Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bakmi Asui

This morning, I bought noodles from a noodle shop - Bakmi Asui, only 2 blocks from my house. It’s always very crowded especially in the morning. The meat is chicken and we can choose whether we want the breast or thigh part. It's a bit different than the other noodles because they give fresh lettuce and the chili sauce, it’s made from those very hot small green chilies.


  1. can't really see the noodle cos it's covered up by the chicken meat & lettuce. I presume it tasted nice since u mentioned the place is crowded :)

  2. hello!

    very interesting blog...i've never had Indonesian food before. i'll have to find a place around here to try it out..

  3. chen: hi chen, welcom to my food blog :)

    Hehehe.. I wasn't aware that it's kinda difficult to see the noodle because to many chicken meat and lettuce. Yes, it tasted yummy, especially by adding the chili sauce.

    mothermayi: Hello mothermayi, thank you for dropping by to my blog :)

    We got so many varieties of Indonesian food since there are more than 17.000 islands in Indonesia. I believe there are a lot of Indonesian restaurant in California :D

  4. tat chili sauce sure very spicy !! last time medan trip quite pitty 2 my stomach ... every meal also spicy <.<

  5. faye fly: You have been to Medan? Wow... that's cool. Yes, most of their dishes are spicy. Did you try the yummy snacks and cakes? :D

  6. sudden u made me crave for Indon food. it's hard to find in Msia, let alone Ipoh.

    i'll be making my way to Jakarta someday ....

  7. j2kfm: Indo food is difficult to find in Msia? Really?
    Make sure to visit Indonesia... It would be a great fun :D

  8. wow nice food blog!!
    please kidnap me and bring me to taste the nice food with you.... =)

  9. lcfu: Hi lcfu, thank you for dropping by in here and also the compliment. I would be really happy to bring you around to try the food if you visit Jakarta :)

  10. I have not visited Indonesia before...the noodles looks interesting, like more meat than noodles...haha

  11. ck lam: actually... a lot of meat, a lot of lettuces and also a lot of noodles, hehehe... Very fullfilling!

  12. An unusual combination was my first thought, but the more I look at it the more I want to try it, especially with the green chili sauce :)

  13. olivia: this is also my first time to eat noodles that have lettuce as the veggie, hehehe

  14. looks like comfort food on a cold day, especially with the hot hot chillie. but i will only dip the chillie a bit because of gastric.

  15. Hi, I love noodle too. This looks so healthy and tasty!

  16. mistipurple: agreed, noodles with the soup will comfort a cold day :) Ah.. too bad that you have gastric, heard that apple vinegar can cure gastric.

    bits of life n taste: You are also a noodles fan? This noodles isn't really oily and we even can ask the chicken without skin :)

  17. We also luv to have noodles as breakfast too during weekends. Yummy!;)

  18. food for tots: Noodles are perfect for breakfast in the weekend :D

  19. agree with Chen... it is covered by the vege and chicken meat...

    Indonesian food is quite close to Malaysian food... yum yum

    btw.. Thanks for dropping by my blog, your blog is great.

  20. Penang Tua Pui: Hi... nice to see you in my blog :)

    Hehehe.. true, the noodle is hardly to see coz of the meat and vege, next time will make sure to show more of the noodle part.

  21. Jkt whatever chili is super super hot! I learnt my lesson. *breath fire*

  22. tummythoz: LOL
    You are right! Most of Indonesian people love hot sambal. Pssstt.... tell you something, I'm not really into sambal, hehehe :D

  23. Hi Selba, thanks for dropping by my blog.

  24. little box: hello little box, thanks also for dropping by in my humble blog, come again ya :)
