Friday, May 24, 2013

Soto Padang H. St. Mangkuto

Last week, after I tweeted about Soto Padang from the Artisanal Minangkabau Culinary Experience Press Conference, Natalia (Daniel's girlfriend) replied to my tweet. She told me about Soto Padang Mangkuto which according to her mom is one of the best Soto Padang in Jakarta. I got quite curious :) Thus, today, I went together with Natalia to have  Soto Padang Mangkuto for lunch.

Inside the restaurant.

 Rice  (1/2 portion) - Rp. 4.000 
The pink rice crackers on rice

Soto Padang - Rp. 26.000
Beef broth with small pieces of fried beef, vermicelli, and Frikadeller (fried potato dumpling). 

Red chili paste to add the flavor and spiciness.

Paru - Rp. 12.000 (3 small pieces)
We also had Paru (beef lung) to accompany our Soto Padang.
Current currency rate:
1 USD = Rp. 9.775
All prices are subjected to 10% tax.

Tell you the truth, this was my second time eating Soto Padang. It tasted different than my first Soto Padang at the Artisanal Minangkabau Culinary Experience. The aroma of cloves and cinnamon was pretty strong compared to Soto Padang Mangkuto which got a very mild aroma. I like both of them. Well, next week, there's a plan to try another famous Soto Padang in Central of Jakarta. I definitely will post about it, so stay tune ;)

Soto Padang H. St Mangkuto
Jl. Pintu Air Raya No. 26 Pasar Baru
Jakarta Pusat
Telp: 3857357

Disclaimer:The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.

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