Saturday, January 16, 2010

Soto Mie (noodles in beef stew)

So glad that the hot weather has been cooling off by the rain these days! But yeah, the government already gave a warning to be prepared for the flood that might happen soon in Jakarta. It's predicted at the end of January or beginning of February before the Chinese New Year.

Need something nice and warm... and I think a bowl of hot Soto Mie (noodle in beef stew) is just a perfect comforting meal on a rainy day :)

The preparation of making a bowl of Soto Mie:

Left: chopped asian celery, salt, pepper, MSG.
Right: the beef stew (beef broth, nutmeg, ginger, coriander, shallot, garlic, black pepper, salt, MSG), sweet soy sauce.

Left: Rissoles (small croquettes filled with vermicelli noodles), tomato
Right: Beef (plus the legs part)

Left: Kaffir lime
Right: Yellow noodles, Vermicelli, slices white cabbage.

Put in a bow:l noodles, white cabbage, vermicelli, slices of rissoles.
Add pepper, salt, MSG, then chopped asian celery, slices of tomato and beef.

Pour the beef stew in the bowl.

Garnish with Emping (malinjo nuts chip) and fried shallot.


  1. the soto mie filled with beef stew looks so delicious-one bowl please!

  2. Man selby this makes me wish I had made a different dinner choice! !!

  3. I love beef noodles...and this one looks interesting with the added chips and tomato :)

  4. Sounds like a perfect bowl of deliciousness here!

  5. Lovely beef stew. I hope the flood isn't bad and will have no effect on you.

  6. What a gorgeous, comforting bowl of stew.

  7. Gosh, I'm hungry just by looking at it!

  8. Selba, you have some of the best photographs on the web. It really is a pleasure to visit here.

  9. mmmm....I love noodles with flavourful beef stew. Just wonderful for this ice cold winter day!

  10. Mmm, I love noodles, and I love beef stew! This looks like a great combination.
    Question: Most of your posts are about street vendors, but do you ever make these dishes at home?

  11. That is not only very interesting but looks yummy too!

  12. Thank you for everyone's comment in here :)

    My Carolina Kitchen: thanks for your wish, Sam! We are all hoping that there'll be no bad flood.

    Mary: Awww... Mary, your compliment is too high for me *blushing* I'm still an ameteur in taking photographs :)

    Mica: Psssttt.... No, I hardly make these dishes at home because it's much easier just to buy them on the street. Cheap and less effort! hehehe...

  13. Looks like the perfect comfort food! I also hope that there are no floods coming your way.

  14. My favorite part of the sotomie is the risol :D
    the more the better, the crunchier the better haha.... yumm

  15. so many street vendors, will never go hungry! :)

  16. This stew definitely looks like the perfect comfort food for a rainy day...or since it's snowing here, a snowy day! :)

  17. How can I not spend my holiday in Jakarta! A food heaven! ;)

  18. we r coming soon.. one more month to do!

  19. Selby, I always love your photos. They're so interesting.

  20. and this does not have too much msg i hope! ;)

  21. oh I love all the colorful photos!

  22. When ever you get tired of that heat, Selby, you can send some our way. Another gloomy day here in PA. Do be sure and prepare for the flood, just in case. Mother Nature is quite unpredictable this year!

    Now, as for that stew and those photos, I love the touch of nutmeg and your pics are simply mouth watering. Do they ship abroad???

    Thanks for sharing...

  23. to resist such a nice bowl of mee soto . . .

  24. So Soto is Sundanese food? I always thought it's Javanese...

  25. Oooh, looks utterly delish, esp. the topping of emping. I got my Pontianak-born friend to bring emping back to KL everytime she visits her hometown cos I love these crackers so much. :)

  26. Selba,
    You're killing me!! This is my absolute favorite food since I was a child (that was decades ago). Man oh man...
    Thank you for showcasing this humble and delicious soup

  27. My darling I popped in to wish you a love filled February full of blessings.

    Love & Hugs

  28. oh this brings back so much memories when I was still in high school..
