Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kafe Pisa

I was really craving for Italian food... thus I went to one of the famous Italian restaurants in Jakarta - Kafe Pisa.

Lasagna Al Forno Rp.60.500
Spaghetti Gindara Rp. 57.500
Mozzarella Frita Rp. 59.500
Pizza Marinara Rp. 78.500
1 cone gelato Rp. 21.500
Lemon juice Rp. 25.000
plus 10% tax + 5% service charge

1 USD = Rp. 11.000
1 Ringgit Malaysia = Rp. 3.000

So delicious and perfect for a Christmas eve lunch, completely satisfied :)

Wishing you all


  1. The gelato looks so tempting! How many flavours had u tried? Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season!

  2. You ate all that food???

    The mozzarella sticks and the pizza look deelish.

    Glad you were able to enjoy something for Christmas, even if it's not cold or snowing over there!

    Merry Christmas, Selby!

  3. merry xmas and happy new year, selby!!!

    have fun and lotsa makan! ;)

  4. pisang goreng: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too, pisang goreng :)

    food for tots: One of the best for gelato in town :)

    I've tried many flavours but then my favourite are pistacchio and strawberry or any other kind of berry that tasted sweet sour.

    Happy holiday season to you too and your family! Enjoy your "pulang kampung" :D

    olivia: LOL
    Of course not.. I shared with 2 other colleagues. The marinara pizza was so delicious!

    The sun has been shining for these couple of days... but thank God, not really hot and still got a little bit of breeze :D

    Merry Christmast to you too, Livie!

    winn: hi winnie.. nice to see you in here :) Merry Christmas to you too and also liucas!

    nic: Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too, Nic!

    Yup.. and also not forgetting to snap the pictures of food, hehehe...

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

  6. That's you at the sidebar? Look so focused. ;)

  7. tummythoz: Yup! that's me! :D

    The picture was taken by a malaysian blogger during my visit to KL about 2 years ago.

  8. Season's greetings and a happy new year! :) Thanks for linking me :)

  9. Looks like a delicious meal. Happy holidays!

  10. noobcook: Happy Holidays, noobcook!

    My pleasure to have your link in my sidebar :D

    pam: Merry Christmas to you and your family, Pam :)

  11. swinebread: Merry christmas to you and your wife too, swinebread :)

  12. Nice !!! Hey, Merry Belated Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you ....

  13. timothy: hi timothy, thanks for dropping in here :)

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too..

  14. I love the pictures of gelato! Bonne Annee 2009

  15. a world in a pan: hello... thanks for dropping by in here :)

    The gelato is so delicious... everytime I go to Kafe Pisa, the gelato is a must to eat.

    Happy New Year 2009!

  16. I enjoyed a good authentic Italian. This Christmas I spent time with my folks enjoying food that they love!

  17. Pasta-Tomato-Cheese-Gelato

    Best comfort food ever!

  18. Oooh.. I'm hungry now!!! =)

    Merry Christmas!

  19. Wow .......... very nice food. Recently I was commanded by my house minister to take more vege than this kind of food.

    It is the cholesterol problem ....

  20. worldwindows: glad to hear that you and your folks are having a good time this christmas :)

    laveena: absolutely, it's the best comfort :)

    princess shin: welcome to my blog, come again ya :)
    Merry Christmas

    golfer: Hahaha.. well, once awhile eating yummy food for special occassion will be ok, just make sure to eat more veggie and healthy stuff during the ordinary days :)

  21. Beautiful looking gelato. I'm curious - what flavor is the blue colored one?

    Thanks for adding us as a friend on Foodbuzz. We welcome you to come visit our site!

  22. nate n annie: The blue gelato is the mint flavour. Funny though, coz usually I know that the choco mint ice cream is usually green colored with chocolate sprinkles :)

    Glad that we are connected in the friend list in foodbuzz :D

    Happy New Year 2009
