Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pickled Chinese Mustard Greens with Tofu

Home cooked

I have always love everything that tasted sweet and sour :) I just think it's a very perfect combination of those two taste. I like sweet taste because it related to happiness - we do look for sweet food when we feel sad, right? And you know what, there's old german saying, "Sauer macht lustig" which means sour (acid food) makes (you) happy. Ah.... perfect!

A nice dish of sweet and sour taste, sweet from the sweet soybean sauce and sour from the pickled Chinese mustard greens.

250 gr Pickled Chinese Mustard Greens (gai choy) - need to wash it first because cut into slices
300 gr white tofu - cut into dices, fried deep into hot oil, drain
2.5 cm ginger - sliced
1 onion - sliced
2 red chilies - sliced
2 tbsp sweet soybean sauce (or to taste)
1 tbsp vegetable oil for cooking

- Heat up the oil in a pan, sautee the onion until soft
- Add ginger and red chillies, stir a bit
- Add pickled mustard greens, sautee until soft
- Add sweet soy sauce, stir fry
- Add the fried tofu
- Ready to serve :)

- No need to add salt because the pickled Chinese mustard greens is very salty and sour.
- Make sure to wash the pickled Chinese mustard greens first especially if you but it at wet market because it's dirty and salty. By washing it a couple of times, it might reduce the saltiness.


  1. you should add some roast pork-combine well with it.

  2. foodbin: thanks for the tip. I will try to add the roast pork next time :)

  3. A little sour goes a long way in waking up them tastebuds. :)

  4. I like sweet and sour too, but it's taken me a while to realize I liked it. Now I understand and love it.

  5. I like this so much, mind to share some with me :)

  6. That's what I have cooked before but a different style without so much of the pickles. Just like what foodbin had mentioned... a bit of meat slices would be great to pep up the flavors. :)

  7. MCK: Good to know that you like sweet and sour :)

    anncoo: you gotta come to my place then ;)

    vicki archer: Hi Vicky, thanks for stopping by my blog, hope to see you again :)

    CL: LOL, yeah... too much pickles! Will try to make with meat :)

  8. What a wonderful photo of a wonderful dish. Am I also spying a new header?

  9. mary: thanks for your kind words, Mary! Yes, a new header :)

  10. Nice recipe Selby :)

  11. Love your new header!! Sweet and sour is a favorite flavor of mine..

  12. donna: thank you for your compliment on my new header :) *hi5*

  13. The combination of sweet & sour flavors sounds excellent here! Your new header looks awesome, btw!

  14. 5SF: *nods* sweet & sour are perfect for each other, hehehe.... thanks, Natasha!

  15. gai choy? i think they look more like our 'zhar choy'. tasty stuff, very strong n pungent, perfect as accompaniment to porridge.
