Monday, April 13, 2009

Pasta De Waraku - Jakarta

I'd been passing several times in front of this Japanese restaurant called Pasta De Waraku to see the interesting display of the food. So, when my friend suggested to have lunch at this restaurant, I directly agreed :)

Inside the restaurant. It really has a casual and relaxing ambience. Look at those tomatoes lights! So cute :)

The food here is infusion between authentic Japanese flavor into pasta and pizza. My friend an I ordered the set menu which included the soup, pasta and a glass of green tea.

Guess what? We received a complimentary dish for appetizer. Not sure what's the reason but the waiter was smiling to me most of the time when I was busy with my camera :P

Satsuma Age Comp (Fried fish cake)
The soup.
Kimchee Pepperon Rp. 58.000

Wafu Vongole Rp. 58.000

A meal without dessert is not a complete meal, right? ;)
Maccha Cake (Green tea ice cake) Rp. 33.000
Maccha Monaka (Green tea ice cream with Japanese waffer) Rp. 20.000
Prices are subjected to 10% tax and 5% service charge.
Currency rate:
1 USD = Rp. 11.350
1 MYR = Rp. 3.130
Grand Indonesia Mall Level 3A
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Pusat

Seriously, I love the taste of the food here! Thumbs up!!! :)


  1. oh that's a neat display of food!

  2. pearl: Yes, I can stand for a long time just looking at the food display, hehehe...

  3. I will go for the novelty. The clam shell Japanese waffle is a good start!

  4. worldwindows: That's a good choice! ;)

  5. Besides the displayed food, the tomato light is an attractive item too.

  6. This is the first time I get to see food being displayed vertically. Quite unique in fact. The last photo looked as if you have found your "pearl" :P

    p/s: It's been a long while since I dropped in here. I have been very busy with work and at the same time stupid internet connection for 3 weeks. Even now it's EXTREMELY laggy!! I have given up on contacting them now... Grrrrr!!!

  7. LOVE the photos.. once again I am taken away by your posts. Thanks for sharing..

  8. That place looks so cool! I'm glad it was tasty too.

  9. The clam shell waffle looks so cute!! Was the food as good at it looked?

  10. that display is gorgeous! and that matcha cake looks SO yummy!

  11. Whoa, interesting display of food! I'll sure drooling nonstop before i even sit down and order my food!

  12. Wow, they have so many samples on their display, interesting! I like the presentation of the last photo, the macha ice-cream in the waffle, looks like a large pearl.

    We've linked your blog to our blog. ^^

  13. Your pictures are beautiful. I, too, love the tomato lights.

  14. The waiter thought you were striking :D

  15. The tomato lights are darling. I loved the green tea ice cream dessert the best. That's some food display Selba. Thanks for sharing this restaurant with us.

  16. Oh my, I've never seen food on display like this. I'd love to eat there.

  17. wah... the display looks attractive. ^o^

  18. Love the tomato lights! I seriously want one, or two or three!

    And those platters of food on display are so cool!

    Hope you enjoyed it!

  19. very modern very fusion, quite unlike normal eateries, esp those streaming row of lights or inner prayer on the vertical wall

  20. Spot on, Selby, dinner without dessert is not a meal.

    The fried fish cake starter looks yummy. I like the texture of those kinds of dishes.

  21. ck lam: Yup, I like the tomato light 

    criz lai: Hey Criz, so nice to see you again in here! Miss ya a lot :P Well, you’re talking to someone who has been using dial-up internet connection until this day, so I know exactly how irritating it must be with the bad slow internet connection, hehehe

    Definitely unique! I think this is the only restaurant in town that put so many kind of food on their display. Oh.. how I wish to find a real pearl in that shell!!! LOL

  22. donna-ffw: Aww… Donna, thanks a lot for your compliments :)

    mica: I will come back again to this place! :)

    foodie with little thyme: Beside the food, the lights are my favorite too, hehehe

    bangsar-babe: The food tasted better than how it looked!!! :D

    heather: Yes… the matcha cake is so yummy!!! :)

  23. sakaigirl: Hahaha… that’s exactly what happened to me! ;)

    sugar bean: A large green pearl!!! Hehehe… Oh, thanks for linking me to your blog, will do the same :)

    mary: Thanks, Mary! The tomato lights are cute :)

    angele: Hahahaha…. Probably!

    my Carolina kitchen: Glad to share this great restaurant with you all :)

  24. helene: I think you would love eating there ;)

    food paradise: Yes, very attractive :)

    monica h: Hahaha.. me too! Me too! Yes, I really enjoyed it, thanks!

  25. BSG: yup, very different and unique :)

    lesley: Totally awesome :)

    livie: Yes, the fried fish cake was yummy and we were so lucky to receive it as a complimentary :)

  26. I also love the lights and the food display, it is very creative. The food sample that you gave us all look so wonderful. The ice-cream makes me think of a peal inside a shell.

  27. marybeth: Yes, it's like a pearl in a shell, the way to eat it, is close the "shell" and then you can start to bite it :)

  28. I am eying on that mancha cake. Looks gorgeous and delish.

  29. elra: yes, the maccha cake is very delicious :)

  30. it's called Pasta de Gohan over here in Msia. many choices, rather pricey, but something special.

    glad to see there's a branch over in Indon.

  31. I am amazed by how many of the fake plates of food there are, and that they are placed almost vertically! Rarely have I ever seen that. And the food looks great too. Very creative idea with the wafer and the ice cream- the ice cream looks like a big pearl :).

  32. j2kfm: Ah... yes, true! I wonder why the same is different because in Singapore, the name is the same like in Indonesia - Pasta de waraku

    ETE: Very interesting and creative, isn't it? ;)

  33. Love Green Tea ice cream :)

  34. laveena: One of my favorite flavor of ice creams too ;)

  35. we have tried them here in Sunway Pyramid, awesome but the portion was not huge for bbig eater like me! lol!

  36. omg! Pasta de Waraku! I LOVE that place! too bad they only have it here in asia...Ill miss it so much when I return to USA...
    you should try their grilled hamburg with egg...soooo good. and japanese pastas are so light and cleansing, not heavy like a lot of other pastas.

  37. Oh mais c'est vraiment étonnant, cette déco d'assiettes garnies, vraiment étonnant !
    Kisses from France,

  38. Oh my! What an amazing place! Those windows are the coolest! It looks like a wonderful meal. That Green Tea Ice Cake is really interesting. Thanks for sharing! I still can't get over those windows...

  39. What a fabulous looking reatuarant and the food look sensational. The last picture you posted, I forgot the name of it, in the clam shell, that is a show stopper!

  40. We have a chain here but I have not tried it yet. Seems pretty interesting.

  41. That display of food would make me drool! I'm surprised you resisted for so long.

    Love that feast!

  42. It looks funky with it's wall of plates and the tomato lights. The food all looked really tasty with a nice presentation. Looks like a winner.

  43. I wish it weren't so far away....Very cool, and it looks so good.

  44. japanese restaurant with italian name....


  45. like the way they served the green tea ice cream in a shell.

  46. BBO: Hehehe… then should order more! Eh, btw, I tried to leave a comment several times yesterday on your wedding cake post but got error every time I hit the submit button.

    burpandslurp: Hopefully, they will open a chain in the USA :) Grilled hamburger with egg? I don’t think they serve it here in Jakarta, hmmm… gotta check it out.

    tatieva: Salut Tatieva! Merci de l'arrêt par mon blog. J'espère vous voir autour :)

    lori: Couldn’t more agree with you about this restaurant :)

    Katherine aucoin: Oh.. Green tea ice cream in a wafer? Interesting isn’t it? :)

  47. The green tea ice-cream seem like have dense flavor, am I right?

  48. precious pea: You gotta try it!!! It’s really delicious!!! ;)

    lo: Hi Lo, thanks for dropping by my blog. I guess I was too amazed with the display, hehehe….

    pam: Totally a winner! I will say that the food here is the best one I’ve eaten so far in this year :)

  49. unconfidentialcook: I believe that you would love this restaurant :)

    pisang goreng: Japanese restaurant that serves pasta and pizza :)

    foodbin: It’s cute, isn’t it? :)

  50. mimid3vils: Bingo! You are right! :D

  51. I have to go to this restaurant! How incredible it is - I love the displays on the wall and the food you've shown looks fantastic (especially the vongole)! I need to plan a trip to Jakarta and make this my first stop. 8-)

  52. tangled noodle: Yes! Yes! Make sure that you have the chance to eat in this restaurant! :)

  53. Love their concept of displaying the food sample. Restaurant in China also practice this.

  54. The deco, food taste and presentation all same across Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia outlets.

    Do they serve pork here?

  55. little inbox: Oh, in China, they also do this kind of display? That must be interesting :)

    email2me: I'm not sure whether they serve pork or not but I don't think I see the "halal" sign.

  56. the display is really amazing, isn't it? i like the concept of japanese pasta. somehow, the taste is a mix between oriental and western. ;D

  57. wow a lot of pasta ah !!! i like tat greentea icecream !! look so cute

  58. never tried it despite the concept being bought into Malaysia for awhile..

    looks kinda good though =)

  59. nic: Yup, very amazing! I'm not so sure but seriously I feel that Japanese pasta tasted better than Italian pasta? OMG! hehehe....

    faye: Yes, there're a lot kind of varieties! I wish I could try them all, hehehe....

    joey: If you have time, give it a try ;)

  60. sophie: It's a lovely restaurant indeed :)

  61. Make mine pasta... pasta de waraku, bitte! :)

  62. do u know that theres one in sunway pyramid too? but its expensive :(

  63. lovely display :)

    How's the green tea ice cake and green tea ice cream? I love green tea related foodstuff :)

  64. What a great restaurant, think it would come to the states? :)

  65. woooot~ i think i saw once in singapore!! LOL =D hahaha.. the display very neat one!!

  66. That display looks like a museum installation, and I love the tomato-themed lights along the ceiling! Looks like a fun place to eat, and the dishes appear as delicious as they are creative. I'm putting this on my places to visit if/when I come to Jakarta! Thanks for sharing this!

  67. That is - a lot of choice. The photos are mouth-watering. That Green tea cake ... mmmm.

  68. LFB: *gibt eine Platte von pasta* Lekker? ;)

    kampungboycitygal: Yes, I heard about that place. Well, it's actually also quite expensive for us here in Jakarta :)

    chen: I believe you will love the green tea ice cake and ice cream, seriously, it even tasted better than the Haagen-dasz one! ;)

    sarah herman: Let’s cross our fingers ;)

  69. andrew: Yup, actually this restaurant is a franchise from Singapore if I’m not mistaken :)

    sapuche: Hahaha…. Didn’t cross my mind that it looks like museum installation. A nice place to dine-in :)

    claudia: Yes… so many choices that can make people so confused what to order, hehehe… Oh yes, the green tea cake is so yummy :)

  70. Thank you for visiting my blog. This was an interesting post! What beautiful displays and food!

  71. What a lovely and interesting blog you have! I have learned much here today.

    Your photos are great. I loved your fondant cupcakes, and yes I think you could take orders.

    I liked the tomato lights here. They made me smile BIG.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. That was very nice of you.

  72. food for hungry soul: Hi there, welcome to my blog and thank you so much for your kind words. Hope to see you again here :)

  73. linda: Hi Linda, nice to see you here. Yes, the display and food are beautiful indeed :)

  74. It all looks so wonderful. I wish I had the recipes or the restaurant here.

  75. I liked everything! The tomato light, soup, but the one that I really liked was the Maccha Monaka.

  76. lori: It would be great if the recipes of the pasta are available because the pastas tasted really delicious :)

    talita: Hi Talita, welcome to my blog. Your choice of maccha monaca is excellent :D

  77. those tomato lights are awesome! and the food looks pretty tasty too.

  78. kate: Hi Kate, welcome to my blog. Yes, it's a very nice restaurant :)

  79. We have this restaurant in Singapore too - same concept and design :)

  80. noobcook: Have you eaten there? :)

  81. wow, i din know there's waraku in Jakarta too. there's plenty around in Singapore. haha

  82. brad: Hi Brad, thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    How nice that's there're many Waraku in Spore. Here in Jakarta, there's only one.

  83. I luv Japanese food too! Luv the food display!

  84. food for tots: Me too.. me too.. :) Do you eat often at the Waraku in Spore?

  85. Never try that before but I did try other types of Jpn restaurant. Will check this out 1 day. ;)

  86. food for tots: I believe you will love the food in Waraku, seriously it's really good :) But for the price, I think here in Jakarta is a bit cheaper than in Singapore.

  87. It is also the same in Msia. Eg for Sakae Sushi, you pay S$50 in Spore but RM50 in Msia. Same quality of food but huge diff in price!!!!

  88. food for tots: Whoaaa... sounds that Singapore is the most expensive place for food then. Better to wait until you go back to KL to try the Waraku :)

  89. Wow, that's quite a food display in front of the restaurant. Your food looks great! So glad you enjoyed it!

  90. elyse: It's really interesting to see the food display :)

  91. They have the same thing in Singapore!

    I like the Japanese food at the Waraku chains here.

  92. keropok man: Hi Keropok Man, thanks for dropping by my blog :)
    I heard that the waraku rest. in Singapore is always very crowded.

  93. and guess what? after seeing your post, I saw an advert that they are having discounts at the stores in Singapore.

    it seems most restaurants are lowering their prices to entice people to go makan at their places ;-)

  94. keropok man: Yay! Lucky for you :) I wish that the Pasta De Waraku in Jakarta can also give special discount, hehehe..

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