Saturday, November 29, 2008

Homecooked: baked potato & pork

Yesterday, while browsing the internet, I found a recipe of baked potato with mustard. I love eating potato and also mustard, so I think it’s a good idea to give a try and eat it for today's lunch together with fried pork. But then, I forgot to write down the recipe and can’t remember in which website was the recipe.

Anyway, I tried my best to remember the ingredients but still I believe some ingredients are lacked. Well, this is how I made the baked potato with mustard. First, I boiled 4 potatoes for about 15 minutes; next, I cut them in cubes and added 1/2 of a granny smith apple which I already cut into small sizes. Then I mixed the potatoes and apple with a sauce that contains mustard, chopped garlic, oregano, salt and extra virgin olive oil. I put in the oven toaster for 15 minutes.

As soon as the potatoes went to the oven toaster, I moved to the pork. I wanted to make fried pork. I seasoned the pork with pepper, nutmeg and … oops… a big mistake! I added salt into the seasoning. I shouldn’t put the salt because it caused the juice from the meat came out as you can see in the picture. Still can fried the pork but it wouldn’t taste nice and tender, therefore, I made a little modification. I fried some onion with garlic, after that I put the seasoned pork into the frying pan.


  1. Looks delicious! Potato is my son's favourite too! Must give it a try one day. Btw, tks for the link. ;)

  2. Looks good...I love potatoes with mustard too.

  3. food for tots: Sounds like that your son and I got a lot of same favourite food :D
    My pleasure to put your link in my sidebar :)

    Pam: Thanks for visiting my blog, Pam :)
    Potatoes with mustard is definitley yummy.

  4. Again, apples in a savory recipe - yours is the 3rd I've seen in a week. It's becoming popular.

  5. olivia: Really? whoaaa... it's a trend then :D

  6. looks great ... I love potatos and mustard as well ;D

  7. noobcook: Give it a try, it's yummy ;)

  8. We make fried potatoes in mustard seeds and spices(coriander powder, turmeric, red chili powder). I wish I could try your potato recipe, looks so tempting.

  9. laveena: Your fried potatoes sounds really yummy, maybe you can share the recipe :)
