Friday, September 25, 2009

Da Niang Dumpling, Jakarta

Do you love eating dumplings? I do... It's one of my favorite food :)

So glad that around my area there's a yummy restaurant for dumplings named Da Niang or also known as Wu Da Niang.
Da Niang Dumpling restaurant is a Chinese style fast food chain with a concept of western style fast food from China. It has more than 200 franchised restaurants all over China including one in Jakarta and also one in Sydney.

Sui Kiau 3 Rasa - Babi Jamur, Tunas Bambu
Triple Tastes Dumpling - Pork, Mushroom, Bamboo Shoot
10 pcs Rp. 38.000

Sui Kiau Vegetable
10 pcs Rp. 38.000

Sui Kiau Goreng Sapi Australia & Daun Ketumbar
Coriander Australian Beef Fried Dumpling
10 pcs Rp. 48.000
Very tasty!


Those dumplings are so delicious especially dipped into the special chili sauce.

Bacang Babi
Pork Gluten Rice with salted egg yolk
Rp. 22.000
A bit disappointment because the part of pork was mostly the fat.

Jamur Kuping Putih dgn Kurma Merah

White Fungus Red Dates
Rp. 20.000
A refreshing dessert, the white fungus were so crunchy and the red dates were sweet with a little sour taste at the end of the seeds.

Jamur Kuping Putih dgn Biji Teratai
White Fungus Lotus Seed
Rp. 20.000

Lei Sha Wan
Lei Sha Ball with black sesame
Rp. 18.000
I love the chewy texture.

Soy bean milk with white sugar syrup.
Interestingly it has a smokey flavor.
Restaurant,soy bean milk

Wu Da Niang Dumpling Restaurant

Mal Taman Anggrek Level 2 Block E,
Jl Letjen S Parman Kav 21
Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. I luv luv luv Cantonese dim sum! Can never get bored with them. ;)

  2. FFT: *hi5* Love it too :)

    jan: I'm also hungry looking the pics, hehehe...

  3. I love dumplings! They are so cute AND delicious. I've never heard of a white fungus dessert!

  4. I love dumplings and soy milk but never heard of hite of fungus.

  5. Whoa... I think I would want to get some for dinner later. Now you are making me crave for all the dumplings. By the way, the white fungus desserts are so "dry". Aren't they suppose to serve with more rock sugar syrup?? That bowl is also a bit too much for a person's consumption. The stuffed glutinous rice ball with black sesame seeds looked yummy. Is that pounded peanuts?

  6. Oooo honey I love this, yummy. I love the logo, its so very cute.

    Oh I really want dumplings now ... Selby :o

  7. mica: White fungus is quite popular in Chinese cuisine :)

    peachkins: Oh.. there's no white fungus in Philippines? Or probably it is available in Chinese restaurants?

    CL: Eh.. you are going to have dinner, not breakfast? LOL The restaurant was so generous to give us so much white fungus in our bowls, hehehe... Yup, you are right, pounded peanuts around the lei sha wan :)

    DA: Hehehe.. yeah, the logo is cute :)

  8. Yum, I love dumplings! Everyone that you tried looks so good. One day, I wanna see how many dumplings I can eat one sitting. ;-)

  9. palidor: Ah.. that would be interesting to find out :D

  10. Man, I've never seen that many dumplings on one table before! Looks endlessly delectable.. :)

  11. i love dumplings and this place does serve a variety of dumplings! sigh... never in KL...

  12. Liked the fact that their dumpling has varied fillings! come we are losing out on that here??

  13. Oh, Selby, these all looked so good. I have a real weakness for dumplings so I especially enjoyed this post. I hope you are having a good day.

  14. Chinese style fast food? I need a chain like this here in my country, utterly tasty dishes :)



  15. I love dumplings. I wish we had good dumplings around here. That food looks so good.

  16. i'm sooo hungry right now - and must have dumplings for dinner!

  17. oh franchise dumpling shop...looks authentic especially the chili paste...

  18. LFB: Ah.. you must be joking! Not too many! hehehe.. and I seriously think that I actually could finish all those dumplings in one time by myself :)

    ai wei: There's no varieties of dumplings in KL? ah... too bad coz' it's so wonderful to have different filling inside the dumplings :)

    kennyT: Yay! *hi5*

    TNG: Ah... hmmm, maybe should franchise it from China too ;)

    mary: I'm so happy that you enjoy this post, Mary :) Dumplings are hardly to resist, ya? Have a nice weekend!

  19. gera: hopefully it will open one soon in your country :)

    helene: Dumplings are wonderful, either for main meal or snack :)

    kissmyspatula: hehehe... hope you have wonderful dinner of dumplings :)

    SG: *nods* franchise directly from China and you know what? all the chefs and assistants in the kitchen are still from China :)

  20. I absolutely love dumplings? What's not to love, right? ;) I would love to try the Lei Sha Ball with black sounds really unique and delicious!

  21. faith: The lei sha ball was so yummy! I believe you will love it :)

  22. What yummy dumplings, they all look so good!

  23. Dumplings i like the pan fried ones- the bachang babi looks firm and comes with salted Duck egg, too-yummy!

  24. kerstin: and they tasted really yummy too ;)

    foodbin: the bachang was good except the part of too much pork fat instead of the meat itself :)

  25. This makes me hungry and am fasting :)

  26. Yes, the name sounds familiar. Wide variety of choices.

  27. laveena: You probably are hungry because of fasting *wink* hehehe...

    LI: Yes, a lot of choices, even for vegetarian :)

  28. I mean really Selba, you keep this up and I just might be moving to your side of the world. I LOVE dumplings. The pictures are driving me mad!!! Thanks so much for whetting the appetite. Could you just "throw" some my way...please:)

    Your new blog look is Absolutely Fabulous!!!

  29. louise: Oh.... Louise, that's a really big compliment for me, thank you so much :D If you ever come to Jakarta, I would definitely bring you around to try the food here ;) So happy that you like my new blog look!

  30. Add me to the list of dumpling lovers! I wish we had better access to the variety of dumplings you tasted, they look so good!

  31. I still remember when Da Niang just opened in Sydney China Town. They handed out some free dumpling coupons as an opening promotion. Being a dumpling lover, I of course went there to get my free dumplings, but they only gave free veggie dumplings, not the other ones :(. At that time I felt that the veggie dumplings tasted quite ordinary, so I never made an effort to try the other ones. Maybe when I visit Jakarta next year (hopefully) I should try Da Niang one more time.

  32. FLaB: Yay! Another dumpling lovers :) Eh, aren't there many Chinese restaurants in NY? They don't serve variety of dumplings? ah.. too bad...

    C-G: You know what? I just read some reviews of the franchised restaurant in Sydney and some people complaint it especially about the service. But so far, the one here in Jakarta is quite good and the dumplings are very yummy :)

  33. Yes, I love to eat dumplings! Once I start it's hard to stop. These all look very delicious!

  34. I love to eat and make dumplings :-)
    Pork Gluten Rice is my favourite..... well, almost, I love them with chestnuts. ;-))
    Used to have them so often with Satay noodles soup..

    Angie's Recipes

  35. LOVE dumplings, we all do and drive almost an hour on Sundays to a restaurant in Arcadia, CA that has divine dumplings (there's a bit of broth in each so you have to put the whole thing in your mouth to get a burst of broth and flavor). These look delish!

  36. Haha...after going to Asia for so long I have still not discovered this place yet? I'll be on the lookout for it next time. It looks like a nice place to dine, and the soymilk looks interesting. At first I thought the small cup looked more like tea as it was in a tea cup...I am wrong? That is a lot of syrup! Yum.

  37. the ungourmet: hahaha.. yeah, there's always a tendency can't stop eating dumplings when you start it :)

    AR: Oh yes, pork gluten rice with chestnust and also with mushroom is wonderful :)

    catherine: the dumplings with a bit of broth in each called xiao long bao, love it very much especially dipped into black vinegar and sliced young ginger :)

    ETE: Hehehe.. yeah, the cup for syrup is tea cup. Hopefully you'll be able to try out this place when you are visiting China :)

  38. Oh! these photos make me so hungry and I just ate. I love dumplings and these look divine. Darling, you blog is wearing such a beautiful dress, I love the new header. Have a great weekend.

    Love & Hugs

  39. DoT: thank you so much for your lovely comment on my new header, Duchess :) Have a nice Sunday!

  40. Oh Selba, all those photos really making crazy! I'm salivating and I can't touch them..ha ha ha...! I really enjoy every pictures you've here. Thank you for sharing.

  41. MLS: Hehehe... thanks for your kind words :)

  42. why there is no "soup" in the white fungus dessert?

  43. mimid3vils: you are back!!! :) The restaurant was too generous of giving the white fungus, hehehe...

  44. Wow, great close ups of the food and everything. I can't believe how steady your hand is, that's amazing. Thank goodness it's almost lunch #1, I'm hungry :)

  45. Dumplings top my list of all time favorite foods. There is something about that chewy outside and surprise flavor on the inside that I can't get enough of. :) These look fantastic!

    I have to tell you, your banner is one of the most adorable photos I've seen. I love it!!

  46. adam: thanks for your compliments, Adam :) Hope that you have a great lunch!

    lori: Yumm.. your description of dumplings is so good! :) Thank you so much for your compliments on my banner :D

  47. Lovely dumplings in such delicious varieties :)

  48. I love dumplings - all the different kinds! That sambal looked lethal, hehe!

  49. Selby, I'm dying. I can't find good dumplings in the vicinity of my school. AHHH!!! That Lei Sha Wan is calling out my name!

  50. yasmeen: yes, delicious varieties indeed :)

    PG: *hi5* I can eat the sambal without anything, hehehe...

    burpandslurp: Ah.. too bad that there's no good dumpling at your school, but maybe you can go find in chinese restaurant around your city that serves yummy dumpling? :) The lei sha wan is so yummy!

  51. Scrumptious looking dumplings! I love dumplings and we had a chance to sample a few this weekend at Susanna Foo's (in Pennsylvania).

  52. 5SF: Wow, that sounds great! Are you goint to write the review of it? :)

  53. Dumplings look fantastic!! You guys didn't get yr hands on any porky ones??

  54. 550ml: Yes, we did - Triple Tastes Dumpling - Pork, Mushroom, Bamboo Shoot! :D

  55. looks like there are a lot more chinese eateries since i was in jakarta last!
    and a logo with chinese on it too

  56. 3 ht: There are a lot of Chinese restaurants here in Jakarta :) When were you in Jakarta the last time?
