

  29. worldwindows: Yup, the standard living in Jakarta is quite high thus eating in this kind of restaurant can be very pricey :)

    james oh: Hi James, thanks for stopping by my blog. See you around :)

  30. Mmm, looks like great food. What fabulous pictures!

  31. elyse: The food was delicious :) Thanks, Elyse!

  32. Everything looks delicious as always. Your photos never cease to captivate me!!

  33. Hey, make sure the next round you got to jot down each name of the dish ok. :p

  34. donna-ffw: Thanks, Donna :D

    cariso: Yup! Definitely will jot down the menu and prices next time ;)

  35. You go to the most interesting restaurants Selby. I go to restaurants for the food but I also go for the ambiance, which I think makes the difference in your experience.
    I've never seen long beans in a market - only in photos. What do they taste like?

  36. my carolina kitchen: Long beans is a good source for protein. We usually like to cook it1/2 way (Sauté) in order to have a crunchy/crispy and tender texture. Hope that you can try it someday :)

    TNG: I like most of everything related to Chinese, ie.: chinese food, chinese language, chinese songs, chinese cultures and chinese guys! LOL
