Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rumah Makan Sederhana

I've been eating at Padang Restaurants for the last 2 days in the row.

Yesterday, I had nasi padang at restaurant Garuda and today, I had it at Rumah Makan Sederhana.

At Garuda, there are more assortment but it's more expensive than Rumah Makan Sederhana.

As usual, I really enjoy the performance how the waiter is carrying the food to the table :) Sorry, the pictures kinda blur, the waiters weren't really cooperative since they must move and serve the food fast.


  1. looks like a very authentic place! yummy! and the waiters have good skills, eh? ;)

  2. nic: I guess Padang restaurants are authentic :)

    Oh yes.. definitely must have the skill, they can put almost 20 plates in one hand!!! Not sure how long they need to do the training.

  3. Well, you can enjoy both of the food and performance of the waiters. What a "bargain" then. ^=^

  4. christine: Exactly :)
    A good deal "bargain", hehehe...

  5. Look at all those delicious spicy and curry sauces! *droooooool*

  6. olivia: Padang food is one of the favourite dish for Indonesian people. It's really delicious and make you always want to eat more :)

  7. I thought they can do it with beer mugs during the Oktober feast but it looks these men have no problem with the big plates too...

  8. ck lam: Hahaha.. yeah.. those german ladies are so strong to carry a lot of heavy beer mugs! so unbelievable :)

  9. Selba become food expert now. You must love cooking too...

  10. I just love lots of small assorted dishes, which is probably why I get so happy over dim sum, since I can't get my hands on Padang cuisine over here.

  11. wow, so skillful the waiter..


  12. Hi there, Merry Christmas to you!!! *hugs*

  13. golfer: hi golfer! long time no see! how are you? :)
    Me a food expert? Hahaha.. No lah, no yet ;)

    Yes, I love cooking but I'm not really good in posting my cooking recipes, hehehe

    olivia: Ah.. too bad that Padang food hasn't gone out internationally yet. It's always fun to choose what food to eat since they put all their dishes on the table :D

    13th panda: hi 13th panda, so nice to see you in here :D

    I think the top requirement to work as a waiter in a Padang restaurant is the skill to carry all the dishes :)

  14. 13th panda: oh.. and Merry Christmas to you, oink and mango :)

    redsponge: hello redsponge, glad to see you in here :)
    Merry Christmas to you, your hubby and also baby cola!

  15. Padang food is so good for its variety. If I am staying a few days over one place I will definitely want to eat Padang. Stomach can't take too much spicy stuff. Once I have to skipped having it in Jambi while while friends had a gala good meal!

  16. wow, the amount of plates stacked on their arms are pretty amazing i must say. btw, Merry Christmas and Happy new year!

  17. What talented waiters. It sounds like you are eating very well. Happy holidays.

  18. Selby, wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  19. worldwindows: Padang food contains a lot of coconut milk and chili thus for someone people who got sensitive stomach, they need to be careful :)
    Ah.. you have been to Jambi? Was it nice?

    sc: Hehehe.. It's an interesting entertainment to see how those waiters are carrying those plates :D
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too :)

    pam: Hahaha.. couldn't resist to eat a lot when there're so many assortment.

    little inbox: hi little inbox, merry christmas and happy new year too to you and your family :)

  20. The waiters are so well-trained! Can they balance the cups as well?

  21. food for tots: the cups? uhmmm... not really sure about it. Maybe, I should ask them when I eat again in a padang restaurant :)

  22. What skills! On and on
    the waiters follow the drill
    Putting out assorted plates
    of meats
    and bread flavoured with dill

  23. laveena: hehehe.. well said! :D
