Friday, August 1, 2014

MonViet at Kemang, Jakarta

I had heard so many times people are praising this authentic Vietnamese restaurant named MonViet that already has been serving for over 40 years in Vietnam. For sure, I really wanted to give a try but the location is too far from my place which is in Lippo Mall Kemang Village. I could not be happier when my ex-colleague who was craving for Vietnamese food, came up with an idea to have lunch at MonViet.

Cha Gio Re - Rp. 43.000
My ex-colleague and I enjoyed this delicious Vietnamese crunchy spring rolls very much. Dipped it into the sweet sour hot sauce definitely added a nom nom effect.

Pho Tai - Rp. 55.000
My ex-colleague's favorite rice noodle with freshly sliced beef, beansprouts, Vietnamese basil leaves and a slice of lime. 

Bun Bo Nuong Sa - Rp. 58.000
My choice was this wonderful dish, a combination of cold vermicelli with the tender lemongrass grilled beef, Romaine lettuce, cucumber, bean sprouts, pickled carrots and daikon, peanuts, and Vietnamese herbs (no idea what are all the names of the herbs). This dish was surely fragrant!

The best way to eat this dish is to mix all the ingredients with the sweet fish sauce.

Thai Milk Tea - Rp. 27.000
A good strongly brewed tea with condensed milk.
All prices are subjected to tax and service charge.
Current currency:
1 USD = Rp. 11.600

I totally enjoyed the food. It reminded me to the authentic Vietnamese taste that I had when I was traveling in Vietnam a few years back. I will absolutely come back again to MonViet! :)

Lippo Mall Kemang Village
The Avenue of The Stars
South Jakarta
Tel: 29528439

Disclaimer: The review and opinion expressed here are purely according to my personal taste. There's a possibility that the taste of the food might change later on, which could affect the review and opinion here. I also affirm that no monetary or non-monetary compensation has been received from this restaurant for writing this review.

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