Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrating the 4th of July

I'm in America right now for a summer camp. Yesterday, I had a chance to join the celebration of the 4th of July :)

Before watching the beautiful fireworks, I had a BBQ at someone house.

Here are some pictures of the food.

S'mores (crackers - marshmallows - chocolate)


  1. Those s'mores look like a swell way to celebrte the fourth of July! :)

  2. Welcome to North America, Selby! I hope you are enjoying yourself ~ looks like you are being well fed American style. Certainly a different array of food than we're used to seeing on your blog! ;) Great that you were there to celebrate Independence Day :)

  3. oh, U in US now....hope to see more food posting from U again

  4. Wow, 4th of Jul in US! *envy* :)

  5. Hahaha, what did you think of all this American food, Selby? It looks like you had a pretty nice spread for the fourth!

  6. Welcome to America! And what a great time you chose to come. Hope you had a great time. The food looks delicious!

  7. Hi Selby,
    I've been following your blog but don't really post but I had to post this time...I see you were visiting someone in America...I'm in the Chicago area. I noticed the people you are visiting love Longaberger as I do too!

  8. cheeseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! :)

  9. Please forgive me Selba for not getting here sooner. I do hope you enjoyed your visit to America. I finally got my email fixed and will email you tomorrow.

    Stay well dear, Selba...
