Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The food at the camp in Ohio, USA

I just came back last Saturday from the USA and now, still recovering from the exhausting trip :)

I was in a summer camp in Ohio for 28 days. During the camp, the food was prepared by the volunteers.

Here are some pictures of the food in the camp.

Usually fruity loops or other cereals with fresh fruits and also toast breads.

Toast bread with sour cream
Cereal with fresh blueberries and banana

Lunch & Dinner
Chicken and potato salad plus salad
Macaroni, grapes
Meatballs in bun with green beans
Broccoli and cheese
Homemade Salsa with corn, black beans and tomato
Ramen noodles with carrot and celery
Sandwich, corn and rice pudding
Pasta and meatballs
Hot dog and macaroni, pudding and cookies
Lunch bag
(sandwich, celery, apple and crackers)
Uncooked rice with corn and beans
Soup, crackers and hard/ not done potato
Macaroni and another hard potato
Ramen noodles and red beans
Sloppy Joe
I really love the cherries and blueberries :)
Hot dog
Macaroni and cheese
Burgers and left over macaroni and cheese
Quesadilla with cheese
Ramen noodles
A small quesadilla with salad
Pasta and corn
Macaroni and cheese
Hot dog with salad
Meatballs on hot dog bun
The last lunch - Sloppy Joe
The last dinner - quesadilla with chicken and cheese

This is how we got our food on our plates :D


  1. The tortilla stuff looks like a quesadilla. (Flour tortilla with cheese, sometimes other stuff if wanted)

    The big load of corn and beans looks a variation of nachos? Maybe chips with black bean dip?

    Hope you enjoyed your trip! I myself have not even been to Ohio yet even if its much closer to me compared to where you are from. :)

  2. ETE: Ah.. you are right, the word "quesadilla" rings in my ear, thanks :)
    Yes, I enjoyed my trip, it's really fun and interesting, there are so many corns plant! hehehe...

  3. :) EatTravelEat is right... the tortilla shell and cheese is a quesedilla... the other is a homemade salsa of corn, beans, and tomatoes... look six pictures below... the only difference is that the bottom one has some chicken in it :)... I hope that helps!! Love the site!


  4. Jen: Thank you, Jen :) Ah.. so the corn, beans and tomatoes is homemade salsa. Good to know :)

  5. everything looks good..I love fresh cherries too!

  6. foodbin: I believe the food is high calories :D

    peachkins: *hi5* for the cherries :)

  7. ooh the sloppy joe with the blueberries and the cherries is my favorite plate- it's just so colorful!

    I think it's funny they gave you a small quesadilla and served it ON a slice of bread :-)

    Haven't heard from you in awhile. miss yoU!

  8. monica: Oh the small quesadilla on a slice of bread is just my version because the quesadilla is so small so I add a bread, hehehe :D
    Sorry for not visiting your blog and also hardly updating my blog because of being away in the camp. Miss you too! :)

  9. Haha, what did you think of all this American food? Were you missing your food carts?

  10. mica: I think American food is kinda like fast food, hehehe... quite fatty and high calories :P Guess what? I gained 5 lbs just by eating all this food!!!

  11. Wow, just how many plates are there? :P

  12. Hi Selba,

    Since you said you were in Ohio...I understand you were in Longaberger Land that's why you had all the baskets in your first post on the 4th of July.

    I'm not sure why you were visiting Ohio but I'm guessing the food they fed you was mostly for the convenience sake and the mass amounts of people they were probably feeding. Which is why you had all very simple, basic foods. This isn't the way we all eat. You basically had picnic foods (not what we eat in daily life).

    Was this your first time to the U.S.?

  13. tigerfish: Lost of counts, hehehe...

    KTDGD: No, it's not my first time to the US, but so far, based on my experiences of eating meals in the US (either at the camps or staying at American families), this is the kind of food that has been served ;)

  14. The camp food looks really healthy! (www.cariso.net)

  15. cariso: High calories, that for sure! hehehe...
