Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bakmi GM

The best place for noodles in Jakarta. It has opened since more than 50 years ago. The noodles are made manually by hand.
I love the deep fried wonton dip into the sour sweet sauce. It's a must to eat whenever you are eating at Bakmi GM.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rumah Makan Garuda khas Minang/Melayu

Eating at a Padang restaurant can be really remarkable, not only because of the delicious food but also the waiter's attraction bringing the dishes onto the table :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pulau Dua

To fulfill, my ex-boss craving of Indonesian food which is ikan bakar (grilled fish) with Indonesian spices, we went for dinner at Pulau Dua seafood restaurant.

Food court

Sunday noon, I met my ex-boss from the US in Plaza Senayan. After some walking around and shopping, we went for lunch. My ex-boss was craving for Indonesian food because she has left Indonesia for more than 10 years, in the other hand, I was craving for Japanese food. Thus, we decided to go to the food court where we could find our desired food. She had her nasi uduk and me, I got my sushi. Both of us, were satisfied with our food :)

My Sushi from Ichiban Sushi
Nasi Uduk from Koedoes

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home cooked

I usually like to cook simple dishes during the weekends :)


Last weekend, mom cooked Rawon. Rawon is meat soup using "klewek" spice. Originally, Rawon is an East Java dish, eaten with white rice, bean sprout, kerupuk and also telur asin (salty duck egg).

 The ingredients:

The cooking:


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kue Ape

Kue ape is one of the traditional Jakarta snack which you can find on the street. It's like pancake but crispy surround it. Some people also named it as Kue Tetek (trans: breast cake), hehehe


The Wall Street Journal Asia
On 22 December 2010, I got featured on Wall Street Journal Life & Style - SCENE Asia.

Hang Out Jakarta Magazine
Selby's Food Corner is featured on Hang Out Jakarta - March 2012 issue.

The Jakarta Post
Selby's Food Corner was cited in the January 29th, 2013 edition of The Jakarta Post. Also, can be read online: On fusion sushi and blogging

Linked - Citilink Airlines Magazine
Selby's article about Tien Chao restaurant is published in the March 2013 edition.

Epicure Indonesia - Life's Refinements Magazine
May 2013 edition

Grand Prize Award
On 30 November 2010, Jakarta Culinary Festival (JCF) and awarded Selby's Food Corner blog with the Grand Prize - a Sony Bloggie, during the JCF Food Blogger's Dinner.

Nominated for The Best Culinary Awards Site 2019 at site.

Awards from bloggers.
Thank you so much for everyone who has been so kind and thoughtful to pass an award(s) to me.

It really means a lot to me :)

Given by TheNomadGourmand

Given by Xo

Given by Monica H, Sapuche, MaryBeth

Given by Helene, Bits of Taste

Given by Katherine Aucoin

Given by Mica Pie

Given by Yasmeen

Given by Sam

Given by Duchess
Given by The Gastronomy Aficionado

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ketupat Lebaran

During Hari Raya Lebaran or Idul Fitri Holiday, I had ketupat (the popular dishes which always eaten during this holiday) with sambal goreng krecek (fried beef skin) and petai (twisted cluster bean or well known as stinky bean).