Monday, April 25, 2011

Tukang Nasi Bebek (Duck Rice man)

If you like to eat fried duck and rice, you can give a try this "Nasi Bebek" (Duck Rice) on the street. It's a simple dish but delicious.

Left pic: Fried Duck
Right pic: Serundeng (fried grated coconut with tumeric)

Chilli sauce and slices of cucumber

White rice

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tukang Nasi Uduk (Rice cooked with coconut milk)

I don't really have breakfast in the morning except a cup of coffee but sometimes, out of the blue, I like to have a breakfast :) One of the common breakfast that people in Jakarta (and probably also in other places out of Jakarta) like to eat is Nasi Uduk. So.. What is Nasi Uduk that being sold by those street food vendors? (Note: if you eat Nasi Uduk in a restaurant, they probably will serve the side dishes a bit differently)

Nasi Uduk
White rice steamed with coconut milk, salt, Indonesian bay leaves - daun salam, lemon grass leaves - daun sereh.

Fried shallot

Fried stuff
Tofu, Soy bean cake, Shrimp vegetable fritter - Bakwan

Fried vermicelli with sweet soy sauce

Tofu and boiled egg in sweet soy sauce

sliced soybean caked with sweet soy sauce and fried red chili

Boiled eggs cooked with red chili

Sago Crackers

Peanut chili sauce

So, this is what I asked for my nasi uduk:

First the steamed rice with coconut milk (nasi uduk)
second the fried shallot
third the fried vermicelli
fourth the soybean cake
fifth the fried stuff - Bakwan
and all of this cost me only Rp. 5.000 which is less than US$ 0.75
It's definitely a real full satisfying breakfast ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pasta De Waraku (Food Tasting Panel)

After the Mr. Curry's Food Tasting Panel, I had another chance for a food tasting panel together with other food bloggers at Pasta De Waraku last Wednesday.

This is not my first time to eat in this restaurant and again as my previous visit of Pasta De Waraku, I still put my thumbs up for their pasta and desserts :)

My favorites during this food tasting panel are
Drink: Macha shake
Appetizer: Hotate Butter, Waraku Salad
Pasta: Salmon & Salmon Roe
Dessert: Hanito Earthquake

Cream soda - Rp. 20.000
Green Tea (hot/cold) - Rp. 10.000

Mix Fruit - Rp. 20.000
Macha shake - Rp. 20.000

Appetizers from Bonito Base:

Salmon Cheese - Rp. 33.000
Salmon with cheese stuffing

Tokyo Twister (Crispy rolls):

Egg Unagi - Rp. 30.000 (50% off at this moment)

Hotate Mentai Mayo Geratin - Rp. 48.000
Scallops with mayonnaise & spicy cod roe

Tofu Mentai Cheese Geratin - Rp. 38.000

Japanese Original Sauce

Minchi Katsu - Rp. 33.000
Fried Breaded Minced Beef

Hotate Butter - Rp. 48.000
Scallops with butter

Takoyaki Cheese - Rp. 38.000
Grilled Japanese Octopus balls with cheese topping

Waraku Salad - Rp. 28.000
Tuna, egg, potato, and wafu dressing

Yakisoba on Pizza - Rp. 58.000 (Regular size)

Salmon & Mushrooms - Rp. 68.000 (Regular size)

Japanese Crabs - Rp. 68.000 (Regular size)

You can upsize your pasta by adding Rp. 12.000

Salmon & Salmon Roe - Rp. 68.000
with wafu sauce

Kimchi Al'aglio Olio - Rp. 58.000
with minced beef and chili

Oyster & Beef Bacon Carbonara - Rp. 68.000
topped with yolk and carbonara bacon

Squid Carbonara - Rp. 68.000
with carbonara sauce

Salmon & Spinach - Rp. 68.000
with wafu cream sauce

Seafood ( Scallop, prawn, squid) - Rp. 68.000
with black ink sauce

Japanese style soup pasta:
Seafood - Rp. 68.000
Crabmeat, salmon with Japanese style sauce

Angus Steak - Rp. 88.000

Japanese style set menu, complete with rice, corn soup and salad

Chicken Kani Cream Croquette Set - Rp. 88.000
Chicken Teriyaki and Crab croquette

Fruits Parfait - Rp. 28.000
Vanilla ice cream with fresh fruits

Shibuya Original Honey Toast

Hanito Mix Fruit - Rp. 35.000

Hanito Macha Red Bean - Rp. 35.000

Hanito Earthquake - Rp. 45.000
Double stack of Honey toast filled with fresh food and topped with vanilla ice cream

Prices are subjected to 5% service charge and 10% government tax
Currency: 1 USD = Rp. 8.700

Pasta De Waraku
Grand Indonesia Mall Level 3A
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1
Jakarta Pusat

Related post:
Pasta de Waraku - Indonesian Feast with a Twist