Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cafe Batavia

Located in the old town of Jakarta, Cafe Batavia is famous for its authentic decor from the colonial Dutch time in 19th century where Western and Chinese food are being served.



  1. Seems like a nice place

  2. a very interesting cafe, i must say. it reminds me of a restaurant in town called "frames" because like this one, they put up lots of framed pictures on the wall. ;)

  3. laveena: the atmosphere inside the cafe is really nice :)

    Nic: The framed pictures in Cafe Batavia are old pictures, mostly those old celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Beatles, etc ;D

  4. Any recommended food here? Nice ambience.

  5. food for tots: It was more than 10 years ago when I had dinner at Cafe Batavia, I remember the chicken kong pao was delicious :)

    Last month, I visited again but only for a drink, the Batavia juice which tasted refreshing.

  6. I love authentic looking restaurants.
    And look who is in the pic with you :)

    What did you eat?

  7. olivia: Authentic restaurants are nice, you can feel different ambience :)

    No, I didn't eat.. only went for a drink and chit chat ;)

  8. Is the Batavia juice = Pineapple juice?

  9. chen: Hehehe... Batavia used to be the old name of Jakarta.

    The Batavia juice contains of pineapple, guava, lime and some other juice, can't really remember it but yes, the main ingredient is pineapple, really freshy :)

  10. I should visit this place... SO many places to go to eat. But the thought of traffic really puts one off liow...

  11. nomadicmom: Hahaha.. yeah, the traffic jam here in Jakarta is very horrible!
    This place is quite nice for dining. I like the atmosphere there.
