Monday, September 3, 2012

Magnum Cafe

Magnum Cafe - outdoor

Today, JenzCorner, Urukyu, The Yummy Traveler and I were invited for a fast food chain's food tasting in Grand Indonesia mall. After the food tasting session, most of us were still feeling a bit hungry because the food during the food tasting was pretty light thus we decided to look for snack and dessert inside the mall.

When we passed the Magnum Cafe, it came to our surprise there was no line of people at all as usual.  Without any second thoughts, we directly went inside it. Well, as soon as we were inside, we could see this place was almost packed. Good thing, we still got a table.

Calamari Vindaloo - Rp. 35.000
Curry fried calamari  with kafir lime sauce. The calamari was well seasoned.

Champignon Frit - Rp. 25.000
Deep fried mushrooms with tartar sauce. Nice spongy mushrooms.

Crepes de Leuven - Rp. 35.000
Black forest crepes with dark chocolate truffle magnum stick, chocolate shavings, and cherry compote. I think the sweet sour cherry compote made a balance for the overwhelmed chocolate.

Left: Mont. St. Aubert - Rp. 29.000
Vanilla magnum shake with a mountain of crumbled Oreos, hazelnuts and whipped cream.
Right: Cafe du Belge - Rp. 29.000
I definitely will order this blended chocolate truffle magnum stick with fresh espresso and molten chocolate syrup. It's really good!

All price subjected to 5% service charge and 10% PB1 government tax.
Current currency: 1 USD = Rp. 9.550

Magnum Cafe
Grand Indonesia
West Mall 6th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1
Central Jakarta
Tel: 23580055

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.


  1. Magnum ice cream brings back memories. My cousin Virti, Deepmala and I together would enjoy Magnum ice cream on some nights. Can't forget the laughs and lazying around over Magnum ice cream. Yum! Lol

    1. laveena: It must be so nice having ice cream and good laugh with your cousins, nothing can beat it :)

  2. Replies
    1. stepahnie: uhmmm... coba dicek langsung aja ke Magnum Cafe-nya.

  3. hai Selba, saya lagi nyusun skripsi yang temanya Magnum Cafe, boleh minta tolong buat isi kuesioner saya

    makasih ya :)

  4. roottheroof: Hi Nuri, form kuesioner mengenai Magnum Cafe untuk skripsi kamu, sudah saya isi yah :)

  5. makasih banyak yaaa :D
