Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sushi Mori Jakarta

Do you like to eat fusion sushi? If the answer is yes, then you can give a try Sushi Mori :)

Sushi Mori is a contemporary Japanese cuisines and unique creations of rolls. There are also wide varieties of sushi sashimi, exotic fusion rolls and modern Japanese cuisines. First established in Surabaya in 2007 then opened the second restaurant in Jakarta.

Last Friday night, Sushi Mori and invited some food bloggers to taste the best-selling menu items at Sushi Mori, Central Park mall.

First, we were served Edamame and Ocha.

Edamame - Green Soy Beans

Ocha (Green tea) - Rp. 10.000

Then followed by
Mazeru Salad - Rp. 50.000
chuka hotate, chuka iidako, chuka wakame, chuka kurage

Fujiyama Roll - Rp. 60.000
Smoked salmon, crab stick, scallop

Before we continued with the other items of the menu. The sushi chef gave a demo on how to make Snow Crab Narudo Roll. 

Snow Crab Narudo Roll - Rp. 58.000
Crab stick, avocado, tobikko
Very refreshing. It's perfect as an appetizer.

After the sushi demo, there's a competition of creating sushi for 3 food bloggers. JenzCorner, AnakJajan and I volunteered for the competition. Guess who won it? It's JenzCorner. Congrats, Jen!

Here are our creations :)

And this is my sushi creation.
I named it as "Hana" which means flower in Japanese :)

As soon as the winner of the competition being announced, we went back to our tables and enjoyed all the food being served.

Sashimi Platter - Rp. 98.000
Salmon, tuna, mackerel, scallop, squid, crab stick

Volcano Roll - Rp. 50.000
jelly fish, shrimp, crunchy

Sake Enoki - Rp. 55.000
Enoki mushroom circled by salmon

Yoki Sake - Rp. 48.000
baked salmon and crab stick

Tori Katsu Teriyaki - Rp. 30.000
Fried chicken Teriyaki

Tobikko & Equail Egg Sushi - Rp. 30.000
Flying fish roe with raw egg

Matcha Ice Cream - Rp. 12.000

At the end of the food tasting event at Sushi Mori, we were served cold sake. Everyone raised their glass and said "Cheers...!!!" All the success to Sushi Mori and thank you for inviting me :)


Prices subject to 10% government tax and 5% service charge
Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.400
Sushi Mori
Central Park Mall
Lower Ground 115
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 28
West Jakarta
Tel: 56985255


  1. Sushi mori emang enak kok. Cuman kalo fushion entah kenapa I prefer Hachi-Hachi :)

  2. inez: Dulu gw suka makan sushi di situ tapi itu sebelum ganti nama jadi Hachi-Hachi. Sushi-nya disajiin ke customernya lewat conveyor belt.

  3. Dulu di tempat Hachi2 MTA ada Sakae Sushi... Dulu gw suka makan yg disitu..

  4. jenzcorner: Iya... namanya dulu Sakae Sushi :) Hachi2 udah pernah nyobain, Jen?

  5. Hachi2 pernah waktu dia baru buka di MTA, not impressed.
    Dr Surabaya juga.. Everything is overly marinated (sweet). Sushinya gede di nasi doang :p

  6. jenzcorner: Ah.. males banget deh kalo makan sushi tapi isinya cuma nasi doank. Serasa makan nasi dengan kecap asin deh, hehehe..
