Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seribu Rasa Restaurant, Jakarta

I had a scrumptious lunch at Seribu Rasa restaurant. A new restaurant which is under the management of Penang Bistro (Penang Bistro is one of my favorite restaurants in town). As I noticed, a lot of government officials love to eat here.

Yup... I've been eating at many nice restaurants lately (for those who love to read my street food posts, don't worry, street food will still be posted here). I hope this is actually not a sign of stress because frankly speaking, I do love to indulge myself with food when I got stress *grin*

Back again about this restaurant.... The meaning of "Seribu rasa " is thousands flavors which I think it implemented very good to the rich taste of the Southeast Asia variety dishes offered in this restaurant.

Seribu Rasa restaurant's building is divided into three buildings with a parking lot in the basement. It's very interesting to see each buildings with its different Indonesian architectures of traditional ethnic houses.

The front view of the Seribu Rasa restaurant.
You can see directly below the the parking lot under the building.

As soon as you step in the restaurant (the second building),
you can directly smell the jasmine flower's scent, very lovely.

Between each building, there're a fountain and also fish ponds.

Private room in the first front building.

Private room in the back (the third building) with a roof that is reminiscent of old Javanese houses (Joglo).



Selat Popia (Kue Pie Tie) - Rp. 25.000 (USD 2.5)
Deep fried crispy cup filled with mix of sauteed vegetables, seafood, chicken and mushroom.

Main dishes:

Fried chicken with mango sauce - Rp. 46.000 (USD 4.6)
Crispy fried chicken dressed with thin slices of young mango, fresh chopped shallots and also mango sauce. It's my favorite dish :)

Dried scallop string bean - Rp. 44.000 (USD 4.4)
String bean sauteed with dried scallop chili sauce.

Crispy fried squid - Rp. 43.000 (USD 4.3)
Deep fried battered squid served with spicy tangy dipping sauce.

Taucho Tahu Udang - Rp. 43.000 (USD 4.3)
Beancurd, prawns and petai (stinky beans) sauteed in taucho (fermented bean paste) sauce and red green chilis.


Top: Es Dawet Ndoro Putri - Rp. 28.000 (USD 2.8)
Cendol and red beans with brown sugar and creamy coconut milk, topped with a dollop of durian (stinky fruit) puree.
Bottom: Es campur seribu rasa - Rp. 24.000 (USD 2.4)
Black cincau (jelly), young coconut, avocado, pineapple, merah delima with crushed ice and fragrant mango syrup.

Ketan Hitam Mangga Gincu Rp. 28.000 (USD 2.8)
Black glutinous rice and cubed mango with coconut milk.

FYI, Seribu Rasa restaurant is serving only lunch (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and dinner (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.), the restaurant is closed in between.

Seribu Rasa Restaurant
Jl. Haji Agus Salim 128, Menteng,
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.
Tel: (62-21) 392 8892

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. The food looks delicious, I loved the photo's of the resturant, it looks very relaxing.

    Hope you are not stressed too! :)

  2. Selby, what a beautiful restaurant. The formal rooms are so calming and elegant and the informal side looks so friendly and inviting. How fun.

    My favorite dish was the crispy fried chicken with the mango sauce but I wouldn't turn down any one of them. It looks like a great place to relax and enjoy a wonderful meal. I hope that's what you did (relax and forget stress).

  3. DA: Yes, the restaurant has also a relaxing atmosphere, and I think the jasmine scent added it :)

    MCK: You made a very good choice of the dish, the crispy fried chicken with the mango sauce was delectable! :) Yup, the food and the ambiance of the restaurant definitely made me feel better and relax :)

  4. A very beautiful restaurant. i am enjoying visiting the wonderful restuarants in Jakarta through you. All of the food looks so scrumptious. The chicken with the manos really has me drooling!

  5. Wow that food looks delicious, and those prices are super reasonable. I'm pretty jealous of you right now :)

    Love those ponds in between the buildings. Def want to do that at my house when I grow up.

  6. This restaurant really nice and cosy...even the food looks so delicious :0

  7. The food certainly does look scrumptious!!

    Great photos too, BTW!!

  8. Oh man oh man...the restaurant looks beautiful, so do their food.

  9. KA: Glad that you are enjoying my restaurant reviews, Katherine :)

    adam: ah... why jealous? I bet there're many nice restaurants in your city, right? ;)

    laveena: it is indeed :)

    anncoo: yes, it is :)

    alice: Hi Alice, thank you for stopping by my blog and also for your compliments on my photos :)

  10. AR: hehehe.... yes, you are so right, Angie :)

  11. I would love love love to try all those food specially the fried chicken with mango sauce and the cendol with durian on top!

  12. Ooh, fried chicken with mango sauce is one of my fav dishes! :D

  13. nice interior and also nice desserts.....

  14. What a beautiful place with nice decoration. I'd try the Es Dawet ndoro putri specially for the cendol and the gorgeous coconut milk.

    But I need to try the famous and infamous, at the same time, durian fruit...with it ;)



  15. Whenever I get to your part of the world I'll know where to eat. This spot looks elegantly understated.

  16. Darling, I just had supper and now I am hungry again. You make Seribu Rasa sound like heaven and based on those veggie cups, I guess it is. Thanks again for taking us to places we will have never known about.

    Love, Hugs & Tea

  17. Stress or not, I would eat out in Jakarta all the time. It sounds like there are tons of awesome restaurants!

  18. This restaurant is so lovely and relaxing! That chicken with mango sauce looks amazing!

  19. Love the pics and the food sounds incredible.

  20. The food looks fabulous and so do your pics...

  21. Excellent food, I would love to try the chicken with mango sauce, yum!

  22. Everything looks wonderful. I hope you ate your stress away!

  23. really nice, esp the dessert....colourful!!!

  24. excellent place - i wanna try all the desserts:)

  25. the environment of the place looks good! i'm eyeing on the desserts.. ;P

  26. the dishes look really appetizing. and kinda reminds me of the local food here. good stuff.

    i like to eat, whether i'm stressed or happy..hehehehe...

  27. the prices are comparable to KL-the blood sugar lowering stinky bean cooked with Taucho Tahu Udang looks so fresh and crunchy.

  28. A lovely restaurant with a nice layout...great place for a meal.

  29. peachkins: yummm.. those 2 choices are perfect ;)

    LFB: whoaaa.. we got many same favorite stuff, cool! ;)

    FP: yes, you are right :)

    gera: have you tried stinky fruit - durian before? It's either you love it or hate it, hehehe...

    mary: hope that you will be visiting Jakarta someday, Mary :)

  30. DoT: It's my pleasure, Dutchess.. Hope that I can always share something interesting here :)

    mica: hehehe... I agreed, a lot of wonderful places to eat in Jakarta ;)

    faith: the fried chicken and mango sauce is a wonderful dish :)

    helene: it is indeed :)

    jennymac: thank you Jenny :)

  31. MB: thank you, MaryBeth :)

    5SF: I believe you will love the fried chicken with mango sauce :)

    FwLT: thanks for your wishes :)

    SG: hehehe.. yeah, very colorful :)

    C&C: The desserts are yummy :)

  32. CL: hehehe.. wanna try the desserts? ;)

    nic: actually SEA food do look similar, ya? Ah... good to know that you enjoy food in any situations :)

    TNG: uhmmm... coz' jobless but love food, hehehe... :)

    foodbin: can't go wrong with the stinky beans for lowering sugar... you are so right it's fresh and crunchy :)

    sophie: You definitely will love the fried chicken with mango sauce :)

    ck lam: you are so right :)

  33. Looks like the food suits my taste buds too. :P

  34. The food looks amazing, especially the Taucho Tahu Udang! And I can't believe the prices you are paying such for such incredible entrees! Thank you for sharing, I will file this away as a destination that I hope to visit someday - if I am so lucky!

  35. FLaB: Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog :) Well, actually the prices at this restaurant is considered quite pricey to the Indonesian's living standard ;)

  36. very nice setting and food looks great!
    my mum used to make the pai tee cups and fillings...but now the cup-maker thingy is lost :(

  37. The deco of this restaurant looks really good. Plus the photos of the food is making me salivate .. everything looks so yummy!

  38. buzzingbee: Wow, you mom used to make those pai tee cups? It must be so wonderful :) Hope that your mom will buy the cup-maker again so she can make pai tee.

    jo: *nods* agreed with you :)

  39. Wow, that mango glutinous rice is something to die for!!

  40. **klik klak klik klak** calculating my budget to fly over there now... hehe. The spread of food was so mouth dripping... and cheap. :P


    p/s: your shots are getting more interesting each day. Great job!

  41. my oh my, that's some good food you had. I'm more tempted by the sweets. I also love the colonial feel in the decoration of the restaurant. Very sweet!

    Jackie at PhamFatale.com

  42. Those garnishes are so beautiful! I love when food is art too!

  43. kennyT: Hi Kenny, welcome to my blog :) Hope to see you around!

    CL: hahaha...let me know if you are coming to Jakarta, will be glad to bring you around for food hunting. Oh... thanks for you compliments, I definitely need to thank my laoshi ;)

    talat: psssttt... this restaurant doesn't have the colonial style, it's more to Indonesian traditional ethnics ;)

    lele: Hi Lele, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  44. tummythoz it's actually kinda pricey for Indonesian standard of living ;)
