Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hot Hot Heat Pasta

I had a delicious lunch from Heat Pasta today!

How do I know about Heat Pasta? The truth, I didn't know about Heat Pasta until I received an email from them. They informed me that they have just begun their business starting on 1 May 2012 by delivering food directly from their kitchen to the customers right after receiving the orders. As a pasta lover, it's hard for me to resist the offer from Heat Pasta to try their pasta ;)

The Heat Pasta menu is pasta with a few type of sauces and potato platters. 

Spiral Cuts - Rp. 15.000 
150gr of deep fried spiral potatoes.

Spicy Wedges - Rp. 15.000 
150 gr of Big cuts potatoes that have been spiced with Heat Pasta's secret seasoning. It's a bit spicy and nicely crispy.

Creamy Bolognese Fries - Rp. 30.000 
Extra Cheese Cream: Rp. 5.000
200gr of Straight Cuts potatoes that doused with special bolognese sauce mix with beans and homemade cheese cream. Love it! :)

Tuna Spaghetti - Rp. 35.000
Extra tuna: Rp. 10.000
100gr of Spaghetti cooked with slices of tuna, mix with garlic, onion, olive oil, and pieces of cayenne pepper. Perfect for those spicy lovers and also who like to eat Tuna.

Penne Carbonara - Rp. 38.000
With Whole Wheat Penne: Rp. 48.000
Extra Smoked Beef / Mushroom / Cream: Rp. 8.000
A mixture of egg, fresh milk, cream, parmesan cheese, fried mushroom, slices of smoked beef cooked with 70gr of Penne Rigatoni. A tribute from Heat Pasta to Carbonari, a group of Italian charcoal burner.

Creamy Mushroom Fettucine - Rp. 38.000
with Spinach Fettucine - Rp. 48.000
Extra Smoked Beef / Mushroom / Cream: Rp. 8.000
100gr of Fettucine mix with cream, olive oil, slices of onion, chopped garlic, mushroom and sprinkled with parsley and basil. It's creamy and well made.

Penne Pesto - Rp. 38.000 
with Whole Penne: Rp. 48.000 
If Heat Pasta claimed their pesto as their best sauce then I totally agree! The green, fresh and tasty sauce made from crushed garlic, basil, parmesan, and blended with olive oil mixed with 70gr Penne is absolutely delicious.

Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.300

Hot Hot HEAT Pasta

Order time: 10 am - 6 pm

For payment:
accept Cash and Bank Transfer Method using BCA and BNI.

For order
Tel: 021-9595HEAT(4328)
BlackBerry PIN : 20DBB0C6


  1. Menurut lo dari semua pasta itu yang paling enak yang mana selba?

  2. inez: Kalo gue sih suka banget sama penne pesto-nya, tapi ga semua org deh doyan pesto ;) Yang creamy mushroom fettucini juga lumayan enak. Kalo elo doyan pedas dan beraroma bawang, bisa cobain yg spaghetti tuna-nya

  3. eh, serius pestonya enak? gw suka banget pesto. Mau coba ah. Btw, itu tampilannya meyakinkan semua deh, nice review, Selba! :)

  4. alinechandra: Iyaaaa.. serius! bahkan double serius! ;) Bukan karena ini food tasting lalu gue muji2 lho tapi emang pesto-nya yg mereka kirim ke gue tuh bener2 enak kok :)

  5. ini khusus kirim doang ya? tinggal dipanasin gitu atau gmn? btw, can we exchange links? thanks

  6. elvina: Yup... sejauh ini Heat Pasta cuma terima pesanan, langsung dimasak kemudian diantar ke tempat pemesanan. So, sampainya masih dalam keadaan hangat (engga perlu dipanasin). My link site udah lama banget engga di-update dan rencananya sih mau di "benerin" tapi blom pasti nih kapan ;)
