Monday, April 12, 2010

Mangkok Putih - The Noodle Bar

Mangkok Putih
Yesterday, after a meeting with my friends (we are volunteers in an organization that related to NGO), we went for a late lunch at Mangkok Putih in Citos (Cilandak Town Square).

Mangkok Putih which means White Bowl is established almost 10 years in Jakarta. It's a local chain restaurant.

Mangkok Putih

Even though, they claimed as a Noodle Bar but I don't think they have their own specialty of noodles and it's not only noodles being served here but also other kind of food and mixed between Western and Asian food. As for my opinion, the prices are a bit pricey for their mediocre taste.

Tom Yum noodles
Mangkok Putih

Tom Yum Soup
Mangkok Putih

Beef Pho
Mangkok Putih

Vegetarian Fried Rice
Mangkok Putih

Seafood Kway Teow
Mangkok Putih

Vietnamese Coffee
Mangkok Putih

To make sure we are not busy with our anti social gadgets, we put them all in the middle of the table :D
Mangkok Putih

5 of us in the mirror :)
Mangkok Putih

Mangkok Putih - The Noodle Bar
Cilandak Town Square (Citos) 2nd Floor
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 17.
Jakarta Selatan

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. lol at putting all the gadgets on the table. I'm guilty of tapping away while waiting for the food as well :P

  2. kennyT: Guess.. guess.. guess... *wink*

    noobcook: Hehehe... mostly of us do it most of the time :P

  3. Hi Selby ~ The food looks delicious from here :) I think that's a great idea for everyone to put their 'anti social gadgets' on the table! :D (As long as you pick the right one up when you leave;))

  4. glo: Hahaha... I totally agreed with you!

  5. I guess the person holding the camera is you! Social gadgets look pretty! And nice!
    The food looks quite high end and pretty. Funny how the tom yum soup and the tom yum noodles look to have different soup bases.

  6. I like that you all got together to have lunch without the "anti social gadgets" getting in the way. I need to show this to my mom- she's the worst!

  7. I don't use mobile phone.
    The food served in this noodle bar look quite healthy and delicious. I love that Tom Yum soup.

  8. i wish i was there. then i would swipe those fones, and RUN away! LOL

  9. eattraveleat: *nods* ;)

    monica h: sometimes it can be so annoying when people are busy with their own gadget but sitting together on a table, don't you think so? ;)

    angie's recipes: oh.. you don't use mobile phone at all? It's actually kinda good, yeah? ;)

    cumi & ciki: Hahaha.. give it a try and we all will run to chase you down the hill!!! :D

  10. I would love to have some of that Vietnamese Iced coffee...

  11. peachkins: psssttt... *whisper* the vietnamese coffee wasn't really nice like in other restaurants.

  12. As long as a good time was had by all, we can let the lack of food enthusiasm for this place slide:) I wouldn't mind a sip of that coffee though:) Great idea to put aside mobile devices. I never take mine when dining.

    Thanks for sharing, Selba...

  13. louise: Yes, I think we all had a good time in the restaurant, in fact, I think we were the loudest one compared to the other tables, hehehe...

  14. Ha! You are on my right! So cute...

    I have to hit Tiger Noodle for our dinner tonight!

    The social media devices on the table are a hoot!

  15. LOL! I knw wht u mean. Its like a whole group of ppl gathered for yum cha, then end up all engrossed with their phones!

    So the food is way too mediocre yea? too bad. I alws thot Indo food is yummy! ;)

  16. Kudos for concentrating on the food and just enjoying each other companies. Put away the electronic leash :)


  17. I like the idea of "no gadgets" while eating.

  18. a very thoughtful name and logo for a restaurant.

  19. Fun and delicious hangout! I love the picture of the social media devices on the table :)

  20. That's too bad that the noodle bar was overpriced. :( I'm such a sucker for noodles, especially Asian ones. I wish we had a noodle bar here.

  21. chef E: Tiger noodle? That sounds like an interesting place for a noodle place :)

    TNG: yeah... sometimes can't tahan lah with those ppl who are busy with themselves, it's like.. hey, excuse me, I'm here!!! :P

    tuty: I even think, if we want to concentrate and enjoy the food, not only to put away those anti social gadget but we also should be quite, no talking at all while eating, like when you watch a movie in the cinema or a classical music concert :D

    tigerfish: *hi5* it can be quite annoying, rite?

    foodbin: I guess so :)

    5 star foodie: hehehe.. thanks!

  22. Selba darling from where I am looking the food looks divinely delicious. I love the gadgets image. Christopher wants to know if he can take a few of them and of course a bowl of noodles!!

    Love & Hugs

  23. duchess of tea: I'm pretty sure that none of us will let Christopher to take one of the gadgets, hahaha... but for a bowl of the noodle, it's definitely a yes :)

  24. yeah there r plenty of places that serve everything but nothing is really good..

    thats a variety of handphones there!

  25. uh uh..the name of the restaurant sounds so familiar..

    but sure the tomyam looks pretty temtping!

  26. the kuey teow seem like very thick~~

  27. Cute name for the noodle bar, but how long before a competitor comes up with Mangkok Kuning or Mangkok Biru or the other colours of the rainbow? :P

  28. sophie: Looks tasty but the taste isn't tasty as it looks ;)

    joe: yup, I prefer a restaurant that isn't like a jack of trade.

    taufulou: Looks tempting but the taste isn't tempting, hehehe

    mimid3vils: Hahaha... yeah.. kinda :D

    life for beginners: LOL well, this restaurant is almost 10 years, and so far, there's only a restaurant that sounds similar to this restaurant which is "Cawan Putih" ;)
