Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cookies with royal icing

This is my first attempt to make cookies with royal icing as the decoration :)

I think the result turned out pretty good *happy*

Are you interested to try to make these cookies? Here are the recipes of the cookies and also the royal icing:

Roll-out Cookies
source: Wilton

* 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
* 1 egg
* 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
* 1 1/2 teaspoons clear vanilla extract
* 1/2 teaspoon no-color almond extract
* 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 teaspoon salt

Makes: About 3 dozen cookies.

Preheat oven to 400°F. In mixing bowl, cream butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and extracts. Mix flour, baking powder and salt; add to butter mixture 1 cup at a time, mixing after each addition. Do not chill dough. Divide dough into 2 balls. On a floured surface, roll each ball into a circle approximately 12 in. wide and 1/8 in. thick. Dip cookie cutter in flour before each use. Bake cookies on ungreased cookie sheet 6-7 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned.

Recipe may be doubled.

Egg White Royal Icing
source: Wilton

* 3 egg whites (room temperature)
* 4 cups (approximately 1 lb.) confectioners' sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

Makes: 2 1/2 cups.

Beat all ingredients at high speed for 7 to 10 minutes. Use immediately. Rebeating will not restore texture.

P.S: We had a big earthquake today! Not only the southern coast of Java but also Jakarta got hit by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake around 3 PM. I was in the office - on the 17th floor, when it happened.... It's so scary!!! During and after the earthquake, people were running out of the building and most of us got so dizzy.

The pics below were taken in front of the building's lobby.


  1. My gosh, those are adorably cute :-)

    Good job!

  2. rinaz: Hi Rinaz, thank you for stopping by my blog and also for your compliments :)

  3. hope your ok, wow these cookies are awesome my little daughter loves lions lol

  4. chow and chatter: Except feeling quite dizzy after the earthquake, I'm ok :) Thanks!
    Your little daughter loves lions? Maybe you can bake her these cookies for her ;)

  5. Selby, I hope you are okay. As you said, it must have been scary on the 17th floor. I guess dizzy is a small price to pay for what otherwise might have been a disaster. Still scary though, no matter how you say it.

    Your cookies are adorable and would bring out the kid in all of us to enjoy such a colorful treat.

  6. MCK: Yes, Sam.. thank God that nothing really serious happened.
    Thank you for you sweet compliments :)

  7. lion cookies! how cute!Can I have one?

  8. looks yummy even though i'm not quite a yellow chi....
    i hope you're ok after the scary quake


  9. That's a pretty good sized earthquake, isn't it Selby? Glad that you are ok and I hope there was not much damage!How scary!
    The cookies are so cute, and I imagine they taste yummy!

  10. oh dear, glad you're ok.
    pretty scary to be shaken in the midst of daydreaming at work, right? :)

  11. I would definitely like to try this :D Thanks for sharing!

  12. clap! clap! clap!

    This is so awesome beautiful! I like them all!

  13. I'm so glad you were not hurt in the earthquake. That must have been very frightening. On a lighter and happier not, your cookies look so cheerful. The under ten crowd in my family would never settle for just one. I can already hear the cries for "more, please." I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  14. So glad you stayed safe in that earthquake. That had to be very scary!

    I love your cookies! I've had cookies with royal icing on my mind lately because I think I will try some decorating with my Christmas holiday baking this year. Glad to have that icing recipe.

  15. Gah, earthquakes are so scary! I'm glad you're okay, Selba.

    Those cookies are adorable!

  16. Very cute cookies! I wish I had to make stuff like this but I'm consumed by school. Gah.

  17. I love the lion cookies, so cute! I'm glad you're ok, that must have been quite a scare to be on the 17th floor during an earthquake.

  18. So funny and pretty cookies. Kids will love with them :)

    Great to see you're ok after the earthquake!!



  19. The cookies are absolutely adorable. You did a great job of decorating them!!!!

  20. Oh honey that must have been so scary, pleased your okay!

    The cookies are just the cutest, great job!

  21. I am so glad you are safe. I didn't hear about the earthquake on the news.

    Your cookies are adorable! The colors are so vibrant and they are very hapy looking cookies too!

  22. peachkins: are you sure that you only want one? It's yummy *wink*

    cocorue: don't like yellow? It's the color of king! hehehe... I'm OK, coco :)

    lynda: I think this earthquake is the scariest earthquake I've ever experienced, the building was swayed very strong. The cookies are yummy :)

    j2kfm: yup, so scary! hahaha... for some people who were day-dreaming, probably it's really wake up call :D

  23. anncoo: Glad that you are going to make these cookies :)

    BBO: *bow.. blow... blow* thanks! :)

    pearl: thank you, Pearl!

    mary: So grateful that there's no big damage happened during the earthquake but it's really a frightening situation especially being in a high building.
    Oh... me too... I can't get enough with one, hehehe... Thanks, Mary! :)

  24. lori: Yes, it was so scary, I could see the other colleagues' faces turn very pale, there's time where we had to hold on something or lean to the wall because of the hard shaking.
    Christmas is always wonderful with cookies and royal icing, btw, if you don't have tartar cream, you can change it with citron or lime juice :)

    mica: Yeah... hate earthquake! Well, actually don't like all kind of natural disaster because it's so scary and beyond human control. Thanks, Mica :)

  25. sean: Just take your time, seriously, it's fun making these cookies :D

    5 star foodie: Thanks :) yeah... on the 17th floor and it's an old building (30 years), everyone was so scare that the building might collapse.

    gera: thank you, Gera :) Hope there'll be no other eathquake as big as this one in the future.

    debbie: thank you for your compliments, Debbie :)

  26. dusk attic: Totally scary but good that nothing really serious damage happened. Thank you for the compliment on the cookies :)

    katherine aucoin: Oh.. I think it's on the CNN news :) Thank you for your kind compliments, Katherine.

  27. Oh wow! Sorry about the scare you had. Hope all is OK for you guys. The cookies look great and I'll bet they tasted even better after your scare!

  28. so lovely, looks so professional !!!

  29. Your lions are too cute! great job.

    Glad you're safe, I bet that was so sccary!

  30. happy you're safe-those are real laborious and creative work of art cookies.

  31. I was in Jogjakarta after the earthquake. It was a terrible sight.

  32. I am so glad you are ok and I am so sorry for the earthquake vicims. I also heard on media about a landslide triggered by the quake, is it true?

  33. Fantastic lion cookies. Not good to hear about the earthquake. Your Australian neighbours are hoping another one doesn't occur.

  34. FwLT: Everyone that I know are OK, thanks God! Yup, the cookies are really a comfort :)

    simplegirl: thank you for your nice words :)

    monica: thanks, Monica! Totally scary! And after the earthquake, everyone tried to go home, the traffic went crazy like those "the end of the world" movies.

  35. foodbin: thank you for your compliments, foodbin :)

    joe: *relieved* Yes, thank's God! :)

    worldwindows: Ouch, you definitely saw how terrible it was there, right?

    HoGF: Yes, you are right. It's so sad to see those victims of the earthquake and the landside.

    MHH: thank you :) We are all are crossing our fingers that there'll be no other earthquake that is higher than this one.

  36. Hi Selba,
    Love those cute cookies. Will try it out one of these days.
    I have follow your site and link your blog to mine :)

  37. I'm glad you're ok! That sounds like a pretty serious earthquake!

    Your cookies are adorable! The lion ones are my favorite!

  38. anncoo: thank you for following and linking my blog to yours, Ancoo. I will add your site's link to my blogroll! :)

    faith: Yes, actually there are many victims of earthquake in West of Java, here in Jakarta, only people got step by other people when they tried to escape/run out of the building.

    I think the lions are also my favorite, :)

  39. From cute yellow cakes to the center of life threatening earthquakes & swaying buildings at 17 ... you are one happening lady . TGYAS !

  40. BSG: TGYAS? New word? Oh... I know.. Thank God You Are Safe! LOL :D

  41. Oh, that earthquake must have been terrifying! I'm pleased to know you're OK.

    As for the cookies, they are excellent~ You must have a lot of patience to ice them so intricately ~ the look very professional, and very cute! Terrific job, Selby :)

  42. so cute! ^o^ Glad to hear you're safe.

  43. Hope all is well with you. Your "artwork" is adorable. Someday, I will bake again...

  44. I hope everything is okay. Those cookies look awesome! That doesn't look like your first attempt at all!

  45. Darling, the 17th floor!!! oh my sweet are you ok? The cookies are yummy looking. Darling have yourself a fabulous weekend!!

    Love & Hugs
    Duchess ♥♥♥

  46. little inbox: thank you for your compliment :)

    cumi & ciki: thank you.. :D

    glo: Yes, it's a very scary earthquake. Thank you so much for your kind compliments, Glo :)

    noobcook: thank you... thank you...:)

  47. talita: thanks, Talita :)

    louise: thank you, Louse! Yes, hopefully, you will bake again soon, baking is fun :)

    palidor: thank you for your compliments, Palidor :)

    duchess of tea: Besides the dizziness and shock, I'm OK, Duchess :) Have a berry nice weekend!

  48. oh my...such cute creations! Who ate them??

    And i'm so glad no one was hurt in this incident. u must have been shaken no?

  49. TNG: Kids ate them! Hehehe... *nods* totally shaken :)

  50. Congrats on your first attempt! They look awesome! Well done! The earthquake sounds scarry...! Glad you are alright.

  51. FFT: Thanks for your compliments :)

  52. glad to hear that you are fine after the quake.

    the cookies are adorable!! well done :)

  53. buzzingbee: thank you.. thank you :)

  54. Oh wow, they're SO cute, awesome job!!

  55. kerstin: thank you for your compliments, Kerstin :)

  56. The cookies look cute. I am sorry to hear about the earthquake. I am glad you're okay.
