Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Picnic Day 2011" Game

Louise from Months of Edible Celebrations is inviting me again for the online picnic game :) (Note: 18th of June is the "International Picnic Day")

How to play the picnic game?
Each of the invitee food blogger need to bring food (read: recipe, picture and the post link) for the picnic according to an alphabet order from the letter A to Z (I got the letter "I"). Then, we start to recite:

"I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing..."


  1. peachkins: Yes, the letter "I" is mine :)

  2. This is GREAT Selby! Those darling tarts look adorable and they will fit quite nicely into the picnic basket, which, btw, is overflowing with goodies this year.

    Thank you so much for playing, Selby. It's going to be a wonderful picnic again this year. "See" ya there!

  3. louise: Thanks for including me in your picnic, Louise! Again, it's such a warm feeling to know that someone wants to invite me for a fun picnic :)

  4. barbara: thank you, Barbara :)

  5. Selba, the cutest tarts I have ever seen. I love pineapple tarts!

  6. quay po cooks: thanks for the compliment! I love pineapple tarts too :)

  7. How adorable! Love those tarts and pineapple filling sounds fantastic. Glad you brought them to the picnic!

  8. Lin Ann: Hi Lin Ann, thanks.. I'm happy that I could bring the rabbit pineapple tarts to the picnic :)
